Feeling very nervous, having headaches...on the nicodermcq patch...have asthma so I need to quit..hoping it will help with better breathing..my husband smokes, he is trying no to smoke around me..so that helps
First day quitting: Feeling very nervous... - No Smoking Day
First day quitting

The patches are great, well they worked really well for me! First day quit and I was was nervous., anxious, panicked because how could I cope! But I took it hour by hour.. some days second by second but you have to keep strong 💪 you can do this..

Hello and welcome!
Welldone on deciding to quit and getting through your first day. I know it feels like you have this massive task ahead but rest assured, the further along you get, the easier it becomes. Try not to think too far ahead - for now, just concentrate on getting through each hour at a time. However anxious you feel, try to remember that everything you did as a smoker, you can still do as a non-smoker. Sometimes, the fear of not smoking can actually be worse than not smoking itself.
My husband also smokes. In the early days, I asked him to hide all cigarettes and smoking related materials (lighters and so on), out of sight. I also asked him not to tell me if he was going outside for a cigarette.
Quitting can be quite a lonely experience especially if you live with somebody who still smokes. If you need support, post as often as you need to.
You can do it.
Quitting is a completely achievable goal.
One hour, one day at a time. ☺☺
Thanks so much for your encouraging words! Does feel lonely right now...gonna try to keep busy this afternoon..One day at a time...seems like one min. at a time right now though

Welcome Suzq0202 and congratulations on Day 1 and the best decision of your life!
Mushen gave you excellent advice especially about your husband, can I just add, be kind to yourself and don't let anyone or anything jeopardize your quit - do WHATEVER it takes to achieve this.
Have a read of below pinned posts if not already read and post anytime

Be prepared for not feeling at all like yourself for the first few days. Read up (as RoisinO1 suggests) so you know what to expect and warn others close to you that you may be a little...unpredictable! I was all over the place in my first week...most people are.
Also be patient waiting for your breathing to improve - don't expect immediate results. If you have a phone app you will see that the lungs aren't properly cleaned out for months. If you haven't get one I would recommend getting one as it can be a big incentive to see how your health and finances are improving.
Well done on getting through the first day Suzq0202 . Hope we can help you as you go along.

Suzq....Warm Welcome....The headaches is fairly normal and the nervousness is not knowing what to do with your hands....You need to take up a hobby to get your mind of that cigarette and your hands busy... Stay strong and post long ranting posts here if you need to... but keep yourself busy...!!

Hi.. I guess it takes a few days to adjust to not smoking and allowing the patches to take over. I used patches for a short time, I found the first day there was little effect but the next day was much better. Hopefully your headaches will ease and you will become more relaxed as you adjust to life without the dreaded cigs
No doubt your asthma will improve but so many other things will too.. Your finances, the way you look and smell, your overall health and fitness, taste, smell etc etc etc.. I could go on
The most important thing though is that you will be very proud of yourself! Keep going and well done for taking that all important first step!
Hi suzq0202 well done on deciding to quit I packed in on the patches and I also have asthma I haven't had a ciggie since November and my breathing is loads better good luck u can do it 👌