I am aiming to leave work at a reasonable time tonight so that I can get home and bask in the no doubt gloriously sunny bank holiday weekend (well it doesn't hurt to be optimistic!). Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner when we will all be smelling the roses, the coffee and everything else because we wont have the stale smell of smoke hanging round us. I know that a number of people are worrying about how they will cope with holidays etc without smoking but I think that we will all be having a great summer without our lives being dominated by it. No more nipping out of restaurants, bars, pubs and friends houses to have a crafty cig and coming back in smelling foul. Have a great holiday weekend everyone (or at least those of us that have a bank holiday this weekend - the rest of you just have a great weekend!). Stay strong and keep in touch. We can do this!!
Bank Holiday weekend: I am aiming to leave... - No Smoking Day
Bank Holiday weekend

Well said Fordy, very motivating. Have a good weekend.
evening fordy.
what a breath of fresh air 😐
what a possitive mode.excellent post 😃
how good should we feel going into long weekend SMOKE FREE yeah
you have a brilliant weekend.same to all 😎
Take care 😊
Keep kicking 😎

You too Fordy, thanks for the encouraging post!
Starting off the weekend early, sipping on a cool beer, sun shining in on my back, off up to get ready and head out on a work redundancy leavers meal and a few drinks, will be emotional but will be grand...

Roisin, if it wasn't for the fact that it is a redundancy leavers meal out it would sound wonderful. Still I guess as one door closes another opens and hopefully those that are leaving will find new opportunities. Have a great evening

Labor Day weekend as its called here in sunny cairns Queensland means Monday is public holiday but only in this state I understand... So everywhere people are relaxing and having fun... Not seen one smoker at the cafe I'm at hvo g my coffee outside under the palm trees

Great post

So very true indeed summer is approaching (well I hope so) but for me at least I try not to think to far ahead, that's to say, if I did life could be very difficult. So here's to a great summer, as you say smelling of roses, now that's a tremendous thought.
Lovely post, so enjoyed reading.
Enjoy today, and make the most of tomorrow.😊