Hi All, I have the go ahead to start back to work on the 16th Sept Fran is already making up my cheese pieces Joking!! Who would have thought 4 months ago we were talking transplants and no lung space recovery. I have to thank all of you for the help and support you gave me when I was at my lowest and there is no way I can repay you. Matt/Fran
And Off To Work I Go. Mattcass: Hi All, I have the go... - NRAS
And Off To Work I Go. Mattcass

We could always share your Cheese pieces Matt
Good luck with your return to work
My husband worked at Heathrow Airport for years. Every morning i made up his lunch edamcheese sandwiches ( cheese must be wafer thin ) . As well as the rest of the food he had to have a banana every day. This banana had to be put in his lunchbox too. If I put it on top of his box you might be sure he'd put it in the box. How he ever ate those sandwiches stinking of banana I will never know. Anyway good luck to you going back to work. Hope everything goes well for you. Xxx
Good Luck for your first day back, you will feel like the new boy again. Do still keep posting when you have the time, it's been lovely hearing from you and your experience, especially poor Fran putting up with your escapades. Best wishes. xxx

Georje thank you, I still have a long road to go and if the RA stays away life will be a bit easier, I have tried to cover all the things that may go wrong if it gets to much I will retire on medical grounds .Matt/Fran
What a journey Matt, keep in touch and rest when u are home! Good luck xxxxx
Hi ho Mr Strachan!
Glad to hear you're returning, just remember to check your pockets first
What are cheese pieces, some regional delicacy?
I'm sure Fran will be bereft, will she stare forlornly down the road to see you coming home, cheese intact?
All the best
Ronnie x
Great news, MattCass. Good luck. Clemmie
So glad for you I enjoy working even though some days are really tough but it gives me that challenge every day to keep going. Woo hoo you!
good luck and pleased with your news x
Brilliant news for you Matt, good luck & I hope your cheese pieces are happy too!!
As the others have said keep in touch when you can.....don't forget strictly's soon! X
Brilliant new Matt,it has been a journey and a half you have been on. Well here's to better times for you. Really pleased for you.xxxxx
That's brilliant news Matt,well done to both of you. What fighters you've been,great team work. Am I right in thinking that a peice is a bite to eat, it's a Scott's word isn't it. My aunt had a farm in Aberdennshire & us kids would be allowed to have our peice with the farm workers in the morning which was great fun for us but not sure the farm workers got any 'peace'. Best if luck & stay intouch x
Scouser thank you, I still have a long road to go and if the RA stays away life will be a bit easier, I have tried to cover all the things that may go wrong if it gets to much I will retire on medical grounds .Matt/Fran (I will check with Ronnie to see if my Oscar is still valid, if not I'm not going back to work)
Well done you, hope it all goes well. One day at a time enjoy it whilst you can. I never thought I'd miss my job as much as I am doing. But we all have to cope the best we can. Well done again.
Great to hear your news. Good luck with the return to work.
Hi Matt sorry i am so late to this. Just wanted to say so very pleased for you. Best wishes xx
Fantastic! That is such good news. I do recall very much your chaos and worries and as it was all quite recently. it did seem it would be a long haul back but I am so glad you are much better sooner! I am steady on Humra and steroid injection (think it's the latter doing the work as only had two Humiras!) but let's hope I calm down too with the mad joints! So happy for you and your wife. Julie x
Hi Julie thank you, The Hydroxy, Diclofenic, Steriods, are keeping the RA under control well sometimes, my lungs are coping due to all the walking we have done, So until the RA attacks my lungs again which they will I've been told no sense sitting around waiting for it to happen. Hope your pain and joints settle down. Matt/Fran
Thank you, Matt. I am hoping Humira is going to help me Steroid is still doing its magic! Hope your lungs stay free of trouble and do come and tell us how work is going. It is all about us controlling the RA and not it controlling us.
I do wish you a long career at work, just be sure to rest as much as you can!! All the best to you both, Loret from the States xxx
Wow Matt - I can remember not so long ago this seemed like a very distant possibility only likely following very invasive surgery. So pleased thing have improved to such a degree. I know there are never any guarantees, especially with anything RA related, but I will be sending positive vibes that things continue to go well for you x