This is the 3rd month that my ESR and CRV have been up and don't understand why. Not been really flaked out with the RA although chest infections and colds earlier in the year didn't help. Have got some aches and pains in my legs and both shoulders, my right little finger is very swollen and my feet hurt as well so perhaps that is all to do with it. Not to mention back ache too. Rheumy nurse thinks the finger may be osteo - Oh joy, more to cope with. I've got osteo in both knees as well as the RA. Still waiting for a date for my foot op -hoping it will be July when things are much quieter.
Rheumy has just reduced the MTX as well from 25 to 20 mg. He will not be too pleased!
Everything else seems ok on the rest of the blood tests.
Had another blood pressure check this morning - very slightly up on last week but overall is still coming down which is a relief. Eyes very sore and gritty and gunged up in the mornings and watering also, so got some antiseptic drops from the pharmacy - one for each eye so as not to cross infect.
Beautiful day here today again - temperature on the car was 17 degrees when I drove down to the post office. Berry is out in the garden enjoying the sun. Will have my lunch out there again today and try to ignore what needs doing in the garden this weekend.
Hope everyone has a really good, pain free weekend and enjoys the sunshine.
LavendarLady xx