I’m now getting close to 6 months , gone through a lot of different withdrawal stages from lack of sleep , numbness in my finger tips , Stressing etc etc ..but as said ..stages .. all gone now ..
weird how you just carry on with life like I’ve enever smoked , just like other non smokers ..
still don’t like the smell though .. really does stink I find and try avoid ...
Other than that , weight has gone up a bit on the belly ! So need to address this with exercise when the weather gets better and get out in the bike .. food does taste better and the often binge does creep up here and there ...
I quit cold turkey after a good 30 yrs of smoking .. and getting Ill with pneumonia and being hospitalised done the trick !!!
That’s what it took for me I’m aftraid , not that I was enjoying smoking that much . Was just a horrible habit in the end the same for many of us ..
So I hope I can give a little bit of encouragement if you’ve started the NOT SO IMPOSSIBLE ! Keep it going ..it gets easier 👍