Hello all and good afternoon. So Roison asked how my day one was going and i thought i should make a post. So on the interest of open honestly i will say i started out smoking this morning, was angry because i didn't get enough sleep last night and was pretty set to "start on a better day". Thank goodness for my hibs who even though he isnt quitting smoking is very supportive of my quit because he said what i needed to hear, that i was just making excuses and i would keep putting it of so i havent had a cigarette since this morning and im hitting the vape a lot . once i get back used to being on the vape i think things will smooth out. I didn't excuses will always be there but im gonna do this 😈 one way or the nother
Sort of day one?: excuses excuses - No Smoking Day
Sort of day one?: excuses excuses
Good to read Pattygirl1992 and appreciate your honesty - did you write down your reasons for stopping and have it visible around you - this is a great idea if not stopping directly to health issues. I stopped as woke up in the early hours of the morning, coughing and couldn't get my breath, knew if I didn't stop there and then I was going to slowly kill myself. I was so scared lying in the darkness and that has stayed with me never to light up a cigarette again....
You and your husband are spot on with the excuses - you never know, you could be an inspiration to him to stop, mine stopped a year and a half before me and wished everyday I could stop before I did....
Wishing you strength to get Day 1 over you - busy here shining your badge
I appreciate it feeling better now that i am put of work. My shift was crazy and working at a gas station leads to a lot of temptation. All of my coworkers smoke and we sell cigarettes and a lot of our customers smoke and smell like a walking cigarette butt. But every time i overcome something it gets easier (its what im telling my self anyway. ) im going to beat this . i am young and otherwise in perfect health i don't want this to be the thing that does me in .
Pattygirl...Do not blame yourself ..to quit is not easy ......the only thing that matters is the fact that you continue trying to quit..Good for you.
You recognised the dangers of smoking....please look up on the internet what is happening in your brain when you quit....It will give you the knowledge of how to cope without a cigarette..
"Know thy enemy" Strongs !!
Never stop trying. That's the hardest thing, your mind.
Look around you and observe the motions it takes just to smoke, let alone, the money and time. Have faith in your quit without putting yourself out. Quit setting a time for disappointment. You will know when that time is right.
I'm 4 months, 5 days into quit. It helped me to track the time I didn't smoke. Check out the cessation meter.
Good luck, keep trying and reach out to this site for encouragement