On day 11 now and still no bad side effects or reduction in smoking only that im trying to not pull out if the ecig as much myself
Does anyone know does champix work to get y... - No Smoking Day
Does anyone know does champix work to get you off the ecig?

Hi, I smoked cigarettes for 50 years although latterly only 4 a day , and Champix helped me quit. The down side for me after a week was sleepless nights. I cut down to half a tab in a morn after 9 weeks & stopped Champix completely after 10 weeks.
I was determined to stop & the will to quit is very important. You have to want to do it. For me Champix was my little helper. I am now just over 7 months smoke free and intend to stay smoke free.

Yes Champix definitely works. But you have to be determined to quite. The best thing I found was that you can if you don't succeed the first or even the second time you can keep trying with champix. They used to cut you off after so many months and if it had not worked you could not use it again for another year. Not now. Ask your GP about that. I had 3 goes at it before I actually stopped smoking all together and that was 2 years ago. Of course the habit is still in the back of your mind but once the addiction part has gone and there is no nicotine in your system you have the will power to stay free. Just keep trying . I know I haven't looked back and the financial benefit was the best and really my driving force I am sad to say but it worked. for me.
Were you on the electronic cigarette tho?
So are you smoking cigs or e-cigs or both? I don't know anything about e-cigs but do they have nicotine in them? I also quit using champix.
Just smoking the ecig the last 4 years no cigarettes since then. im smoking 12mg of tobacco flavoured nicotine! Today is day 14 on the champix and I was hoping it would be my quit day but not looking good so far really struggling with willpower and still love the taste of the ecig! Im thinking maybe champix doesn't work as well for nicotine in ecigs😫🤷♀️
With champix you pick your quit date and get up that morning and don't smoke. The champix will block the cravings. You have to change up your routine. For me I walked a lot. I even had a friend here for two weeks and she was a smoker. She smoked outside.
It has been eight months for me. It will work for you if you give it a chance. Also you have to want to quit. It is a little scary that first morning . I think we all worry that it won't work. But it does. Your e-cig has nicotine so champix should work the same. You won't know until you try it. Best of luck to you.
Im going into my 12th week on champix now today and still haven't fully stopped smoking😓 I have 2 months supply left as my doctor gave me an extra month I was struggling so much. Really loosing hope now any one any advice? Should I just stop taking tablets now altogether? Or continue trying for another while set a new quit date this far in?
Maybe talk to your doctor and see what he recommends. Also a friend of mine was like you and kept smoking for about ten weeks. She stopped taking the champix and is going to pick a new quit date. You have to remember that champix will block the nicotine cravings once you quit. But it has to be in the first couple of weeks. You have to pick your quit date. You get up that morning and no more smoking. Then you let champix and your willpower do the rest. Good luck
I was on Ecigs for about 4 years, then started smoking again for about 2 years.
Now on champix I have given up both, I am on day 33 and not really desired to have either, I do keep my ecig on the side at home with 0 nicotine if I do get a craving, I have used it about 3 times.
I think the Champix is to do with the desire to have nicotine, I have had to change my routine as cigs were running my life. When I first started Champix it took a while to 'kick in' then I just didn't fancy having a smoke.
Ya maybe its taking abit longer for me too im on day 24 now and went on the nictone 2mg gum 2 days ago haven't smoked my ecig since still struggling alot but willpower seems abit stronger now on the champix and nicorette gum🤞 thanks so much for replying! I still haven't found anyone who has successfully giving up the e-cig. I think its harder and more addictive than fags tob give up.