Sorry I have been MIA. I have had a very rough time. I left my job and had to get back on medication for the bipolar. Tomorrow marks 12 weeks not smoking and 17 weeks pregnant. I haven't forgotten about you all just in a weird place right now. I pray everyone is doing well and I hope to be back shortly!!! 😘
Hi everyone: Sorry I have been MIA. I have... - No Smoking Day
Hi everyone

Sorry you've been having a tough time but that's great that you're still with it!

Take your time Alynnk0821 and look after yourself and baba

Huge welcome to our community Itsabouttime - have you begun your smoke free journey? Perhaps create an introductory to share your story with us
Good to hear from you Alynn. Have been wondering how you are doing.
I know youre dealing with a lot and am extremely proud of your resolve and 12 WEEKS!!!! Hope you have a treat lined up.
Taking care of yourself and your child is most important right now. Am glad you have a caring husband to help.
Keep a little closer here if you need to. It really helps. Am on often and will be looking to see how you are. I remember Decatur.

Hey Alynnk0821 100 days smoke free today! Hope things have settled down for you?