I'm on day 5 of my quit and so far it hasn't been too bad. Today I'm struggling big time and really want a ciggie! I'm trying to be rational about it and think of the negatives but it is tricky. Thought I'd cracked it this time as was feeling quite zen about it all. Ha ha, should have known not to be so cocky!!
Really want to smoke today: I'm on day 5 of... - No Smoking Day
Really want to smoke today

It has a way of doing that to you Sarah. You have a couple of good days and then....BAM!!! For no apparent reason you cant stop thinking about smoking. I've been there myself and know how you feel. It drove me up the wall!
Try to keep yourself as busy as possible, nothing worse than having lots of time on your hands...with which to think about smoking.
Also, the one you're thinking about won't be like you imagine..it will be like sucking an ashtray! After a few days off them the quit breaking one tastes disgusting. Again, I speak from experience, having had many lapses in the past.
Best of luck for today. Keep us posted and rant and rave if you need to!
hi Hidden
don't feel to bad about how your Urge it will pass.
that's all it is
tell yourselth it's ok.
you can do this and mr nicotine π is not going to win.
its so hard but you must fight.
my nightmare is the pipe in throat that hole really scary to me.(throat cancer )
I'm terrified about that.
you can do this.you will have so many benefits from stopping π
and the money.yeah
take care π
keep kicking π
Thanks nozmo and thinlizzy. I think the sleep deprivation is getting to me, I am a grumpy bugger when I haven't slept and you think just 1 cig will make you feel better. I know it won't but it feels like it will at the moment π¬π¬Like yourself nozmo as a serial relapser I have to bite the bullet sometime... It will pass, it will pass it will pass!!!!

You bet it's tricky!! Just try to hang in there. I can remember that it seemed, at times, smoking was all I could think about. It WILL pass. This is one thing I have learnt about craves, they pass.
Take today 1 hour at a time. Keeping occupied can be easier said than done but does help. I too am a serial relapser so I feel your pain.
Keep going.
Thanks mushen. You guys are great.

Hold strong hunπͺπ you can do this
Thanks putter, find evenings the hardest and have nearly driven to the shops twice today already! an early night tonight for me!!! Get today out the way and hopefully tomo bit easier.

Hey Hidden , hope things have improved for you today. What you are experiencing is perfectly normal in this early stage of your quit as your brain is now beginning its re-wiring so you going to go through a lot of emotions physically and mentally.
Our guards must be up at all times ready to attack.
If not already done so, read below pinned post
Keep busy, lots of water and stay close to us
Thanks roisin, I nearly cracked this eve but reading your links did help to put it all into perspective. I've probably picked the absolute worst time to try and give up as have had some sudden unexpected and very stressful events occur in the last 3 months, but as these stresses are unlikely to go away any time soon, need to remember no times a good time and crack on with it. Thanks π
Oh the bad days can be soooo bad but when the good days come and happen more often it makes it so worthwhile.