Yes.... my week on the white beaches of northern Mozambique is only a memory now and I am back in reality.... Could paddle at least 10 km a day and caught few nice fish...
In the mean time I have reached my 9 months smoke free milestone and what a lovely 9 months it has been...No huffing and puffing....smelling and tasting good food and nature....Life is good !!!!
To all new quitters out advice: Know thy enemy...Know what is happening in your brain and you need to battle the emotions.... The physical part is hard but the almost unbearable part is the psychological battle... It is a chemical warfare.....Don't be afraid to supplement with herbal supplements that can be bought over the counter .....Remember nicotine is a very potent drug and our brains are altered to believe that it is only that cigarette that can make us happy.... we need to overcome this and make our own happiness... Stay strong and thank you for this forum and all the wonderful friends... Together we can beat this demon that ruled our lives for to long... Strongs....!!!!