Hi guys...my second day cold turkey but using fibre shake tabs...going strong...no cravings just like a thort tht comes up in my mind like... (a cig wouldnt be bad now)😴 i need all the support please...i really have this throbbing pain in my back top area tht tel me to stop smoking...im 46yrs old and smoking since 15yrs
Smokey: Hi guys...my second day cold turkey... - No Smoking Day

Welcome mbarends and congratulations on Day 2 - well done! I too quit cold turkey over 21 months ago and never looked back...
I looked up fibre shake tabs there as never heard of them as quitting smoking aids and it comes up as protein shakes for body building? What are fibre shake tabs and how do they help in quitting?
If not already done so, I would suggest going to the doctor with the upper back pain as there could be an underlying issue or chest infection.
Below is a pinned post with some helpful tips which is worth a read if not already done so.
Stay close to us and post anytime, we are here to support and help you in whatever we can

mbarends..Welcome..Yes, to quit after smoking a lifetime is an amazing journey...Try not to think how nice a cig will be but how much more pain it will cause...Soon you will forget the nice of a cig and only recognize and remember the bad...
Well done on 2 days cold turkey..Stay strong !!!

Hi mbarends, your doing great grit your teeth , keep your mind occupied, and look forward to getting to that penthouse 👍you'll have your moments just like us all , fight the good fight 💪💪

I don't know what fibre shake tabs are but the first 4 weeks are definitely the worse. I'm on Day 43 now and I had to count back to work that out as I stopped counting days a couple of weeks ago. I have no cravings for cigarettes now at all, can't even imagine filling my lungs with smoke again and I smoked for 40 years, 20 a day. I really, really didn't want to give up but when cigarettes hit £8.00 for the cheapest packet in the UK it was time to stop. Cold turkey for me was never going to be an option. I drive a long way to work and work very long shifts. I couldn't afford the loss of concentration to happen so I was off work three days, went to my GP got a prescription for Nicorette inhalators and gave up. Spent the first two days dragging on these like a lifeline, used four cartridges a day both days, cut that down yo three cartridges on day 3, back into work on day 4 on 3 cartridges. After a week cut it down to two cartridges, after two weeks down to one and from then on I just used the inhalator if I needed to. It was simply there if I wanted it. I also went on a raw fruit and veg diet tho because I lost all appetite without the cigarettes and the only tastes I wanted in my mouth were crisp, fresh ones. I've had hardly any withdrawal symptoms at all and I'm certain it's down to the inhalators but not sure if you can buy these anywhere outside of Europe. It was just psychologically important to me to know that I could still have a cigarette drag and the inhalators filled that void for me. For Anyone struggling to go cold turkey, I'd definitely recommend them. I don't like pain.. Lol.. So it was never an option for me to face any form of withdrawal symptoms and working in customer service and having kids I didnt want to get ratty either. I lost about a stone I'm weight with the lack of appetite but that was my only real symptom. I don't understand Others saying they have increased appetite but maybe the inhalators suppress it too, I'm not sure but like I say today, it's crazy like I never smoked at all
Welcome Rivermum1 and congratulations on Day 43, that is great! I quit over 21 months ago cold turkey, just wanted the nicotine out of my system asap and begin the battle and not prolong it. Glad the inhaler worked well for you (have you stopped completely using it or only when you need it still?) as heard from many people that is very addictive and hard on the chest. my Mam tried it a few months ago but had to stop it with chest pain and gave her a bad taste in her mouth, and sadly is back smoking again
You are probably right about the decrease in appetite being down to it, for me, food tastes and smells so good now
Keep in touch with us and look forward to reading your progress
Thank you Rosin No I don't need the inhalator now. I've heard Others say it gave them chest pains but for me it wasn't the case it was Brill, although it wasn't my first time of using them. I'd used them for a job where I couldn't smoke at all previously and another time to cut down half heartedly. This time I dragged on them for the first few days like a life line using loads of cartridges but after that I needed them less and less and wanted a fresh taste in my mouth instead each time I got a craving, I bought a punnet of red grapes, kept them in my locker in work and on my breaks would just eat three or four instead, (I work 12 hour shifts). I was drinking tons of water as well tho so I think it was the whole detox thing combined with the knowledge that yippee.. Haha.. I still had the inhalators if I really wanted a cigarette that worked for me best. I know how my own mind works and I wasn't about to send myself into a panic attack by telling myself I couldn't ever smoke again. I had to have the crutch of knowing there was something there if I wanted a cigarette. Gum or patches would never have worked for me. Really sorry the inhalators didn't work for your Mum
Yeah Rivermum1 I hear ya about the thought of never smoking again, will be 2 years quit in September and I get an odd thought of 'god, I am never going to smoke again' but it is easier to comprehend now and shrug off....keep up the great work, you are doing so well
Keep in touch with us....
Thank you Rosin It's weird but the thoughts of putting smoke into my lungs now makes me feel ill.. Hahaha.. I must have inadvertently self hypnotised myself into this state but maybe it's the best way to give up smoking to start off without the fear of it being final and that if I want to give up giving up then I'm still in control of that decision. I never expected to feel like I actually didn't want a cigarette.. Lol.. I wouldn't throw them away if I were offered a packet, I'd just give them to someone who did still want to smoke
Rivermum..well Done...You have made the right decission and choice at the right time...Smoking for so many years became a way of life ...and when you stop there is so many things happening...and it is very different for each person...!!
You are doing excellent and well done on 43 Days...!!
Thank you Hercu, I had no idea it would be so easy tbh. I don't think I could have done it without the inhalators tho. They feel just like taking a drag on a cigarette. I was afraid of E cigarettes and things like Champix and what might be in them but I wasn't ready to give up the habit of a lifetime with nothing to replace it just like that. Mints left a saccharine furry aftertaste in my mouth so weren't an option either so I asked the Dr for these on prescription. I'd used them before for times when I was in no smoking places for long periods so it was a really easy transition especially seeing as I was really ill the day I gave up so I thought a little more discomfort wouldn't make much difference I wasn't expecting it to work so well tbh. I had told people that if after a month or so I wanted a cigarette then I was going to have one. At no point did I tell myself I had smoked my last cigarette ever.. That would have been too traumatic for me to contemplate.. Haha.. But to my amazement after the fourth week it was like I'd never smoked at all and the thoughts of filling my chest cavity with smoke fills me with horror. I don't know why, I can only put it down to the way I changed my diet at the same time drinking lots of iced water and eating only crisp uncooked vegetarian food, particularly grapes and blackcurrant juice when I had the initial cravings. I'm not saying Everyone should go Vegan or Vegetarian to give up smoking but it might well help Others as a detox in the first week or do, especially those who are worried about weight gain. I've lost weight, not gained it, something I couldn't afford to do really but I wasn't really expecting to put on weight as I put on no weight after 8 children and no weight after the menopause either. I also took kelp and biotin tablets which I think speed up the metabolism so maybe they're responsible, like you say, Everyone has a different experience. I don't think I had much tar in my lungs because I had whooping cough years ago so every time I get a cough my brain thinks it's whooping cough and I literally cough the contents of my lungs up until the infection has gone. I had just had a really bad bout of flu/bronchitis and my Dr had said my lungs were clear the day before I gave up so I wasn't that surprised there was nothing left in my lungs to cough up but for Anyone struggling I'd say the inhalators are definitely the key

Hi mbarends well done, Please know that it get easier every day just take it day by day. It really worth it. Quit smoking will have a positive effect on every aspect in your live 👏

Welcome mbarends and well done on Day 2 (3) now.... never heard of fibre shake tabs for quitting, how do they help?
With the pain in the back, would get checked out with doctor just for piece of mind.
Look forward to reading your updates, keep strong!

Hi mbarends - how are you getting on? What are the fibre shake tabs?