I'm new - Morning after stopping: Hi all! I'm... - No Smoking Day

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I'm new - Morning after stopping

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free
34 Replies

Hi all!

I'm El :D This is my second attempt at quitting - I stopped for a week 2 weeks ago and then fell for the 'just one' trick!

My problem is that I keep losing sight of why I'm actually quitting. I have my list and all that, which has a huge amount of reasons on it, but then when it comes down to it none of those seem to matter.

I keep making all these big promises before I go to bed; this is my last cigarette, ever! And then when I wake up all those promises go out the door. The old 'just one more, and then that one will be my last one' keeps convincing me. But the last one keeps being more and more.

I'm worried I don't actually WANT to stop smoking, does anyone else experience this? If I don't WANT to, am I truly going to be able to?

I stopped years ago as we wanted to have kids and I didn't want to be a smoking pregnant mum - it was easy then, I guess because I had a really great reason.

You all seem so supportive, I thought I'd throw myself in here and see what happens :)

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OffMyCloud profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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34 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome OffMyCloud and congratulations on Day 1(???). I will be 2 years quit in September cold turkey. Woke up in the middle of the night coughing and not able to get my breath and said enough is enough, I knew I was slowly killing myself, smoked half a cig and never looked back, it was a bumpy road to get to where I am today but so worth it.

Yeah, 100% mindset is key to success, you have to with all your heart want to quit. If you feel cold turkey is too hard for you, perhaps try a quitting aid (link below):


Knowledge is also power in quitting - what to expect, below is some helpful posts if not already read:


Stay close to us and keep us updated :)

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

THank you 😊

Silly though, I feel I should want to, and at the time I really do want to. Until the next morning, sigh. I lapsed but will try again.

Ive been reading lots on whyquit and have read Alan carrs book too. I have a hypnosis type one too so no shortage of books 😂

J9_54 profile image
J9_544 Years Smoke Free in reply toOffMyCloud

Perhaps you need another motivator to stay off the fags? I personally put a £5 in a jar every day I didn't smoke to begin with as I really wanted a lovely Radley hand bag 🎒 and it was expensive but the money soon mounted up, I soon got a reward and now have a daily reminder of how much money I was literally burning on fags. Don't give up trying. Good luck.

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toJ9_54

Thank you J9 :) That's a great idea, a great reminder of an awesome achievement! I always paid for all smokes with my card, so never took any money out - I live in the bush so can't take the money out either. Might have to open a 'smoke savings' account hey!

Thanks again :D

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

OffMyCloud...Welcome..My wife had the the same theory...She did not smoke during pragnancy (Whe are blessed with 3 lovely sons) and 2 hours after given birth she smoked..Our sons is 5 years appart the first two and then a late commer 10 years after the second.... and then she had a major heart attack 8 years ago and never smoked since...she was also looking for a reason and that reason almost came to late...!!

You really want to quit... Take the plunge and take the NOPE pledge ...... I can promise it is a wonderful new life without that dependance on a substance that actually do nothing for you except to make you smell bad...and deprive you from the life you should be living..!!

You can do it...!!!!

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toHercu

Thank you Hercu!

Much needed supportive words :)

I've not smoked for 2 hours now, and I know that doesn't sounds like a lot, but all my other quit attempts barely made it past half an hour before I caved in.

Women are like that I think - we'll do anything for our kids (including quit smoking when pregnant) but to stop 'for ourselves' is extremely hard.

I'm glad to hear your wife has recovered, thank goodness!

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply toOffMyCloud

Well done...2 hours is excellent..Keep busy and your mind occupied...You can do it !! Stay strong !!

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toHercu

Yay :) Still going strong! 4 hours. Nearly bed time here in Aus so that's good - don't smoke when I sleep

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toOffMyCloud

'Don't smoke when I sleep' think every quitter has this thought - I certainly did and had many an early night after a bath in the early days and weeks of my quit, wishing you strength and hope things are still going well and back on track :)

Stay close to us.....

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

Thank you!

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

Did your cravings last a long, long time Roisin? And how on earth are you managing to be on every post at all times of the day? You're amazing! You go woman :D

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toOffMyCloud

Everyones quit is different but would say the bad cravings lasted until the 12 week mark but as each day passed the easier they became to overcome - kept telling myself the cravings will pass and won't kill me but continuing to smoke will kill me.....

When not out and about, I do try to be around the community a good bit especially for new members, I promise I do eat, drink and sleep :D ;)

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

Well, I think that's amazing Roisin, thank you for your dedication! I didn't think it would make a big difference, but it has actually been so helpful being able to check in every morning seeing all these great support messages :D.

My husband came home unexpectedly yesterday. I'd planned my quit so I had quite a few days before he came home because he's a smoker, so I had a momentary panic attack! One big cry when I caught a whiff of smoke, but other than that I didn't smoke and didn't have too much drama resisting either - woohoo!

Should I stop talking on this same post or am I ok to keep going? I couldn't figure out how to tag people in my answers, nor whether to start new topics on day 2, 3, 4....

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toOffMyCloud

I would create new posts for your update posts so it will be seen in the newsfeed by other members - to tag, place '@' before the members name wait for the profile to appear and click on the member you wish to tag... delighted things are going well for you :)

J9_54 profile image
J9_544 Years Smoke Free

Hi El,

I personally went cold turkey and just stopped having that one cigarette too. It's hard but everything worthwhile in life usually is. For me I had a constant supply of chocolate limes on my person and I tricked myself by replacing that fag with a one of these weird sour sweets until my brain had disassociated itself with the idea of having just one fag.

Keep trying and if you need some extra help speak to your GP about Champix half my colleagues at work have given up after taking it and some of them were diehard 60 a day smokers.

Good luck,

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply toJ9_54

J9...Excellent advice...I am a living example...smoked 38 years without even trying to quit and consumed 60 per day...Stopped completely 12 days after starting the Champix course 25 months ago..Never looked back...Yes it can be done !!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toJ9_54

Hey J9_54 - not long now until you join us in the penthouse :O

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toJ9_54

Thank you! I'm not much of a sweets person so I was having a hard time finding something to replace the smokes with... I ended up finding some natural licorice sticks (dried roots) to chew on. I think they taste disgusting really, but they're keeping my hands and mouth occupied and maybe they'll help me disassociate too, like you mentioned :)

Maybe if I think of these licorice sticks everytime I think of smokes I'll never smoke again :) I dunno about Champix - I'm really into natural therapy and not much into drugs unless absolutely necessary - sounds weird, I know since I was pumping my body full of toxic smoke every day whilst eating healthy.... lol

Setbackpatch profile image
Setbackpatch1 Year Smoke Free

I understand your struggles. Been in the same situation since January. Looking for the key that will give me the commitment to say enough and quit for good. Perhaps members could share what their situation was that gave them the determination and commitment to quit?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toSetbackpatch

Welcome to our community Setbackpatch - hope to see you in Day 1 of the best journey of your life very soon - see below poll I created a few months ago with reasons for quitting - Health and Illness topped the poll, with fear of the damage caused not far behind - there is also some comments too if you want to have a read through (other interesting polls there too that may be of interest to you....


OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toSetbackpatch

I know Setbackpatch! I ended up finding solace in the statement that, in reality, I don't actually want a smoke. It's the smokes making me want a smoke. They are the reason I'm having all these issues and trouble quitting.

It made a big difference when I realised that this feeling, the withdrawals, are not actually me wanting a smoking, or even enjoying a smoke. These withdrawal feelings ARE actually the addiction. They are not a yearning for pleasure, they are the ADDICTION talking.

Assem profile image
Assem1 Year Smoke Free

Hi OffMyCloud and welcome I'm quoting you "And then when I wake up all those promises go out the door" you are describing my status perfectly 2 and half months ago. Now I am 2 months smoke free using champix. I wish you happy life as a non smoker 😀

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toAssem

Thank you Assem! Guess what, with all this support, this morning there weren't any promises going out the door! Promises are still intact and I will not smoke today :)

SheenaL profile image
SheenaLValued Contributor


Girl I know all too well about those swearing off periods... "I'll quit tomorrow, but I'll enjoy smoking today." Then another month rolls around and hundreds of cigarettes later, I'd still be toking away on my porch, feeling guilty as sin. I quit because of a health scare almost 2 months ago, and I just enjoy being smoke free too much now to even think about going back. I'm around people who smoke every day so naturally my second nature is to think of those old days smoking and coughing like a flu victim all the time. I never thought I would ever quit smoking because I thought I was doomed to be a smoker since everyone says how hard it is to quit. To me, the hardest decision is picking a quit date. Once I decided to quit the same day of my health scare I knew it would be a bumpy ride, but a ride well worth it. What was better was knowing I am not the only one who ever quit smoking and was scared of what was yet to come. This group is pretty cool because I can find posts of people who have the same questions, obstacles, and successes as me and it makes each day that much easier. One day at a time. 5 minutes at a time sometimes. Whatever it takes, don't smoke for today. Hope you enjoy your day and drink plenty of ice cold water. Good luck and God bless, hun. :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toSheenaL

SheenaL really excellent reply and inspiring advice, I hope all our newbies read this, thank you for sharing such a honest and heart felt reply :)

SheenaL profile image
SheenaLValued Contributor in reply toRoisinO1

Aww, thanks Roisin :) Just trying to give back to the community just as you and the others have done for me.

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toSheenaL

Thank you Sheena, your statement 'I just enjoy being smoke free too much now to even think about going back' is huge. That's what I'm working towards! My hubby smokes and his smokes lie all around the place. I got him to not smoke inside the house, but he still smokes in the toilet. Probably because smoking makes you go :P.

I'm getting convinced it is a ride well worth it. Thankfully not due to a health scare, but due to having a coughing fit during an exercise session I really wanted to succeed in. Instead I was sitting on the ground gasping for air, how embarrassing for someone who's meant to be young and fit!

Shame on me for treating my body like that every single day for so long but it's not too late to turn it back :)

Thank you for your support, I so appreciate it!

SheenaL profile image
SheenaLValued Contributor in reply toOffMyCloud

I totally know how you feel about being embarrassed while working out. I had a mini stroke while I was doing pull ups at Crossfit. Although the doctors said it was due to strenuous exercise and suggested I stop exercising, I just knew that smoking had to be just a bit at fault too. I have so much energy at the gym now it is amazing. I don't have to take as many breaks as I used to and I find myself doing better than those who have never smoked. It's awesome. Good luck, sweetie :)

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free

Yep, Australia :D - became a citizen in 2015, love this country so much! (I was born in Holland). You're very right - it's now 28 hours smoke free, and not long till bed time!

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free

That's amazing! Something to strive for :) Thanks again for all your help, I'm still going strong 43 hours on!

Lanark profile image
LanarkValued Contributor

Off my cloud. Stay with it please and have a strong word with your man. Please understand that you cannot have a discussion or debate or a conversation about not being a smoker any more. You cannot ever reason with yourself about "having just the one". You must draw a line in the ground and step over it into the rest of YOUR life (don't give your money and life to Imperial Tobacco or The Philip Morris Group etc). You must decide to make the simple step. You must decide for yourself that you are not a smoker any more. It is that simple. Then you must never put a cigarette in your mouth ever again and you must never buy any tobacco products ever again. There can be no debate, discussion or going back after you have stepped over the line.

I stopped overnight eleven years ago after my young nephew took his own life. Being a smoker and slowly committing suicide just seemed so clearly wrong. This year I watched my dear brother die of Cancer. He was my best friend too. It was awful. He got five weeks from the diagnosis and died in the middle of March. We should have been fishing together for the next three decades.

Do yourself a favour, be good to yourself, make the decision, step over the line and get on with the rest of your life. Don't think about tobacco any more. You do not get any second chances in this life. Philip Morris Group and Imperial Tobacco don't give a sh*t about you or your husband.

OffMyCloud profile image
OffMyCloud1 Year Smoke Free in reply toLanark

Thank you Lanark ,

It's been an awful day today, day 3 of my quit, but I didn't smoke. I am feeling so sad for you about your brother :( It must have been an absolute nightmare to go through that - I will remember it in my days to come. I have taken a vow and I am going to stick with it.

Today I felt terribly sad, like I had lost something incredibly precious to me, but your reply has put things into perspective. I still feel sad, but I know I'm kicking it for a good reason. It never was my friend.

Thank you again :)

Lanark profile image
LanarkValued Contributor in reply toOffMyCloud

Stay with it. You have made a brilliant decision. You have taken your life back. I love that. My late brother would have loved that too. But please don't remember or dwell on thoughts of my brother's Cancer death. He wouldn't want that. He was a doctor. He would say something like "Remember all the great things in your life, and treasure all the fine times. Have plenty more of them."

For a little while I sometimes felt a bit sad after I stopped smoking eleven years ago. But I felt sad all the time anyway because my nephew had taken his life. I was in shock for about six months and deep grief for years. But the stopping smoking thing that I did at the time... it WAS like I'd lost something, but to be truthful I mostly felt incredibly stupid... like I had been duped into poisoning myself all those years and parted with very hard-earned money. A really cruel nasty joke had been played at my expense. Then I just stopped thinking about tobacco altogether and just got on with my life.

You are absolutely correct - Tobacco Companies and Smoking were NEVER your friends. Say "Bye Bye" and turn your back on them forever. Be good to yourself.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toLanark

Lanark what a powerful post - think I said this before to you, would you mind creating a new post with these words - these kind of posts are invaluable especially to new members beginning their journey (just go to the top right hand of this page below the community ribbon and click on the green button 'Write a post'

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