Hi Everyone! This is my first post . Today I have stopped smoking for three months. I want to thank you as I've been reading your posts throughout my exorcism of nicotine and it has truly helped.
I was a forty a day guy ...smoked for 30 years. I had a few successful quits in that time none that lasted more than 3 months...so thought I shouldn't be shy ...introduce myself . I want to get through this No Mans Land bit of the quit and the cocky 'I can just have one' mentality .
For me this 'experience' and rollercoaster ride of hideousness I want never to repeat ! One minute I'm high on life ...then I'm starting an argument ...then I'm sobbing and maudlin the list goes on . I've put on weight :/ ...and have felt like I'm going a bit dolally ! ...But I know it will be worth it , the pluses are still outweighing the negatives .Good luck and Keep going everyone ! N.O.P.E.