I want the old me back !!!: I’m on day 6... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I want the old me back !!!

20 Replies

I’m on day 63. The longest I’ve went without a cigarette. I have no cravings But I am soooo angry and agitated on a daily basis. It’s like I went from smiling all the time to brutally honest bitch. 🤬🤬😥 I’m always in a good mood till I quit smoking. The nurse at work says it’ll get better it’s just part of the withdrawals. I am depressed. I have chronic foot and back pain. At work I’ve been cussing 🤬 like a sailor, which isn’t me at all. Am I the only one ☝️ going through this?? Ty for letting me vent .

20 Replies
RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

As posted in a previous reply, the anger and depression, anxiety is normal, perhaps have a look at getting some herbal supplements in your local health food shop to help with these withdrawal symptoms.

You have come to the right place for help and support, post anytime about anything, we are here to help....

With regards the 'old you' - that was a smoker and you don't want that back, I promise, you will start to feel good, happy and a great sense of achievement soon, it takes longer for some, as everyone grieves differently and that is what happens when we stop smoking, there is tremendous feeling of loss and a void in our lives that takes time to adjust to. For me, after over 2 years smoke free, I now and again feel that overwhelming loss but only for a few seconds.....

in reply to RoisinO1

Ty. I’m just not used to being so bitchy and hateful. I never thought of it as grieving, wow it really is

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

It's very common to go completely off the handle so no need to worry about it. That said, and speaking from experience, it's awful when you feel like this. In previous quits my wife has actually bought me cigars because she was so sick of me being in a bad mood. She hated me smoking but would rather put up with that than my mood swings.

Try some 5-HTP, you can get it from high street health food stores for about twenty quid (if you're in the UK). It's a precursor to Serotonin, one of our natural "happiness" hormones. I realise I probably sound like a bit of a drug pushing lunatic but it's a recognised herbal supplement, readily available and it really did work for me.

The feeling DOES pass, just takes different amounts of time for different people.

in reply to Nozmo

Lol I completely understand. My kids would go as far as buying me a pack of cigarettes, I was that bad. I remember mom would say just quit cold turkey like your dad n I did. My reply was I work with old people and I’m too old to go to prison. Lol I used patches for 9 days then nothing. I feel great if it wasn’t for being depressed and just pissy. One day at a time 😬 ty for reply, so easy to start so hard to give it up.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to

Ha ha....Good reply to your mother! Some people can just stop, cold turkey, had enough but it's not for everybody.

Hope today has gone a little better for you.

in reply to Nozmo

Ty Nozmo today is way better. I feel a little better each day. I think my 12 hr shifts are main trigger modes . Have a Blessed day!


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Good to read Hidden / Felicia, keep in touch with us :)

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to

Sorry Felicia, missed this when you posted. I used to work 12 hour shifts; day and night. I can completely understand why a smoke break is welcome! Once you get used to doing a shift without smoking though it should get a lot easier.

Hope everything's still going well.

in reply to Nozmo

Ty nozmo. Every day seems to get alittle better. This past week kinda crazy. Residents all have flu , my grandkids sick with flu 😷 lol I hate winter ❄️ and flu . How are you doing.? I honestly can say if I knew it’d be this hard quitting I’d Never started.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to

I'm doing fine thanks. We all had our fair share of winter ailments but thankfully we got them before Christmas. The flu bug seems to be rife at the minute.

Yeah, it isn't easy, for most of us anyway. I would fly off the handle for anything in the early days. An often told story is when I completely lost it because I had one saucepan stuck inside another saucepan. I ended up running into the garden, with the pans, and I shouted at them while I bounced them off the ground. The kids don't let me forget that one. The main thing is you did start, and you're still going, despite finding it hard at times. Shows your determination.

And it's pointless giving up now as you'll just have to go through the horrendous early stages when you quit again! May as well keep going :-)

in reply to Nozmo

Lol I loved the sauce pan story. I bet kids got a chuckle? I’m glad you’re doing good. I’m starting to feel so much better myself. And yes I’m gonna keep pressing forward. Definitely don’t wanna go thru the early stages again. 😟

Day 63 !! that’s awesome and you are going to feel so much better soon ..!!! And yes it happened to all of us at the beginning 😟

My first advise is to visit this amazing place whenever you feel upset.. we all help each other and you can help us too 😘

A few things that worked for me ..I quit caffeine slowly until completely .just like with every addiction is hard at the beginning but now ironically I have more energy all day and I’m not suffering from anxiety anymore , it’s a miracle ..

Even if caffeine is not your case try soothing herbal teas and decaf green tea it works wonderful relaxing me and they’re great detoxing after quitting smoking

Take at least 10 min for deep breathing as soon as you are tense and .specially on those everyday stressful times!

Create your own inspirational words ..and if you can think loud and talk to your self even better ..do it ..it’s a great therapy ..think is a friend who is talking 👌

Best of luck 👍💪⏰😌

in reply to

Ty so much. I do need to quit caffeine too but I figure 1 vice at a time. I don’t drink so thank God for that, just cigarettes and tons of soda 🥤. But I’d like to get to 6 month mark or so and then quit the soda. I’m sure my kidneys would love it. So far I love this site everyone makes you feel like family.

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free

How fantastic on day 63, a huge massive congratulations from me.......

I’ve read often going into month three (1/4 of a year can be a little tricky) but you have come so far, and know people behind you will be saying if only I could achieve a day, let alone two months. The other day I saw a baby’s dummmy drop from his buggy, he screamed and screamed, to the point of me thinking something serious was wrong, to the baby it was, he was missing his sole comforter, after a while his mummy gave it back, and he stopped screaming, immediately, in that moment it made me realise , I had done exactly that in the first couple of months into my quit because I couldn’t have what I wanted, it passed, , but you know our minds are wonderful , the anger will pass, and calm will follow, it truly will.

Doing fantastic, better times ahead, agitation doesn’t last for ever.

Well done you 😀😀

in reply to Tracey3

Ty so much. Sometimes it feels like I’m alone. The anger really had me frustrated because I’m not normally like that. I’m raising 2 of my grandkids, a6 & 9 yr old, working. I’ve had kids going on 3 years. I’m proud of that. Lol just wish I had my energy back so we could do more activity’s. Again thank you and God bless

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free in reply to

No thank you for posting, it’s so horrid when we just sit, and think what our life is like, and every body’ else’s life seems easy, but you know it never is, it’s ok to be angry, some times, and ok to have a good cry,

But my word you are truly wonderful, the quitting will get better, it will

Keep posting

Tracey3 profile image
Tracey31 Year Smoke Free in reply to Tracey3

Ps message me any time , if you want a chat

in reply to Tracey3

Your Awesome. I’m back to work. Have a blessed day.

Exsmo profile image

ok i was a witch too. Its ok. At 3 months am Beginning to feel better. You're closer to that than you can know in the middle of it. My best advice is stay away from agitators ( even if they're only in your mind ) if possible.

i avoided family/friends that got on my nerves normally or would leave if thats where i saw my nerves going. Even if just to another room and take a few breaths ( kind of like the breaks i missed that we would get from smoking) and drank cold water. Ice cold water drinking sounded strange to me when i read it but it worked. try it. I wonder if all smokers had some form of anxiety and just needed little get away to regroup and once quit really miss the getaway part of smoking. Who knows?

You've gone 63 days and am sure you wouldnt want to go back to day one. I continually tell myself that when i have craves. You are soo close to being past the angry depressive stage. hang in there, stay close hear and know you are normal and " this too shall pass".

Keep reading and when youre tired of reading watch whyquit.com videos on youtube. The guys kind of funny and factual and might even make you laugh at yourself like it did me. Am at library now requesting Alan Carrs easy way to quit smoking. It is an ebook you may be able to download too. People have said its amazing i dont know. I do know this site is! Am on it almost every day til my data runs out lol. you CAN do this :)

Ty dear. It feels so great knowing that I am not alone with the anger,agitation,and depression. But I've noticed lately anger is maybe a bit down than what it has been. I just asked God to take it and any other bad crap left over from cigarettes, and it is slowly getting better. To me feeling normal again would be no more anger and just truly happy.

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