Well, Im 46 and have been smoking since the age of 18. Roll ups mainly around 16 a day at most.
I've been wanting to set that date to give up for a while, I don't want my 2 year old to see me smoke ever, I do it outside in secret. Makes me feel naughty and ashamed plus I don't want to kick the bucket whilst he's young. We do so much together since moving to Portugal just over a year ago.
Our boy goes to creche mornings only so he can make friends and pick up the language and gives me and the wife chance to work on the old house we bought. He loves going to see his friends but came back last week with a cough that got worse, he needed to go on antibiotics.
Well, two days later I woke up thinking a golf ball was in my throat, old memories of being a kid, yes I had tonsillitis. Great news is a ciggy was the last thing I wanted with me being so ill with a fever etc.
I also made a conscious decision not to go to the doctor's. The longer I feel like this especially my throat the longer I won't want to light up.
It's been almost 90 hours since my last ciggy now and I'm almost back to normal on the tonsillitis front with nothing but paracetamol to hand.
My boy has helped me stop smoking by bringing back a nasty bug from creche. I love my boy.
Now I've just got to keep it up.