Day 7, Pros & Cons....: Hi guys Well I... - No Smoking Day

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Day 7, Pros & Cons....

nsd_user663_61248 profile image
11 Replies

Hi guys

Well I have made it to day 7 and it has been ok'ish. I have never really struggled with the initial stopping, it is always the staying stopped. Yesterday and today I have really wanted a cigarette. Not an all consuming craving, just wanted one.

I find quitting a bit of a mourning process, sometimes it is difficult to get my head round not having another fag. Which is all completely daft, but it still happens.

So when lying in bed this morning I was thinking of pros and cons of quitting. Now I am waiting for my flooring to dry (DIY project) I thought I would take a minute or 2 to set the down. This should serve as an aide memoire in times of weakness!!

Quitting - Pros:

1) Family - I don't exactly have a large or even very close family, but I would like to be around for the ones who mean alot to me.

2) Health & Fitness - I'll never be Brad Pitt and I don't want to live until 100, but a decent quality of life for a decent number of years would be nice.

3)Mental Welfare - I have a stressful job and I have a few issues which get me down at times. Smoking does NOT help with them, it just makes things worse. I feel so much better when I am quit, less stress, less issues, better all round. When I am quit I actually sleep properly which means I function properly.

4)Wealth - I'm not a rich man by any means, but I get by. Times have been tight for everyone recently but I can't get over the amount I have spent on killing myself. Money which would be much better put to positive life affirming things, not cancerous death sticks.

5)I don't stink anymore!

6) I get a kick out of calling myself a non smoker and knowing I am capable of beating my addiction.

Quitting - Cons:

1) I actually miss smoking. I know this is very stupid, but I really do. It isn't enough to make me start again, but it is there.

2) I don't get to socialize with my smoking friends at work as much. Fag breaks mean getting away from the coal face and chewing the fat for 10 mins. When you are under the cosh from dawn till dusk it helps to get away. Again I know this is daft, but I am being honest and I miss it.

3)Err thats about it

I will no doubt get called for listing Cons to quitting, and the Pros far outweigh the Cons but it is how i feel personally and what makes my quit what it is. I will not give up giving up, I will not smoke again.

Right, rambling post over.

Hope everyone is getting on ok today, I know its not quite the same thing, but here's a picture of Zammo to help you all just say no :)


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nsd_user663_61248 profile image
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11 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oooh that's a good post!!

You've got some fab reasons to stop, and it's a great idea to write them down!!

Don't think anyone will call you out on posting cons to quitting, it's how you feel and you're being honest!! Actually it's helpful 'cos lots of people feel like that, and it's good to know you're not alone :)

Think most of us mourn smoking, if you think about it it's something we do 10, 20, 30 times a day every day so it's a bit of a shock to the system to suddenly stop!!

But the good bit is that not smoking gets to be normal pretty fast :D

Keep going 'cos you're doing fab!!

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Oooh that's a good post!!

You've got some fab reasons to stop, and it's a great idea to write them down!!

Don't think anyone will call you out on posting cons to quitting, it's how you feel and you're being honest!! Actually it's helpful 'cos lots of people feel like that, and it's good to know you're not alone :)

Think most of us mourn smoking, if you think about it it's something we do 10, 20, 30 times a day every day so it's a bit of a shock to the system to suddenly stop!!

But the good bit is that not smoking gets to be normal pretty fast :D

Keep going 'cos you're doing fab!!

Thanks for your kind words Gem, glad to know I'm not the only one mourning the fags.

I will never let the things I miss about smoking conquer my reasons for quitting. I think it is good to be honest about how it makes us feel, no point pretending the feelings/thoughts aren't there, if that makes sense. For me facing them, understanding them and then dealing with them is better than sticking my head in the sand and hoping they go away!

Keep on giving up :)


nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Jim,you cannot fail if you do this and be honest with yourself,as well as see the colossal benefits for what they are ;)

All quitters miss cigs now and then.

The difference is this;the longer you quit,the LESS you think about smoking and so you do not miss them as it rarely occurs to you to smoke.

I miss a smoke now and then.I am a year and 1 month quit,I thought of a ciggie..hmmm a week ago? and the thought lasted about 20 seconds-honestly.Then like a bubble it popped and was gone.

Time is what you need to put in,they say time is the greatest healer and it damn well is here too.:D Your bunch of smoking mates wil notice you gone Jim,and one if not more will decide that they too will try to quit and they will seek your advice.

Very proud of you for tacking this,believe in yourself and the reason you have outlined and you will succeed!

Cheers Max, I know with time I will get through the 'mourning' and the thoughts of having a fag will subside. I am so focused on staying quit for good this time, got to keep on thinking about the benefits of a smoke free life.

I have one mate at work who is sick of smoking and I have been trying to push him towards quitting, (in a very subtle non born again non smoker way). He would never join a forum like this, he isn't tech savvy, but if I can help him and pass on some of the things I have gotten from you guys, I will.

I really appreciate the help, support and understanding I am getting from you all. Credit (and very well done) to you Max (and the other long timers) that you are still here after all this time helping the us new quitters in our hour of need! Posting here really has helped me cope with my thoughts and feelings, the responses have been so encouraging!

Thanks once again to all :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks for your kind words Gem, glad to know I'm not the only one mourning the fags.

I will never let the things I miss about smoking conquer my reasons for quitting. I think it is good to be honest about how it makes us feel, no point pretending the feelings/thoughts aren't there, if that makes sense. For me facing them, understanding them and then dealing with them is better than sticking my head in the sand and hoping they go away!

Keep on giving up :)


You're always welcome :)

We have to be honest with how it affects us, there's no point pretending everything is fine when it isn't - makes you feel really lousy and it really does help when you see someone else say what you're going through!!

Never worry about posting on here, it's your quit and you have to do what's right for you!!

Gemma :)

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Don't beat yourself up thinking about the cons of stopping.If there were none no one would ever go back to it.But they are an illusion,we can do everything we ever did only better and with more enjoyment because we havnt got that little voice of guilt in our ear or our hearts knowing what it's doing to us.

Feel proud,you are a day in front of us 6 ers:D.Soon your smoking mates will be jealous and they will want to quit too......:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't beat yourself up thinking about the cons of stopping.If there were none no one would ever go back to it.But they are an illusion,we can do everything we ever did only better and with more enjoyment because we havnt got that little voice of guilt in our ear or our hearts knowing what it's doing to us.

Feel proud,you are a day in front of us 6 ers:D.Soon your smoking mates will be jealous and they will want to quit too......:D

It's like the sirens, luring sailors onto the rocks :eek:

nsd_user663_61054 profile image

Hope everyone is getting on ok today, I know its not quite the same thing, but here's a picture of Zammo to help you all just say no :)


Hahahahaha brilliant :D I might have to print Zammo out and carry him around with me ;)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Dear lord that was hard!!

Just had friends round for dinner and I am now the only non smoker. Drink has been flowing and everyone has been outside on regular fag trips, except me :) Held my nerve, kept my resolve, made it through my first real social event as a non smoker. A massive thank you to everyone on here, feel like part of a team and believe me the thought of having to fess up to smoking really helped me stay quit!!

Night all and thanks again :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Dear lord that was hard!!

Just had friends round for dinner and I am now the only non smoker. Drink has been flowing and everyone has been outside on regular fag trips, except me :) Held my nerve, kept my resolve, made it through my first real social event as a non smoker. A massive thank you to everyone on here, feel like part of a team and believe me the thought of having to fess up to smoking really helped me stay quit!!

Night all and thanks again :)


That's massive, you had one hell of a test and you aced it!!

Well done :D

One huge trigger and possible cave well and truly avoided :D :D

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

And I bet they stank to high heaven when they came back from them fag breaks:(

But we don't smell that way we.....getting over the first social outing is another hurdle.....fantasic:D

nsd_user663_61261 profile image

Great post Jim and well done lad, it's tough (i'm on day 7 tomorrow) but we can beat this silly little thing we've been wasting our lives doing. Good luck for this week buddy!

This time next week we will be in the day 14 forum and swiftly making our way down the list :D

Well done everyone else too and thanks to everyone for your wise words

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