I am going out this morning to meet my friends at our local bar and I'm leaving my ecig at home. first step to weaning myself off it, I'll let you know how I got on.
Weaning off the ecig: I am going out this... - No Smoking Day
Weaning off the ecig

Great Jean, loving your determination and look forward to hearing how you get on, brilliantly no doubt

Hi Abuelajeannie ,
I'm surviving without mine for 11 days now.
You can do it! We can do it!

Hope it all goes well Jean.
Fingers crossed all goes well - hopefully you'll be having such a good time you won't even notice!

Back home now even surrounded by smokers I hardly missed my ecig this morning, think this is a good sign now for me to quit vaping possibly sooner than I planned

Been thinking the same thing about giving up vaping jeannie!but i think ill have to wean myself gradually.but well done on trying to quit it😆

Great you can do this

Well done!

How's going with staying off the ecig Jean?
I'm going to start cutting down when I go to work next week. I'll try to stay off it completely during the day.

Hi Nozmo I've left it at home when I go out, yesterday i found it a bit difficult I think because I was out a long time. Ive been out without it this morning but was only out for a couple of hours and I was fine. Gradual process I think I'm going to continue leaving it at home and cutting down on use in the house. All day might be too much for you, not worth endangering your quit, we are both doing great I'm sure a gradual wean will work for us after all were not vaping nicotine we just need to get passed the hand to mouth habit. We will do it xx