My first day on Champix: So - as the story... - No Smoking Day

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My first day on Champix

nsd_user663_55857 profile image
26 Replies

So - as the story goes (and through inspiration from many on here who have posted their experiences with the drug). I decided to take the final leap. After trying all other 'quit smoking' aid to no avail i decided this is really my last resort.

I've turned to this drug - for one of two reasons. Firstly, failed attempts in the past going 'cold turkey'/usuing NRT's. Secondally, I really want to quit this habit. I've found myself smoking more and more this past year or so and no its uncontrollable.

Really hope it works. After popping my first pill this morning. I feel a little dazed/tired. No nausea (as I took the pill with breakfast). It will be interesting to see how it pans out but on thing is for sure - is no matter what side effects i get I am not gonna quit until I've taken the course and become smoke free. I'm that determined. Hlopefully, even for moral support hope i can turn to others on this forum.


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nsd_user663_55857 profile image
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26 Replies
nsd_user663_55464 profile image

Hi jxp

Good luck on your quit hope the champix helps you stop for good this time xx

nsd_user663_55857 profile image


Hi Max and Crissy,

Thanks for your encouraging words. I sadly lost my father this time last year (he was an ex smoker and dithered back to smoking towards the end of his life). More importantly, I feel sick of it doing it knowing I shouldn't do it.

I'm praying the tablets at least take the cravings away. I.e. the urge to want one when you have been in client meetings for 2/3hrs.

I guess every medicine including Viagra has side effects (including deaths). What put me off taking this was all the negative reviews but in the end realised I can gamble on it a take the drug or be destined for death through COPD/lung cancer. Its as simple as that.

Thanks guys.

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

:)Hello jx:)

Iv never used champix but I know it has worked for a lot of people and Im sure you will get lots of advice about it.Just wanted to welcome you.

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Hi Max and Crissy,

...What put me off taking this was all the negative reviews...

Thanks guys.

Well it's certainly true that if you go digging on the interweb you will find no shortage of horror stories for this drug - but of course, people tend to shout loudest when things go wrong. I've no doubt that the vast majority of Champix users do not suffer from major negative side effects - it's certainly got me to where I am now. I started taking it about a week before Christmas and didn't really have any problems at all. I've just realised as I type this that I've just started month three smoke free (last cigarette smoked 24th December) - I don't really think about the whole smoking 'thing' that much anymore, and certainly not counting the days / weeks. Finally stopped taking Champix last week - not a deliberate decision, just started forgetting to take them. I suppose I've finally moved on from 'I'm stopping smoking' to 'I'm getting on with life' - a happier, healthier, wealthier (!) smoke free life.

Champix is not a silver bullet and does not remove the need for complete committment to your quit journey - you can never be complacent, and never think 'just one' is OK - thoughts like that mark the end of every failed quit. What it does do, as Max says, is to blunt the intensity of the craves.

I won't wish you good luck, as luck doesn't come in to succeeding in this journey, but I will wish you the strength to make the right decision every minute, every hour, every day - NOPE (not one puff ever).


nsd_user663_55857 profile image

Thanks guys

You know i'm amazed....I used kind frown at forum users (yes - ignorant me). But I am so glad I joined because who else to share the 'quit' journey with than all you lovely and supportive people.

nsd_user663_55073 profile image


I am also on Champix, and found it took the cravings away completely, what it did not take away was the habit and assossiation, for example, if I always had a cigarette after I'd taken the children to school, then I would still want one after I had taken the children to school. This wasn't a crave but a habit. I still had to break these habits and I still have plenty of thoses left:rolleyes: but it is getting easier.

You will still need to use a little will power when you choose your date to stop smoking, I moved mine three times:) but on the whole I think Champix works well with most.

nsd_user663_55857 profile image


I am also on Champix, and found it took the cravings away completely, what it did not take away was the habit and assossiation, for example, if I always had a cigarette after I'd taken the children to school, then I would still want one after I had taken the children to school. This wasn't a crave but a habit. I still had to break these habits and I still have plenty of thoses left:rolleyes: but it is getting easier.

You will still need to use a little will power when you choose your date to stop smoking, I moved mine three times:) but on the whole I think Champix works well with most.

Did you stick to Champix as on packet? So you started on low dosage then increased it?

Did you have any side effects. So far on my first day i've had none. Although have smoked a few less than i normally do by this time of day

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Yes I stuck to it as on packet, I had a few side effects butnithing I couldn't handle.

Any questions, please ask

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

My own experience of starting with Champix was that the first week whilst building up the dose was where symptoms showed up - in my case just a very mild nausea which quickly passed as soon as I was up to 'full strength'. I didn't stay on full strength for long though; quickly dropped back to one tablet a day, and now stopped altogether after two months.

If you're going to deviate from the recommended dose though, I'd speak to your doctor first, just like I didn't :)

nsd_user663_55857 profile image

I wasn't going to deviate per say but I've never been one to take medicine and was thinking if i do quit for 5 days or a week then maybe i can come off of Champix. Should really ask the doctor.

My biggest fear now is - how i'll feel on days 4-7 which 2x0.5mg tablets and then 2x1mg tablet from day 7 onwards. On my first day ive had zero side effects (touch wood). Not even a headache.

nsd_user663_55857 profile image

Max/egg/Jane anyone else,

What benefits have you noticed since you quit? Skin/ memory/ smell / taste?

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

I noticed no difference when I went up to full dose, I don't like to mention my side effects, as not everyone suffers from the same side effects. I know some side effects are phychosamatic :D

The only positive I feel from not smoking is sense of smell has increased :D and believe me, that wasn't such a positive, going past the bin man earlier:eek:

Egg - that was a really inspirational post at my stage of my quit, thanks

nsd_user663_55857 profile image

Last question promise:-

Are you supposed to reduce cigs smoked during day 1 & quit day? Or does the drug take care of/curb your 30 day habit to 15 then 12 then 5 etc?

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Know nothing about Champix! However, welcome to the forum and I wish you all the very best as you embark of this quit journey:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Welcome JXP I used Champix and I celebrated 1 year quit on the 6.2.13.:) Best wishes to you too.:)

ukexsmoker profile image

I smoked as normal for the first 2 weeks, but in reality I was throwing the cigs away half way down.

I would light up and then think I am not enjoying this at all.

My chosen quit day came and went without having a single craving for a cig, other than the odd thought of a cig It has been alot easier with Champix than I used to find with NRT

nsd_user663_55073 profile image


I thought I would stop on day 7, but still wanted one, so moved it to day 10, I found I just didn't want as many any more and the ones I did smoke, I only smoked half, on day 9, it was about 11.00am I lit one up and immediately threw up over the dog:D, (he has been bathed), and I haven't had one since. The following morning I felt like I wanted oe, this was not a crave it out of habit, so I resisted and things have got easier. I don't even think about having one in the morning at all now. :)

nsd_user663_55857 profile image

Ok now on Day 2

Hi Guys,

Nearly end of day. The positives are i've gone from 35 a day to like 25 today. I just haven't enjoyed or had quite the same sensation before taking the drug. None of this is premedidated. Today my desire to smoke lobbed off. Usually, after dinner i'm burning for a Cig but instead i waited/ didnt need one till well over and hour and when i did have it. It didnt feel like a nicotine rush.

All i can say is by quit day (day 11) hope my hunger to smoke has totally nose dived.

I'll update you all more tomorrow.

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Well done jxp, you are slowly getting there, by day 11, you will have stopped:)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

Hi Guys,

Nearly end of day. The positives are i've gone from 35 a day to like 25 today. I just haven't enjoyed or had quite the same sensation before taking the drug. None of this is premedidated. Today my desire to smoke lobbed off. Usually, after dinner i'm burning for a Cig but instead i waited/ didnt need one till well over and hour and when i did have it. It didnt feel like a nicotine rush.

All i can say is by quit day (day 11) hope my hunger to smoke has totally nose dived.

I'll update you all more tomorrow.

I'm in two minds on this, so I'll just remain firmly sat on the fence in the hope that the fence doesn't splinter too easily :D

On the one hand, I agree with posts which say you'll know when to stop - the urge falls off so strongly that I can't see that you'd want to continue smoking beyond two weeks... BUT (and I have two buts) -

(i) Every quit is different. This is not my first time with Champix, I knew what to expect and I know that on this occasion, I pulled my quit date forward, but I'd feel uneasy in generalising my own experience to everyone else (especially those on their first quit with Champix); and

(ii) as someone with a lifetime of experience of serial quitting (in common, I'm sure, with 99% of our esteemed quitting community), I'm only too well aware of moving quit dates - "today isn't right, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it next week".... and here we all are years later, still telling ourselves the same lies. Champix is not a silver bullet, it still requires a total committment, so it's important to set a quit date and stick to it.

GODDAMMIT I'm rambling - I just felt a splinter :eek:

[rant]P.S. - what does 'like' 25 actually mean - 24, 25, 26??? I'd just, like really like to know, so I can really get down with the [my] kids. Like. [/rant]

[small hours] P.P.S. - it's not a personal rant, egg is an ikkle bit drunk. hic. [/small hours]

nsd_user663_55073 profile image


I would like to say that what I have posted is only my opinion, as Egg said everyone's quit is different.

I did find, and hope this helps, that when my Dr gave me the tabs, he told me to stop on Day 7, when I didn't feel ready on that Day, I felt it wasn't working for me, that is when I found this forum, and realised I didn't have to stop on Day 7, so changed my day, and as I said, I did also need willpower to stop completely.

I am sure you and your quit, will go the exact way it is meant to go.:D

nsd_user663_55913 profile image


I just joined the forum today. I am a 42 year smoker. I quit on Feb 11, 2013. I have been using champix since then. The Champix causes insomnia and really vivid dreams. The insomnia really bothers me.

My question is, I have about 12 days of Champix left. Should I keep taking it or do you think it's safe to stop taking it? I do have some carvings but not to many and not to strong. I'd appreciate any advice at all!


nsd_user663_55913 profile image

Thanks for the reply. I hadn't thought about taking a 1/2 dose in the morning and a 1/2 dose in the evening. I was thinking about just taking a full dose in the morning but nothing in the evening. What do you think? I certainly don't want to fall off the wagon but then I'll have to stop the Champix eventually.

nsd_user663_55073 profile image

Hi Sammy

The Champix caused mee insomnia and vivid dreams:rolleyes:, so I started taking the evening tab at 3.00pm, which stopped the insomnia, try different ways, and find something that works for you.

nsd_user663_55857 profile image

Day 7

Well guys...end of Day7 on Champix. Have gone from 30-35 Cigs per day last week to 20 Cigs.

I still seem to smoke on Champix. The urge to have one is a lot less on the tablets. Only side effects is Insomnia. Have slept about 4 hours per night for 5 days now.

My worries are around when i'll stop (my quit day is Thursday - kinda feels like i'm on Death Row, waiting for that day to arrive), yet i'm still smoking 20 per day (okay its a lot less than before etc).

My second and final worry is that from tomorrow i'll move onto full dosage (1mg x 2 per day) - bit worried how my body will react. Have had no depression so far, just a lil more aggressive (but talk to myself to calm down - which handles it better).

I know why i am doing this because ive comitted to quit... No pain no gain i guess. Waking up at 3am each day is a bit annoying but hope it passes...

ukexsmoker profile image

jxp101 You sound as though you are expecting to get depression?

Using Champix may cause that with a few people, there are so many side affects listed that some people will be affected by different ones.

I have had the dreams but I have been sleeping longer than normal.

Also my skin has become dry.

Apart from that everything else seems normal.

I have been using them for 6 weeks now and I am also thinking of maybe stopping them as I do not even think about smoking now

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