Day 37 and slip up HELP SOS: Ladies and gents... - No Smoking Day

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Day 37 and slip up HELP SOS

nsd_user663_64317 profile image

Ladies and gents

Broke up with girlfriend and too much stress at work and I went bought a pack and smoke up 7 or 8 cigarettes yesterday

Smoke this morning too

I still have the pack

What to do?

Need help?

I was soo sad last night and today about it!

Need help ASAP

What to do?

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nsd_user663_64317 profile image
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21 Replies

Groushas, today is national slip day, did you not know? Snap out of it Now! I too had a tiny slip and lighten up but threw it away...again fight with partner! It's not worth it, please excuse yourself and walk away... You must! Stay strong buddy!

Canwes profile image
Canwes1000 Days Smoke Free

Grouhas, as you know smoking is a selfish act, we do it for our own satisfaction certainly not for those around us or those that love us and wish us a long and healthy life. When you don't smoke or quit smoking your telling yourself and those around you that you care, about those close to you and about yourself. You display strength and determination to be the best you can be all the while saying 'no, thanks' 'I don't smoke anymore'. to any friends who may think you need a crutch. Breakups are tough and high stress and often out of your control but take adantage of controlling the things your able to, like staying Quit. This slip up may be a great lesson that you can use to remind yourself of how easy it is to fall into the trap again, I mean, I'm sure those first few drags weren't delicious, I'm sure your head was spinning, heck you may have even had a few good coughs. These are indicators you were on the right track that your body doesn't want this. Wake up, smoking isn't gonna bring her back or solve a single problem in your life, quite the contrary actually as you beat yourself up for caving in, don't do that, learn from it. This is how we improve on our lives and hopefully get just a little bit wiser as we get a little bit older.

Get back on the Quit now, don't wait to 'just finish the pack'. Having the strength to throw the cigs out will empower you a little as well,. All the best, chin up. I really hope you can join us again.

What to do? Sling the packet of cigs and get right back on the horse. It's hard - very hard - extremely hard - but examine your motives for quitting, stop beating yourself up and press on.

Sorry to hear about the relapse Groushas but so long as you don't let it become permanent then the damage can be repaired.

You've done so well up to now so don't let one mistake ruin all your hard work.

It's done now so don't beat yourself up over your mistake any more. Just get back on the quit bus and start again where you left off.

I hope you've ditched what's left of those cigarettes you had - please don't buy any more. There's nothing at all to be gained by smoking and you know that so don't even think about going back to it - it's not worth it and you know it.

Time to get over it and move on Groushas.

Good to have you back - don't let nicotine win.

GrahamA profile image
GrahamA3 Years Smoke Free

Best thing I can suggest is don't have any more. Some people can cope with having the odd one, most cannot, but almost no one can cope with regularly smoking (say every day for a few weeks) then stopping again. The sooner you stop the easier it will become to resume your quit.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Eish...Groushas sorry to see this because you were so positive as from day one....We all knew that one or another time there will be curve balls thrown and then we must be prepared to defend.

As said by Canwes and very true, smoking is a very selfish act and I think we must not cut our nose to spite our face...

You were seriously hurt by the split but do not waste your life to use that as excuse to smoke again....

Linda rightfully said it: Time to get over it and move on !!

We are with you and still want you to be free.... !!

Groushas I will be so angry and upset if you let this beat you. DON'T YOU DARE GO BACK TO SMOKING NOW! We've both come so far and you've been much stronger than me, you know you have.

Yes, you've had an upset and a setback but don't turn it in to a tragedy, and that's what it will be if you give in to smoking.

With most things in life what will be will be but smoking's not like that - it's a choice we make!

I've said this before - sometimes we have to deal with bad situations, we all do, but don't let them be an excuse to smoke. If you do will that make things any better? I know it won't.

I don't mean to sound harsh and uncaring but I've made the same mistake as you many times. I've even looked for any excuse I can to justify my smoking.

Smoking really is a fool's game and that's why I'm not fooling myself any more.

If I said I didn't sometimes feel tempted to smoke I'd be lying but you've spurred me on with your strength and conviction since we both embarked on this sometimes hellish quit.

I'm counting on you joining me again, let's just forget this ever happened. You can do it.

Linda is right, you just accept it and keep going, don't drill on it, it will kill your quit. It happened, it's past, you can't change the past but you can change your

Oh Groushas, really sorry to hear you have broken up with your girlfriend. Maybe it's temporary? Relationships can be fixed, if you both want to.

Smoking, well I think it's entirely understandable. You're only just into your quit and you needed something, but whether you continue to need to give it some serious thought, which is difficult when you're sad and upset.

I started smoking again after a three year quit when I got divorced. I felt I needed 'it' at the time. I was obviously not a proper non-smoker!! Don't be like me and then smoke for the next 7 years. Smoking does not heal a broken heart.

Take care xx

nsd_user663_2681 profile image

Sorry to hear of your break up I really am but as he others have said by having a fag you now feel even more miserable! Throw them away immediately write yesterday off and get back to it x

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Ah groushas, sorry to hear of your slip, my advice is clear your head as soon as possible, re-focus, re-evaluate and maybe read the very first post here of your quit and your last positive post and read how far you have come, you were doing so well, when focused and back on track of your quit - get rid of those smokes and forget it ever happened, we are all here and rooting for you....

Groushas, where are you??

I know this a not smoking forum, but whether you're smoking or not, we just want to know you're ok. No-one is here to give you a hard time. Xx

Hope you've brushed yourself down and found your way again.

Hey All I am back!

Well smoke that day? Felt ashamed to come back? Did not smoke for 2 days threw the pack!

Then another big fight with ex and then just bought a pack and smoke the whole thing in 3 days.


I am glad to let you know that I am back on the horse of not smoking.

THANK YOU ... The nicodemon won a couple of battles but not the war

THANK YOU all for your kind comments

Now That's what I like to read :) delighted to have you back, stay close to the forum, post everyday, give the quit the importance that it deserves. It's very easy to lose it all when you believe you have it. Big well done to you!

Soo now do I subtract the days..... I smoke or continue my quit to 43 days.... of should i say 43 days minus 3

My humble opinion as one that have been exactly where you are ...DO NOT ASK! follow your heart and continue what you were doing. DO not listen to anyone, carry on as if nothing happened. If you go back to day one, you will be demoralizing yourself. Some will come up and say that it is not correct to carry on and that is cheating,..I felt for that last quit.

Just carry on and like I say to my kids: May this be a lesson for you ;) It's a learning process, you tripped , got up and kept walking.

Think how many times does a child fall before they learn how to stand up...are they supposed to give up?? Are thy failing every time they fall? No, it's part of the process. Good luck!!!Stay Strong.

I agree with you.....

I am carrying on......

Lesson to be learned... Either you are a smoker or you are not a smoker, there is no in between! Nope.

Groushas just carry on where you left off. It really doesn't matter about counting the days so long as you're not smoking.

I think we've all made mistakes but there comes a time when we ask ourselves just why are we smoking. There also comes a time when we realise we're just wasting out time and money and also risking our health - and for what??

Nobody can justify smoking and of us who've smoked know this deep down.

I'm so pleased you've come back. xx

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