QUITTING APRIL 25TH: Hello my name is Nicole... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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NicoleWard25 profile image
NicoleWard252 Years Smoke Free
9 Replies

Hello my name is Nicole, I am 25 years old. I missed the March 9th no smoking day. So have decided to make my own day; the 25th April. Saying that I have not had a cigarette so far today. So counting down the hours and maybe to might be my day. They say the first 48hours are the worst. Any tips? 


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NicoleWard25 profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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9 Replies

Hi Nicole. Congratulations on your decision to quit. I am nearly at 7 weeks smoke free. It has been tough at times but I am determined to stay quit. My advice would be to try and keep as busy as possible when a craving hits, go for a walk or just try and find something to do to take your mind of smoking. Drink plenty of water and maybe chew some gum. You will get some great advice on here and it's good to post as much as you can especially when the going gets tough. If it all gets too much go to bed the first three days were the hardest but you will get through it:-) 

NicoleWard25 profile image
NicoleWard252 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Thanks :-)

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello Nicole, welcome to the forum. 25th April sounds as good as any other day! In the meantime read up on what to expect and get yourself prepared for it. The "pinned posts" on the main page give good advice on tips, nicotine withdrawal etc and are definitely worth a view.

Most of all, keep posting. We have all done it, or are doing it, so people here will be able to help.

How are you doing it? Cold turkey? Have you tried before or is this the first time?

NicoleWard25 profile image
NicoleWard252 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Cold turkey this first time I have the urge and will to give up. I have tried once but only lasted 2weeks. 

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to NicoleWard25

Plenty of people going CT here so you should get some good advice.

Don't worry about failing previously...you were just practising 😀

FordyP profile image
FordyP3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Nicole. The first week or two are the hardest - particularly the first two or three days. Once you are past then it definitely gets easier. Naomi's suggestion of trying to distract yourself when a craving comes is absolutely right. It is hard but worth it. Be strong and post on here when you are struggling - you will find lots of support

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome Nicole and congratulations on making the best decision of your life to quit!   

I too quit 7 months ago cold turkey and never looked back...it is a roller coaster of a journey but worth it.   I feel the best I have felt so far in my quit and have just overcome a huge challenge today with my husband having key hole surgery.

As others above have said, knowledge is key, try to read up as much as possible on what is ahead, keep as busy as possible for the first month, drink loads of water, avoid caffeine and sugary foods (contribute to cravings), bit of exercise and above all embrace it!

Wishing you strength and success and look forward to seeing you in Day 1 on 25 April...

mushen profile image
mushenValued Contributor

Hello Nicole.  First off, well done for deciding to quit.  Don't be apprehensive because the fact is, it is totally possible to quit smoking.  I found it easier if you do an 'educated quit'.  In other words, find out as much information about quitting and what you expect before you start.  Information is power!  I also found that the support from forums such as this one, is invaluable, Being able to 'talk' to others going through the same thing or those with experience of it, can be the force that keeps you going if things get tough.  You can do it.  Believe in yourself.

Trem profile image
Trem2 Years Smoke Free

Hi Nicole,

I did what Naomi suggested and spent the first 3 days in bed. I caught up on years of being up till 1 or 2 in the morning smoking. I also believe it made my first 3 quit days a lot easier. Good luck 

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