Smoked for 46 years. Today I am at day 82 cold turkey (but I wore a jumper). Things are getting easier, but the mind is still trying to get those smokes into me. Like most people here it has been good support reading other peoples posts to keep me strong. Learning to do everything I have done for the last 46 years with smoking and now doing it with out a cigarette is tricky. I even caught my hand the other day groping through my top pocket(where I always kept them) trying to get the smokes out all by it self. My whole body is fighting me!! hahaha I can only tell my self that it is the brain and the addiction still trying to take control and put me back into enslavement. Now in this short time I have grown a twin brother in weight so another issue that needs to be attacked. Maybe I will just have to use the money I have saved to buy new fat man clothes, so looks like I won't really save any money for a bit!!!!. I am building a garden to try and keep my mind busy
Stay strong all..