I am still depressed, anxiety is easing though motivation low. I keep thinking maybe if I go back to smoking I will be myself again, though dont want to. Does it really get better.
84 days quit and still struggling - No Smoking Day
84 days quit and still struggling

Hi Julie. Yes it really does get better. I asked myself that quite frequently and still do and I am a year free. Stay with the advice of others. Stay quit. Ask yourself the pros and cons if smoking. It’s hard but it will pass. Stay strong 💪🏻

The way I understand over-eating, smoking, drinking or any addiction is they are often coping mechanisms to mask something deeper within us. It's a habit we enjoy because maybe we think life is too difficult without it. Why is life difficult without it? Because we love to distract ourselves from ourselves. I've also had depression/anxiety for most of my life and deal with it through low-carb, exercise and talking to those I trust. I try not to make it a focus in my life and understand one small word gets me out of stinking thinking. That small word is "DO". I need to get up and DO my laundry, DO my job, DO go to church, DO volunteer, DO visit a friend instead of isolate myself etc etc. Often once I DO ... the feeling follows and I've distracted myself in a healthy way. The pit of self is a bottomless void and addiction works in concert with focus on "self". I'm not saying any of this as a judgement of you. Rather I think addiction likes to fool us into thinking it helps ... when in fact it harms. Maybe after 3 months smoke free, to 'be myself again', is to find a new identity and that takes insight into ourselves and a lot of practice. It's a life skill. When I look at people who don't have addictions .. how they live ... I see they're not erupting into joyful bursts of happiness every minute of the day. In fact they can feel hum drum too. But they are busy doing a lot more so I know that is the path for me.

Good to hear from you Julie_Trying - sorry to read the feelings of depression and low mood and motivation have not improved but please be assured this is normal and unfortunately varies from person to person on how long it lasts and its severity. For me, the grief of not smoking probably lasted up to 6 months, but definitely improved around the 3 month mark. Below pinned post is worth a read as you approach your 3 months.
There is some things you can do to ease these feelings, drink loads of water, avoid caffeine and alcohol, eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, bit of a walk every day to clear the head. Take time out for yourself, pamper yourself with baths and scented candles, Also, as advised previously, herbal and vitamin supplements will also help.
Stay close to us and post anytime
Thank you Roisin01, your advice is encouraging.
100 days now Julie_Trying - how is things?
Thanks for checking Roisin01, I am still not smoking and still difficult. The tricky thing is that the depression and anxiety may have small relationship to quitting though more to do with grief for marriage breakup etc. I still think that smoking might help though know this really isnt so.
I promise Julie_Trying your mind will adapt to life's curve balls and not associating them with smoking. I smoked to live my day to day life and used it as a crutch for happy times, sad times, stress, grief etc.. and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I kick the habit but here I am now over 3 years on smoke free Once you have the belief and determination to fight, you can achieve this....

Your body and mind will come up with a million reasons to start smoking again because nicotine is a drug and it enjoys it, it's upto you not to give it. It's not going to be a funny happy experience, it's hard long and tiring but it is better for your health and your pocket.
By all means go back to smoking if you think you'll be happier, which you won't be in the long run, because you'd not be here now if that were the case !!.
Keep going and be strong, it's you against nicotine and it will be one of the hardest things you've ever done.

It gets better, almost at 1 year and I'm leveling out..🚭🔡 Jeff