Hi guys. Its my Day 4 of no smoking, but f... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hi guys. Its my Day 4 of no smoking, but first time on a forum ....

nsd_user663_63457 profile image
16 Replies

Hi I gave up smoking for 7 years on my 30th bthday and started smoking 2 years ago after having just one puff of a cigarette... biggest mistake of my life. I started taking champix 7 days ago and think I started having side effects almost immediately. I could not sleep, and when I finally did was for an hour or so at a time, got a migraine within the hour of taking the tablet, and had quite erratic baviour (so my kids and friends say). Anyway I was desperate to stop smoking as I had an operation on Thursday to have my galbladder removed. I still took the champix and was given morphine to help with the pain and was sent home in the eve.... but for the two days Thursday and Friday being on the champix and morphine, I was suffering.... so I decided to stop the champix and morphine and codeine on the Friday eve and havnt taken anything apart from Paracetamol since..... I have still not had a cigarette since Wednesday evening (was deperate not to smoke after the operation for obvious reasons). Ive been craving for a cigarette and normally would have given in to my cravings, but the only thing stopping me having one is the fact ive had this op, and I am trying to make it a fresh start with my body. I want to know if it could be the champix that caused me these side effects, as Ive not been able to see a doctor yet about this as its the weekend. Its been nearly 48 hours since I took the champix and morphine, and the headaches have stopped but Im feeling really anxious and uptight still...... but Is till not had a ciggie....

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nsd_user663_63457 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Welcome to the forum Miki :)

You really have been through the mill haven't you? Blimey- no wonder you're feeling anxious and uptight. It sounds like you had quite a bad reaction to the Champix and I know that some people find morphine-based products hard to tolerate too so it may well have been a double-whammy in your case and with the after effects of the op AND nicotine withdrawal to boot, It's no surprise that you're feeling pants. I think you need some proper medical advice though, so please do contact your surgery in the morning.

As far as the quitting goes you should be through the worst of the physical withdrawal now and from here onwards it's all psychological. If you can continue cold turkey fair enough, but there are plenty of nicotine-replacement products out there if necessary and again, I should seek proper advice if you can. Clearly the Champix wasn't for you but that doesn't mean something else won't be.

Keep posting and reading because you'll get gallons of support and advice from the lovely lot here. You've made the best possible decision and having quit for 7 whole years you can do it again (and this time for keeps). Just remember NOPE (not one puff ever) and you'll soon be back where you were before you succumbed 2 years ago.

Get well soon and all the best from me for your journey to permanent freedom. :D

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Aw you are so having a horrid time aren't you? The combination of the op, and quitting is soo making your life horrid, but good news ahead 48 hours in, only another 12 hours to go and your nicotine free. Coupled with feeling bad and withdrawal from nicotine, my word I hope can only go up from here.

Hang right it will be the best decision ever to quit, stay on line post and read, just don't smoke, I promis those initial feelings will pass, and your body will thank you for quitting.

Am sending positive vibes your way, hang tight, it will get better

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

Thankyou... I was in a bit of a desperate low mood dealing with this. Wasnt sure if it was just post op or the stopping smoking... but I do know I am thinking irrationally and it will be just a passing phase. I forgot it takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave my system. Wed eve was when I had my last ciggie... I can see that this forum has helped support so many people, so I will continue to use this site as you all do and will see my gp tomorow morning. Ive a feeling I will have to do things cold turkey way as patches etc give me bad headaches (ive suffered from headaches for years). So maybe doing this support will be my way of stopping. thanks again... will be back on day 5 tomo Im sure!!!!!!

Just one thing! Its crazy I stopped smoking for 7 years and Im here again.... but it feels like Ive never stopped smoking.... mentally. Like you said it will pass and its been one learning curve not to have that one puff again.

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

I was thinking that too. Ive been attending the stop smoking service meetings every week for a month and my adviser said it was ok. I made sure I made it clear about my op and I told my surgeon. I knew though deep down that champix maybe wouldnt be a good idea, but I was desperate to stop smoking by my operation date. I am just frustrated that I maybe set myself back recovering but I have to remember Ive achieved not smoking for four days almost, so its up to me to take control and see my gp and be healthy.... and look forward to the anxiety and crankyness to pass..... Ive upset enough people close to me over the last few days oops........ :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

A..Miki...I'm sure they will understand and cut you some slack....

You're doing really, really well you know. Just concentrate on looking after yourself and don't worry if you're a bit on the cantankerous side for a time. You are entitled to be you know- your poor body has had a right old battering...

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Hi miki, welcome to the forum from me. Sorry to hear your recent run of bad luck, but you have made the best choice of staying smoke free. Your right saying that you never really stopped smoking, I red on this forum that we are ex smokers rather than non smokers. However I look at it as long as I make sure that today I stay smoke free and plan that tomorrow will be the same; over time it does get easier, and the longer I do not smoke, the healthier I feel, the stronger I feel, the more time there is to do the things you love..

Hang in there and congratulations on making the mental choice, keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you do not want to smoke and you will be alright

Sally6 profile image

Hi Miki, welcome to the forum. I do hope you make a speedy recovery from your op. I don't know anything about champix but there are plenty of people here to help. Very well done on your 4 smoke free days. Very impressive as you are having such a tough time.

nsd_user663_62846 profile image

Welcome to the forum Miki :)

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

Thanks Tea... I just got back from the doctors and she said it was the effect of champix, morphine and codeine all together. mainly side effect of champix... i bit upset at moment cause my friend called last night and apparently the two days leading up to the operation I was being erratic, and the morning I came home from the operation on friday, I apparently flipped out at my 17 year old son and chucked out my friend of my house, proper melt down. I honestly didnt have any memory of it at all, I thought I was rather chilled and my son didnt bring it up with me (my friend took my son away and calmed him down, told him I wasnt well). This has never happened to me before not remembering things, but know it was a mixture of everything. Normally I have a normal balanced life with no health issues. I happy I threw away the morphine on Friday eve and the champix, even though I feel mentally upset and anxious, I know it is a passing emotion. my system is free off all codeine and nicotine which is great, and I am waiting for a call from a wellbeing centre for a assessment for CBT. As I have admitted i got a reliance on codeine. So hopefully I am taking control of things and trying to make changes, and I have allowed my body to heal after the op with no horrible smoke in my body.... Day 5 of No Smoking now....

nsd_user663_63096 profile image

Hi Miki and welcome to the forum. Sorry to here you are having a bad time of things....just keep going one day at a time. I have heard of all sorts of side effects from Champix. It effects us all differently. Best of luck

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

I realise that stopping medication and smoking at same time is going to be a real challenge, but i think its for the best esp making sure i get the right support network. Im blessed to have some true friends and hopefully by using this forum, I can get the support Im unable to share with my friends, as we all are or have been in the same boat.... on here. The cravings are still as strong, if not more.. only cause Im starting to feel better physically. Cause Ive been feeling physically better today, Ive made myself do little things today, like ironing, washing my hair and buying some treats from charity shop (I love them)..I still feel really cranky, down but if im honest, I actually do feel a bit better emotionally this afternoon. Im back at work tomo, but I look forward to seeing through to day 6!!!!

thanks again..:)

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

oh ive just realised today something positive... whenever I used to sneeze, I used to have to hold my lower back cause it hurt sooo much each time, but since having my galbladder out and when I sneeze which is a lot, my back doesnt hurt one bit.... I did find out back pain was connected to gal stones, but never believed it... i do now yay....:D this makes me even more determined to stop smoking. I dont want to poison myself to have more health issues... this is a sign for a fresh start.

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Exactly what I was about to say. Don't go back to work until you have the OK will you Miki? You've had an awful lot to cope with and it will take time to start to heal both mentally and physically. Plenty of rest and relaxation is what you need at the moment.

You are doing well by the way- I'm SO impressed with how you've stuck to it through thick & thin. Well done you! :):):)

nsd_user663_63457 profile image

Hi up... I went back to work today, and I was fine... wasnt feeling it mentally there, but this evening been in a better head state... I still not had a ciggie for 6 days now... today was the first day I havnt craved so much, but maybe cause i was working and doing things. Also I went to my weekly stop smoking meeting, and my adviser is lovely, but he reckons I should just take half a champix tablet a day instead of the full dose, he is convinced it was the morphine and stuff mixed that sent me loopy... Im not convinced. I think I got this far, without anything, so as long as i keep doing the right things, and use this forum, Im sure I will do it..... My healing body doesnt need the toxins in it from smoking!!! and the codeine.... Us woman worry far too much!

nsd_user663_63277 profile image

Sounds like good stuff, glad That things are better than the other day. Well done on your quit, and it does get better over time

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Well done Miki! :D

I'm with you- cold turkey is clearly working so why go back on the tabs? If it ain't broke, etc....

Now don't go overdoing it will you? Plenty of rest is called for whilst your body heals...:)

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