I finally decided to join the forum after spending the last couple weeks of my quit reading other people's experiences. I've quit smoking cold turkey, and alone. Everyone around me smokes, it's impossible to avoid, since I live in a country that still has very relaxed laws.
Generally I am a very outgoing person, but today especially I have been very moody for no reason why. The most frustrating part is it's impossible to work still, make music or do anything I love since my attention spam is completely gone after 15-20 minutes.
People around me make comments that I am not really here, so it's a noticeable difference. I guess it has improved since last week, since it was every 3-5 minutes.
How long will it take to have my focus back?
I am still having to take moments to deep breathe to get rid the cravings. I am struggling and sometimes I still think I would like to smoke but then I remember the vicious cycle that follows...
Thanks for listening, it's been very difficult since I have no one to talk too, to help encourage me or anyone to congratulate me on my quit, since everyone I know smokes.
I would like to end on a positive note, music has never sound as beautiful as it does now, maybe I was always in a fog ready for my next cigarette and was never really feeling it. Anyone else have that experience?