Two Slip Ups...: Smoked for four years; quit... - No Smoking Day

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Two Slip Ups...

nsd_user663_62558 profile image
6 Replies

Smoked for four years; quit nine weeks today using an e-cig.

In that time, I have had one cigarette, three weeks in, and two puffs yesterday. I miss smoking. It's like being able to smell your fav food all the time but hate the taste when you have it. :(

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nsd_user663_62558 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_62366 profile image

Kastrol, it's really a chemical addiction. Each puff lights up tons of nicotinic receptors in your brain, and brings us back to day one.

Roughly half of relapsing quitters report thinking that they thought they could get away with using just once. The benefit of fully accepting that we have a true chemical dependency and permanent priorities disorder can't be overstated. It greatly simplifies recovery's rules while helping protect against relapse.

That one fag 3 weeks in, planted a seed that took root and grew into that 2 puffs yesterday.... and which may grow into more sticks later. :eek:

I think the Allen Carr book may help to establish a right state of mind. Recognition that this is in reality an addiction, would be the first step to recovery. It's not a 'hobby' nor a 'habit'. It is simply an addiction to a chemical, nicotine. The question is then, how this addiction can be truly defeated.

Being so early in my quit, sometimes strolling past the smoking corners, I do miss that smoky smell, get a couple of triggers here and there, and during drinks with buddies, I get that too. These craves are our brain associating the relieve of nicotine withdrawal with 'enjoyment', where in fact, addicts are just topping up the nicotine blood supply.

Good news is that you are back on the wagon, and do not take even one puff, if you can. Each crave, is just the brain being a junkie. I'm truly horrified that I will stumble and fall too, and each time in my previous failed quit attempts, the fall from grace, started with a single puff. :eek::D

Take it easy, no one can make you quit smoking against your will, and on the flip side, nobody can make you smoke if you do not want to. Point being, the addiction is within your control. It's up to you.

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Smoked for four years; quit nine weeks today using an e-cig.

In that time, I have had one cigarette, three weeks in, and two puffs yesterday. I miss smoking. It's like being able to smell your fav food all the time but hate the taste when you have it. :(

Oh Kastrol , this is just so hard at times, it's true we do believe we like smoking, that's the addiction, we need to find ways to break the addiction, yes it can be oh so difficult at times.:(

You are showing strength,and have proven you can go with out smoking.:):)

May be write down, what you like about smoking, and what you don't like about smoking. It may help.

I can only say for my self, that indeed I did feel lost without my resolve to every situation, but now I CANNOT see a reason to smoke and actually it is so very lovely being smoke free..

You can get past the addiction, I tried to just carry on as normal, that way I did not feel I was in battle with mr NICO. So much

I do hope to day is better for you hang tight it will get easier, if you don't feed the habit the craves become weaker I promis.

nsd_user663_62294 profile image

Hi Kastrol, focus on all the cigarettes you haven't smoked, rather than than the one you had. As other have said, try the Allen Carr book, as some people find it very useful. I'm surprised the ecig didn't work as I found that pretty good.

Also, on a recent thread in the forum someone said you have to see yourself as stopping something that is bad for you rather than depriving yourself of something you enjoy.

This forum is a great help, you did the right thing joining so welcome and good luck in your quit. :)

nsd_user663_60964 profile image

Kastrol, hope things are better for you today. :)

The others are right of course. Whilst you're telling yourself you're being deprived of something pleasurable, you'll feel resentful and as though you're being punished (and missing out on something) when it is actually quite the other way around. It's easier said than done, I realise that, and it was a long time before I finally had the 'light bulb' moment.

It is worth reading Allen Carr's book as I know it worked for many of the quitters on the forum, and as Tracey has suggested, make a list of what it is about smoking that you enjoy (and what it is about smoking that you don't enjoy). The trick is to reprogramme your brain to think of not smoking as being the norm (and that smoking is, frankly, sad and wierd).

And remember the old mantra- NOPE (not one puff ever)....

Do stick around and let us know how it is going. A bit of peer support can work wonders you know. :)

nsd_user663_62463 profile image

Totally agree with some of the excellent advice being given, and the late great Allen Carr's book is fantastic - well worth a read

I too "loved" smoking. Now I understand that I have stopped smoking, not given up smoking ("giving up" insinuates that I am sacrificing something and missing out). I am missing out on nothing - there is not one good reason to smoke....its an addiction, nothing more nothing less

Hang on in there, we are all here to help you

Looking forward to following your journey to freedom

nsd_user663_62558 profile image

Feeling better now. Avoided social situations for the past few weeks so this was the first time I went out and had a pint with people smoking around. I miss a ciggy when drinking. The e-cig helps but its not the same. Oh well, keep marching forward.

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