Hi everyone, I'm really struggling with trying to stop smoking again. I had stopped for 7 years and never thought about having a ciggie! Then last April my husband had a stroke and that put me straight back on them. Now i've tried everything and i just can't stop again. I used patches the first time and i found it really easy but this time round it's just not working. Does anyone have any advice?
Struggling: Hi everyone, I'm really... - No Smoking Day

You've proved you can do it and just think about all the reasons you do smoke, then all the reasons you don't won't to smoke. Make two lists and I'm pretty sure one will be pretty short.
Take everyday at a time,hour by hour if need be and have your lists handy to remind yourself of your reasons to stay stopped.Will power and a positive attitude are key, good luck and as you already know it does get easier over time...
Ultimately it really is up to you but I'm sure you already know this. Good luck and use this site it helps me daily.

Thanks for your suggestions. I've put a patch on again and I'm determined to try it again. Wish me luck 😉

Have you considered using an ecig? They sometimes get a bad press with people saying you’re just trading one addiction for another but they can be used as a very effective quit aid. I used one after trying other methods and it worked for me. Once I became comfortable with not smoking I weaned myself off the vape quite easily. A few others have done the same on here as well.
Thanks Nozmo for your suggestions. I've put a patch on again but I'm determined to crack it this time. I have found an ecig that my husband used so I'll use it as well. I'll let you know how I get on. 😁