Diagnosed with RA in Jan, RA factor then was 470;disease activity 90; ESR10 das28=5.8. I had120mgdepo-Medrone Injection them 15mg MTX,200mg Hydroxy, Folic acid 5mg once a week, this being my treatment with fortnightly blood tests, Everything going well Bloods all going down, saw Rheumy Nurse in april CRP down to 0.5 DAS 1.44 still had tender joints in couple on hands , toe joints. Fatigue still very bad. Suggested when I'd been on MTX 3months if still experiencing probs to up MTX to 20mg =8 tablets which I did 2 weeks ago... No probs that week, but this week from Tuesday onwards I have been so ill, Nausea, sickness, hot & cold chills, the need to sleep, Im now scared to take my MTX tonight!!!! Do I take 6 or 8 ???? I don't know, today is the first day I have felt nearly back to normal, no nausea no feeling as if Im hung over. I cant ring the Rheumy dept as bank holl weekend.
What do you my fellow suffurers think??? My GP put me on Tramodol 50mg Monday, I'm also thinking could it be down to them as well, im in constant pain in my hips. I just don't know what to do, Im more scared taking them tonight than when I first started!
Sorry to go on so, but I would appreciate your advice to what I should do....
Rie xxx