Hi all,
What a mad but enjoyable few weeks I have had. I have been back over visiting my friends and family in Belfast (I live in Edinburgh) a couple of times, 2 weekends away, 2 weddings and a bad bout of food poisoning!
I have fallen of the wagon a couple of times and seem to beat myself up. Do any of you guys ever feel or felt trapped? like quitting consumes your life and you feel like youll never be free? I HATE smoking, I don't enjoy it. but i am determined to beat this and keep going.
Thank god for the support group and the support of my friends and family who has listened to me moan and be upset about the bully which is smoking. i WILL win this battle....
I have hired a personal trainer to help with my weight gain and i have started walking to and from work which is 3.5 miles to work and 3.5 miles back. Thanks to Roisin i have also downloaded the app where i can record my food intake (cals) and log my exercise.
This is a road which is way longer than i thought but guys i am going to kick this....i am only 29!!! and i want to live as long and as healthy as possible. The issue is ME now...not nicotine!
How is everyone else getting on?