Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and stumbled upon it to see if the symptoms I'm experiencing in my body are actually just a result of quitting smoking. I quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago after smoking for 11 years (I started at 12, I'm 23 now). It fluctuated how much I would smoke throughout the years, but I was always under the 'a pack a day' range. I felt the rapid heart rate, anxiety increase, difficulty breathing phase very early on, but my sleeping wasn't too bad. It seems like a lot of weirder symptoms have had a delayed onset... around two weeks ago some joints have been aching on and off and all my bones are cracking WAY more than they used to (before it was just my knees). It doesn't hurt when it cracks. I have also woken up to my left hand tingling some nights. My sleep has become interrupted and I don't exactly shake, but vibrate, and my heart rate hasn't decreased all that much. Also developed stiff neck, tight muscles and TMJ (I grind my teeth when stressed). My chest still hurts sometimes but it's just my right side so I don't worry about my heart, this could also be anxiety. It all just seems to be happening all at once. I was wondering if quitting smoking has something to do with these feelings.
Perhaps I'll keep observing and if they don't fade talk to a doctor about it, but I just want to know... Has anyone experienced this delayed onset of symptoms? Is the joint cracking something you've experienced and does it subside/how can I help it subside? I am working on relaxation techniques, meditating more, doing yoga, scheduling massages. I'm so determined to take care of this body I've been abusing for years now, and it just shows that I need to work on other self-care techniques, not just lighting up when I feel stressed.
I get the cravings, but it's not as hard as just thinking that I didn't have these problems before I quit... I was super active and energetic. I was still anxious but not this much. I know that smoking now would just make it worse and not help the situation - but sometimes it makes me wish I never tried to quit...
Thank you to anyone that has read this far. I really appreciate your time.