Will I ever do it?: Hi all I am new on this... - No Smoking Day

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Will I ever do it?

18 Replies

Hi all

I am new on this site. I have smoked for 60 years now. Have tried to stop on several occasions with tablets, hypnosis and just willpower on other occasions, but I always relapsed. I do want to stop, but being an octogenarian my incentive now is a bit suspect, say the least. I fully understand the health problems smoking can and does cause and the cost is absolutely ridiculous. What I need is help and support with is etting up a plan to get me started, or rather quitting, once more. Only one of my many friends smoke, so temptation is no problem on that score. Help!!!

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18 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Hidden - you have come to the right place for help and support :) Yes you can do it!!!

I am over 3 years smoke free cold turkey and never looked back. Hand on heart and the good auld cliche, if I can stop, anyone can :)

I think the secret to success is to have 100% focus, determination and the want to never put another another cigarette into your mouth. Take it one day at time, embrace it and the new found healthier life you are gaining. You will never regret stopping :)

Have a read through members posts and their stories, struggles, triumphs etc... and the pinned posts as knowledge is power 💪

Looking forward to your Day 1 post very soon :)

in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Roisin01. I have been busy reading numerous posts about other peoples struggles to quit. It is oddly comforting to know I am not alone in this. Believe it or not, I once stopped for 6 months, many years ago. And then I started to put on weight despite all my miles and miles of fell walking and got depressed. That was the end of my quitting.

I am determined to try again, this time for good. I am considering to use willpower alone, rather than patches or other aids. I have done it in the past, though it did not last very long. I consider myself a strong, independent person - stubborn my friends call it. And even at 82 I still go on 6 to 8 mile hikes, sometimes alone, sometimes with my club friends. But am I asking too much of myself? I am hoping to start day 1 tomorrow. Tomorrow - always tomorrow. I have to get myself emotionally prepared for it. I wounder if anyone else here has been successful without patches etc.?

Scarlet123 profile image
Scarlet1233 Years Smoke Free

Many attempts later I finally managed to stop cold turkey.

You can do it. You’ve done it before so go for it.

Breathing through the cravings helped me plus exercise and fruit,

Veg and sleep.

And, believing that the feelings of discomfort was the brain having a melt down and that it would get better and heal which it did!!

Go for it!! Don’t look back. 💕

in reply to Scarlet123

Thank you so much, Scarlet123.

Unfortunately, I do not sleep very well, to help me through it. Many nights I only get 2 hours sleep.

I hope to start tomorrow, but I dread what is to come. Please keep nudging me to remind me of my goal. I really need to do this.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Yes, as mentioned in my reply, I am over 3 years smoke free cold turkey and we have several members gggg123 is 7 years cold turkey too.

Fair play to you at 82 being so active which will be a great help to you in the initial stage of your journey.

Wishing you strength tomorrow, have the belief that you CAN succeed and never smoke again. Continue to read and stock up water, fresh whole fruot and vegetables. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugary foods as contributes alot to anxiety and craving episodes.

gggg123 profile image
gggg1237 Years Smoke Free

I hope people don't have a go at me for saying this but if I were you I'd not bother quiting. I know it's a stupid thing to say but at 82 I'd not bother with the stress of quiting, the chance you have illness or that one will be triggered by quiting, yes that does happen.

You have learned god knows how many year's of habit and all of it has to be undone and it is HARD and it never really ends, you just get use to it.

If you are wanting to quit because of health reasons then take up vaping it's a bit easier on the lungs but if you can afford to keep smoking and you enjoy it, I'd just do it.

Take care friend....

in reply to gggg123

Thank you for your honesty, gggg123. For the past 10 years I have been thinking on the same lines, thinking "What is the point at my age?" My general health has been very good until 2 years ago. I am still extremely active hiking and playing table tennis. Even now I do not need any regular medication. The thing is, whenever I do have a health issue, which at my age should not be all that surprising, I am being asked: "Do you smoke?" And the accusing looks I get make me feel guilty as if everything was my own fault. Of course, everything is blamed on smoking and the time that we are refused treatment may not be too far off. That may well be the reason for one of my appointments with a specialist is being deferred for a second time. Hence my decision to stop. I have tried vaping, but I really dislike it. So here is my dilemma. The stress may do me more harm than good, but I will try.

gggg123 profile image
gggg1237 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Well good luck but don't be hard on yourself to the extreme. It is very difficult so go easy, even if you at your age reduce your intake, personally that is good enough........yeah vaping isn't for everyone I agree.

Good luck.....

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to gggg123

I thought the same myself gggg123 and agree that it may be too much stress for you Hidden , but as you came on an online support community, I offered you advice and really hope you can stop but as gggg mentioned don't be too hard on yourself and just try your best and see what happens.

Wishing you strength for tomorrow. Post anytime and as often as you need, we are here to help you :)

PS Below is a pinned post worth a read if not already done so:


in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Roisin01. Your tips sound very useful, but probably easier said than done. I'll see how things work out and keep you posted.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

How did today go Hidden ?

in reply to RoisinO1

Decided to take one step at the time.

Day 1

I cut down yesterday from 15 cigs to 5. Hoping to keep it up for a week or so. It is still hard, but manageable and not quite as drastic. Then I maybe will go down to 4 a day for another week and so on. When the urges come I place a hanky with Olbas Oil over my mouth and breathe in deeply - a different experience from inhaling smoke and then I forget about the cigs for a while. Wish me luck!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Good for you Hidden - keep in touch on how you are getting on :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

How is things now Hidden ?

in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks for asking, Roisin. I appreciate that even if I am not as yet as brave as all of you are on the forum. Feels a bit like I am cheating, though I'm still on track with 5 a day. Keeping myself busy to distract myself. It's getting only very slightly easier.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Not at all Hidden - you are remarkable to be trying to free yourself :) Keep us posted on your progress :)

Cigpeace profile image

It's hard I did it with everyone smoking around me lasted 7 months couldn't take any more pressure, I feel terrible that I gave in especially with a heart condition

in reply to Cigpeace

Indeed, it would have been even harder for you when everyone was smoking around you. I am struggling, trying to stick to just 5 a day and relapsed one day, but am now on track again. Perhaps cutting down is a little easier than trying to quit altogether, but timing myself can be a torment too. It does nothing for one's peace of mind! Maybe you will find the courage again and have another stab at it. I hope so anyway.

Wishing you the very best.

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