I’m getting there: Never thought I’d do it... - No Smoking Day

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I’m getting there

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free
46 Replies

Never thought I’d do it but.....

Written by
Monica1969 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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46 Replies
Quit4Money profile image
Quit4Money1 Year Smoke Free9 Months Smoke Free

You should feel so proud. Congratulations. And may you enjoy another 8 months clean!

KathieO profile image
KathieO100 Days Smoke Free

Great job 😊

Crackling profile image

You’re a star Monica1969! ⭐️

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Crackling

Awwww thanks Crackling 🤗

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free

You made it through the dark side! Woo hoo gorgeous Monica! I’m proud of you as so should you be! Big hugs 🤗💛

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Hey you how’s it going with you? I’ve thought if you often wondering how things are x

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

I’m the roller coaster quitter!! The insomnia always gets me! On day 12 today, still trying! I’m just so pleased that you and scarlet123 are still going strong! That makes me happy! Sending lots of love for a wonderful 2019 smoke free!!! Yay! 💖💖💖💖

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

You never quit quitting that’s the main thing, you’re doing fab, not sure I could go through all that withdrawal again, I think that’s what keeps me focused, that and the memory of seeing dad in his last days.

I’ve just started seeing this guys (after 9 years of being single) woo hoo, unfortunately both his parents have stage 4 lung cancer which is awful for him and his family but it makes you realise smoking does kill and this poor guy is gonna lose both his parents this year xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Best of luck with the new romance Monica1969 - that is so dreadfully sad with both his parents, god love them and him to have to experience and witness such an illness :(

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

To top it off, his gran died 3 weeks ago, not cancer, she was a ripe age of 94 x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

:( My gran died at the ripe age 92, she will be at her 10 year anniversary on 02 February, she was my inspiration and not a day goes by I don't think or speak about her :)

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

My gran (step gran) is still going at 96, she has dementia but fit as a fiddle lol x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Well done Frostytime on now day 13, wishing you strength. Did you try the herbal supplements for the insomnia and avoiding caffeine?

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free

Life is booming for you! I’ve lost count of my single years! It’s been along time!

Sorry to read about your partners parents that’s a really tough time for him and you, and you’d still have very strong memories of your dads illness.

Shows you even more how important your life change is and I imagine a renewed perspective on life! Taking care of yourself is so important 💖 enjoy being nicotine free, your demon has gone!

All the best for 2019 Monica! 💖💖💖

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Oh this is very very new, only a few weeks but we will see

I really hope my demon has gone hun and I am proud of myself, never thought I’d do it

All the best to you too sweetie xx

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free

Thanks Roisin! I have stocked up with a health pharmacy here! Could almost open a shop! My mind plays games and becomes very active at night and end up with severe brain fog during the day! I still have 1 coffee, good point that I need to cut this out and see what happens. Thank you for your care! You are a beautiful soul xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

1 month smoke free now Frostytime - how are you getting on now?

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

I really struggle! I go 2weeks cold turkey and then I really struggle! I become so anxious and start smoking again @roisin01! I am the epitome of serial quitters! I then become filled with shame and disappointment :(. I’m trying for day 1 again tomorrow, which is feb 20 here! One frustrated person desperately wanting to quit! I feel embarrassed with the amount of times I’ve tried and feel a complete failure 😩😩😩 I can only try again! Thank you 🙏 for checking in! I’m really hoping that I quit forever and soon! Hope you are well xx

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Hey Frosty11, glad to hear you’re ok, and please don’t put yourself down, you never quit quitting and that’s the main thing.

It is hard, we can all agree with that but sometimes life tips us over the edge. Why do you go cold turkey? I assume you’ve tried other methods, I’m a firm believer in not suffering so if there’s something there to help me, I’ll take it lol xxx

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Hey lovely Monica! I’m always so pleased that you’ve stuck to your guns! It always makes me very happy to read and scarlet123 as well! 💛

I’ve cut right back to only 3 cigarettes a day at the end of the day. I don’t want to wear patches as I’ll be putting more nicotine in my system than I am with 3 cigarettes. It’s bizarre yes, but those 3 cigarettes are so hard to stop! I go a couple of weeks to a month and then life will happen and I go back! I just have to stick to the mantra... not one puff ever!

Hoping all is still going really well with you! Hugs 🤗 me xx

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Oh trust me it’s been hard at times, it was the first anniversary of losing dad on Sunday and I’m about to lose my step nan, she’s in hospital receiving palliative care, I’m also off to Dr this morning as my anxiety has shot through the roof, im crying and irrational all the time too, at 49 I think menopause has kicked in so I’m off to deal with it, im not this person, im a positive, happy person so trust me, a cig would help me right now but it won’t if you know what I mean

You can do this, it’s just dealing with the 1st’s I call it, a social event, and angry episode, an emotional one etc xxx

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

You really are a divine soul, I understand with anxiety and menopause, it’s cruel! You always have a great attitude with life and show great compassion and empathy, with others on this site.

You have been dealing with many life stresses, your dads anniversary, the first anniversary is tough. I just went through my mums 1st anniversary in December, which was emotionally tough! So you’re right on the firsts and knowing that you can get through them without the crutch of smoking! I’ll continue on and know that there are better ways!

Sending you positive energy for a calm week, thank you for you wise words! xx🙏💛

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

You know something sweet, so long as everyone in my life is happy, so am I, life is too short as we both know and we can’t spend it in a constant battle with ourselves. Feeling alive and fulfilled (we can’t be happy 100%) is all we strive for so if that’s giving someone positivity or providing yourself with strength then so be it

You are a strong person, let’s face it, I don’t know anyone else that can suffer withdrawal as many times as you lol.

Why don’t you try a nicotine free e cig rather than patches, just use it as you do with those 3 cigs xxx

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

That’s a great suggestion and a beautiful post! Love your words, thank you 🙏 lovely Monica! 💛

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Let me know how you get on hunnie, I’m always here if you need any support xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Hey Monica1969 - 9 months smoke free now!! Congrats!!

Ah life's curve balls, it can be so hard and cruel at times but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, never doubt that. The first anniversary of your Dad and your Nan being so ill would push anyone to old habits but you are such a strong lady with so much compassion and offer great advice and support here with all you have going on. Thank you!

I hope the doctor went well today and you get sorted with the anxiety. Just a matter of interest, do you drink coffee and get bad episodes of anxiety from alcohol as this could contribute to it? Some herbal and vitamin supplements such as magnesium is suppose to be good and help alot. I only suffered from the anxiety after I stopped when I drank coffee or had a heavy night drinking spirits. So I stopped the coffee and very rarely drink spirits. Water is another great underrated medicine. Drink loads and loads of it throughout the day.

Wishing you continued strength :)

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Hi Roisin01 yeah nearly 9 months 💪💪💪 can’t wait for my golden key lol

Yeah Dr went ok, she’s given me antidepressants, just a low dose to see how I get on, I’m not happy as if means admitting I need help, not something I’m good with.

With regards to coffee, I’ve always been a big coffee drinker, it’s never affected me and alcohol, I only have a drink on a Saturday night so not that. I sometimes think that being on my own sometimes doesn’t help as Ive no one to whinge at lol

Anyway, I’ll see how I go, onwards and upwards and try to keep smiling 😃😃😃 xx

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

I hear ya about admitting to need help, that is so something I am not good either. I agree with having a partner is a huge help for support, to share good times, bad times, sad times etc... and my husband is my rock and everything especially through loss of our baby several years ago.

Keep your good friends and family close to you for support. If you want a cyber buddy to chat to anytime, I am here, just message me xxoo

PS What about the new romance, not a go?

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks hunnie and nah, he was a dickhead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969


Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

:( I was just thinking how your relationship went! Next one! 💛

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Lol exactly, me and my friend say the same word, nneeeeexxxxxxtttt 🤣🤣🤣🤣 x

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Same!!! 😂😂😂

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Ah Frostytime - don't be hard on yourself, I know how much you want this and you will succeed. What you need to do before your next attempt is really think about why after 2 weeks you struggle and find a way to overcome the 2 weeks curse. Monica gave you a great suggestion on the ecig to overcome the 3 cigs you have but IT MUST be 0% nicotine.

Let us know how are you getting on :)

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thanks Roisin01 will keep trying and not let the insomnia and anxiety beat me! Days 1-14 are the easy ones! But I have trained my brain to believe that! And so it is! I’ll let you know when I reach day 30! Here we go! Day 1 is almost done ✅ thank you for your words of encouragement 💛

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Frostytime

Rooting for you Frostytime :)

Frostytime profile image
Frostytime1 Week Smoke Free1 Month Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

🙏🙏🙏 day 3! Thanks Roisin 💛

Scarlet123 profile image
Scarlet1233 Years Smoke Free

Hi Monica1969 so happy to hear you’re going strong 💪

Rolling on towards the year marker now...me too!

Good luck with your new beau! 😉💕🦋🌺xx

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to Scarlet123

Hi Scarlet123, high five to us hun, I think we should celebrate when we hit 1 year..!!! xxx

Scarlet123 profile image
Scarlet1233 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Yes!! Definitely, great idea. Maybe Roisin01 can book us into the Penthouse! Onwards and upwards...xx

helpmequit profile image
helpmequit2 Years Smoke Free

Hey Monica 😊 long time no speak. Huge congratulations to you, very well done indeed 💐

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to helpmequit

Hi hun you too, how’s it going? x

helpmequit profile image
helpmequit2 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

All going very well thanks. I made the 9 month mark yesterday and I feel great.

Monica1969 profile image
Monica19691 Year Smoke Free in reply to helpmequit

Oh that’s fantastic 😃 I’m looking forward to celebrating my 1 year in May, I’m just so shocked I’ve got this far.

Are you saving the money you spent on cigs? x

helpmequit profile image
helpmequit2 Years Smoke Free in reply to Monica1969

Yes, I'm looking forward to the 1 year anniversary too. I reckon I've saved about £1350. Not bad!

Shaz2708 profile image
Shaz27083 Months Smoke Free

Fantastic 😁 i can't wait till mine says 8 months

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