When I stopped smoking 4 years ago the best thing I could do is to join this forum where I could be in the midst of people with the same sufferings and uncertainty.
We cried together, ranted together, laughed together although we were worlds apart and that made it bearable.,…
To stop smoking is not easy, In the 4 years so many things happened to me …Very nice things like I could afford newer model Land Rover…I have bought a Jet ski for fishing, a new top of the range Kayak…and could go away on weekends enjoying my new found breathable life….
Also had a few bad incidents like the passing of a dear brother in law, myself having a triple arterial bypass and my son and dear grand children moving back to South Africa for proper schooling and sport and of course the ongoing drought in the Southern Mozambique…..
But..Not once I thought that a cigarette would make life easier in difficult times and in good times I thanked the lord for giving me the strength to get rid of the nasty addiction…
To quote Allan Gary “Life isn’t always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.”
Truly, once you start living the life without the stench, the huffing and puffing, regaining the normal tasting and smelling of things you have forgot like the smell of soil after rain, smelling wild flowers, the sea…it is amazing….
All of us on this forum made the best decision of our lives the day we decided to quit smoking..
Stay strong and enjoy your smoke free life….(I am)