Day 11- highs & lows: I'm so pleased... - No Smoking Day

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Day 11- highs & lows

nsd_user663_4154 profile image
33 Replies

I'm so pleased- heading towards week 3.. wow, who'd have thought it!

I will be honest- i am finding working behind the cig counter quite hard at times, but last night told anyone who would listen about NS Day.. lol.. quite funny considering i was selling them their smokes!

Doubt my boss would've been impressed :rolleyes:

Despite having crave moments, and work being difficult at times, I shan't quit quitting- I'd have too much to lose! Just have the odd 'low' moment, so i go over the posting I wrote the other day to the Day 1 people and it makes me feel better!!

I think feeling low has more to do with worrying about my dad, living in a house where I'm hardly noticed, and dealing with most things alone- rather than it being because of a lack of nicotine.

My home life and my dad wouldn't get better if i smoked would it!

I apologise.. my posts are usually very cheery and positive, but even this cheshire cat has her down moments too :)

Actually, I shall correct that- I am positive about quitting, i have no intention of giving in, none- I just need a bloody good hug and someone to tell me my dad is going to be okay, but they can't. So the best i can do for him is tell him when i reach my 2 weeks, and see how happy he looks :D

I think i am waffling...

I'll bugger orf now!

I think it's going to be one of those emotional days..

Hugs to all those who need one today xx

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nsd_user663_4154 profile image
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33 Replies
NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Down moments are all part of the healing process, I'm afraid. Nicotine is a mind altering drug, that's why we used it!

Coming off it usually causes some lows as well as highs, especially if we have other things in our lives to be pi$$ed off about! It passes, and anyway you are correct that smoking would not change the situation, it would actually make it worse as you would still have your worries and feel disappointed with yourself for giving in.

Stick with it and you'll be racking up the months before you know it!

All the best


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Minnie :)

Almost 2 weeks completed WOW that's wonderful well done you

I would of loved to have heard you telling people about NSD and you selling them fags bet some of those faces were a picture

We all have High and Low days and as you say worrying about your Dad won't help just try to think how happy you are making him to say nothing of dealing with most things alone on top of that other Big problem and NO nothing would change if you smoked and you woild be so angry with yourself as well

Don't you dare apoligise for having a down day we all have them no one is cheerful 100% of the time

Minnie I am sorry I cannot tell you your Dad will be OK wish I could

As for the hug that I can manage and am sending by FED-EX a HUGE HUGE HUG just for you

Hope you feel better soon



nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Stick with it and you'll be racking up the months before you know it!

All the best


Thanks Nic :)

Not the best of days, i fell out with my eldest son after a 'raghh' moment( on my side) and sat and bawled.. and now he's popped round so all is well again :)

Sometimes things can get a bit much, and I suppose 'escaping' outside and having a smoke was my zone out time.. and i need to find something to replace that that is calming!

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Hi Minnie :)

Almost 2 weeks completed WOW that's wonderful well done you

Thank you Marg.. it does feel good!!

I would of loved to have heard you telling people about NSD and you selling them fags bet some of those faces were a picture

It was quite funny.. so many backed off making all the excuses I used to make..

We all have High and Low days and as you say worrying about your Dad won't help just try to think how happy you are making him to say nothing of dealing with most things alone on top of that other Big problem and NO nothing would change if you smoked and you woild be so angry with yourself as well

You are right.. and sometimes I'm not that great at dealing with the 'other' stuff.. and i retreat, go quiet, yet on the outside i am miss smiley!

Don't you dare apoligise for having a down day we all have them no one is cheerful 100% of the time


As for the hug that I can manage and am sending by FED-EX a HUGE HUGE HUG just for you

Thank you .. just what i needed!!

Thanks both of you.. starting to feel a bit better .. I haven't been tempted to smoke at all.. my positiveness( if there is such a word!) is still strong- I just feel so emotional and weepy.. didn't expect this when quitting on day 11!!

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Minnie

Soooooo Sorry your having a down day I know how you feel Got things going on in my private life that makes me feel down. But like you said smoking will not make it better. You know what After a bit not smoking makes you feel much better like your doing something to improve your life only we can make changes. Hope you feel better soon hun. Ask that son of yours for a big hug tell him you need one. Also a

BIG HUG from me.xxxxxx

nsd_user663_4177 profile image

and a BIG HUG from me, I know how you feeling X

nsd_user663_4165 profile image

Day 11

Minnie you are allowed a 'down' day nd hey read my msg i sent you !!

I had an awful time yesterday on my day 9 and wondered why the heck im putting myself through this but i know, as you do everyone on here keeps us strong and reminds us we're normal and that it's just part of the change we're experiencing.. Huge hugs to you hun and keep the faith !!!!!!!

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Also a

BIG HUG from me.xxxxxx

Thank you Linda :)

the rest of the day went pretty okay, and I had a friend round in the evening and we watched films and ate Ben & Jerrys :D

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Minnie you are allowed a 'down' day nd hey read my msg i sent you !!

I had an awful time yesterday on my day 9 and wondered why the heck im putting myself through this but i know, as you do everyone on here keeps us strong and reminds us we're normal and that it's just part of the change we're experiencing.. Huge hugs to you hun and keep the faith !!!!!!!

Thank you xx I calmed down a bit later, took little one to playgroup and we came home with home made play-doh and had a fab time . How was your day Dee?


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hey Minnie and Dee :D :D

Don't you dare think you're not NORMAL anyway what is Normal ?

Anyway you're both doing great well done



nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Thank you Marg :)

I won't post much today, as although not quitting the quit.. I am having a hugely blubbery day and need a huge shoulder- unfortunatley one doesn't exist in my family- so I'm orf to curl up in a corner and hope for it to pass!

Hugs to alll other week 2's.. think you're all doing great!


nsd_user663_4026 profile image


I am sending a big fat slobbery kiss down the line. xxxxx

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

*wipes cheek* Thank you Fiona! >grin<

I have sobbed and sobbed today, family stuff, dad worries, all that, and called my sister and she was lovely. My friend (who is also quitting) came round too, and it helped a LOT- as I'm ashamed to say I was very tempted to have *just one*.. yet i know it wouldn't help at all.. if anything it's make it all worse.

I hate to admit that

, as I have been so cheerful and positive- I think the PND and quitting, and my dad, money stuff, partner stuff, teenkids stuff and clashes with my mum just all got on top of me and I nearly caved in..

But i didn't :)

Think it'll be an early night tonight.. I have stuffed out on chocolate instead today and feel rather bleurgh!

I did find time to dance round the kitchen with my toddler though.. :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Minnie :D :D

Well done on a difficult day for you not suprised it all got a bit much and pleased you feel a bit better now and you are quite right that just one would have helped nothing

Not suprising you had what you call a blubbery day but lots of us get them at times with less problems than you have glad you had time to dance with your little one bet you enjoyed that

Have that early night and tomorrow you will feel loads better



nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Thank you Marg xxx

I really enjoyed dancing with the tot to cheesy 80's pop on the radio, it's very funny watching him 'dance'!

I am listening to some great me music now... as earlier i filled up again, haven't been able to turn it off at all today till now.

But.. i didn't run to the corner shop, even though it was tempting!

I will not smoke.. I am usually a very upbeat person (despite the pnd) and this will pass!!!!


nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Tomorrow will be 1 week for me !

In my attempt to quit this horrible habit of mine (that has lasted well over 25 years at a pack a day)..I stumpled on this website and immediately joined !

You guys are all in the boat as me ! I'm on day 6..and plan to celebrate tomorrow for my 1 week smoke free ! I am using nicotine gum which I find really helps me. I have noticed that I am using less and less of it every day.

I'm in New England, USA...and cigs are $7.30 per pack here ! I have saved almost 45 dollars this week alone, and I'm so excited about it.

I plan to use this site (if you'll welcome me in) to rant and rave during those horrible cravings...and try to be a support to all of you !!

Best of luck to all of you !!! Deb in USA

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

welcome Deb!!

I like to * live* here some days, and it really helps!

i'm nudging into day 13.. whoo!

I am struggling a bit today/yesterday, but it's more to do with life than the lack of smoking!

Hope your quit goes well


nsd_user663_4016 profile image

Hi, DebUSA, and welcome to the forum. I'm from USA too, upper mid west. Been on this site for almost 2 months now and everyone has been great and very supportive. I smoked 30 a day for 35 years and quit CT on Jan 18, 2009.

Most peeps here, including myself, follow the education route to quit smoking. We read as much as we can. It really has helped me and lots others to learn about nicotine addiction and what to expect with the quit as welll as tips to help you quit and most important - stay quit. If you want, read the links at the bottom of this post. Hope they help you. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Keep smiling and do not take a puff!! :)

Mini, good going! I still find myself getting emotional at the wierdest times, but then I think it's probably just me!!lol Most of us have gone through the cries with our quits. This will pass. Hang in there!

Quit: Jan. 18, 2009

Method: CT

nsd_user663_3728 profile image


Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Well done on 1 week quit and certainly we will all welcome you in Rant and Rave as much as you like post as often as you like for whatever reason pretty much anything goes on here and there is always someone around to help /support you and you can even get away with corny jokes I really enjoy them although am no good at telling them

Best Wishes


nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Marg -- how sweet of you to take the time to welcome me like that. Gosh, I really enjoyed reading all of your threads (including everyone else's).

Minnie -- move over...I think I just had one of those days.

I'm only on Day 8 and I'm going through all the steps like your suppose to..when the bomb drops on me son and his wife have separated...they have 2 small children ( I adore my grandchildren..and I am very very close to them). Okay, I listen to what they both have to say; my daughter in law is devasted; my son (30 years old) decides he wants the single life again. Hey...this wasn't in my life plan ! I know it's their life, but I really feel strongly about marriage -- divorce seems like such an easy option for young couples these days...I have been married for almost 35 years..and I've held in there during the good times and bad...Maybe that's because I was able to smoke everytime my husband pissed me off...LOL LOL ..(okay enough ranting/raving) What makes matter even worse, is that I know my son has a lot of growing up to do...

I want to scream...and yes, I do want to smoke....but thanks to all of you who have written such wonderful notes/comments...I sat down and read this website cover to cover. No, it won't change anything if I go to the corner store and pay $7.30 for a pack of smokes....If anything (like you guys say) it would only makes matter worse...then I would only get angry over their problems...and I'd be angry that I gave in to the nicotine demon. I decided that if only had just 1 cigarette...I would have to do day one all over again...and that wasn't a pleasant experience at all ! Plus even 1 cigarette isn't gong to change the situation my children are in....

And having a smoke isn't going to make anything all better. Gosh, this is just so dam hard....I was damaging my heart over cigarettes...when I never needed them for the damage -- my kids are doing a good job at breaking my heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant...truly I am....I just need to vent for a few minutes....and I am sorry to get off the subject (quit smoking)...but sometimes in life, it is those things that make someone like myself reach for a smoke.:rolleyes:

P.S. No one in my family smokes...

Although they are all super supportive, I''m the only one and no one else I know understands the nicotine addiction.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Deb :)

Day 8 already you're past that 1st really hard week and it will start to get better

Sorry about your family problems but you stayed strong and didn't smoke I can understand how you feel but as you say smoking wouldn't change anything

Feel free to come here and Rant and Rave as much as you like most of us do from time to time pretty much anything goes here and lots of us talk about things apparently unrelated to smoking but think about quitting has affected our whole way of life nothing is quite the same anymore

You say you want to scream well go ahead and scream it won't change anything but will make you feel better and that's what matters

Just hang in there and come here as often as you like we are always here for you



nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Thanks Margxx ! You're very kind....Yup yesterday was indeed tough on me...but I did hang in there...and I didn't smoke today either (and don't intend to either). It won't change anything... I guess I'm learning about all the times that I have reached for a smoke... I was a "stress" smoker...and for all the cigarettes that I have smoked, none of them have solved a single what's the point. Hubby says the problem will resolve itself..hopefully he's right.

But I had a wonderful smoke-free day today. I am trying to cut back on the snacking (chocolate candy). Today I got a package of mini carrots...and instead of a knife, I used my teeth to make decorative things. Ya, I made an indian totem took the craving right away....

I have a being thirsty part of quitting ? I'm so thirsty all the time now....

well...I'm off to do some stuff around the house...thanks again Margxx for your thoughtful response.

Keep up the good work everyone !!

Day 10 is tomorrow for me !!!

I have been quit for 1 Week, 2 Days, 6 hours, 47 minutes and 20 seconds (9 days). I have saved $67.75 by not smoking 185 cigarettes. I have saved 15 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/7/2009 12:38 PM :D

nsd_user663_4154 profile image

Love the idea of carving indian totem poles from carrots!!!!

Glad it's going so well Deb :D

nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Day 10 here !!

Yup, the custom carved totem poles are really cool too. I don't like raw carrots that most of the time I carve them..and then I throw them waste basket at work has about 10 of in there !! It's the hand/mouth thing that I'm doing....

I think I'm doing pretty well, considering I'm on Day 10 -- but I am having a major problem through this...I'm eating like crazy ! Not so much at work...but when I get home, it's like i can't stop eating. I know that once the jeans get tight...that could break the deal for me.....any helpful hints out there ? Does the urge to eat stop ? Or am i just replacing nicotine with food ?

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi DebUSA :D

You're doing great in spite of your problems on day 10 You're hubby could well be right they do have a habit of righting themdelves and yes I think thirst is yet another thing we have to cope with drink lots of water or a favourite of mine fruit tea

Like you a lot of us just keep eating I have cut out cakes, biscuits,sweets and crisps I now cut up lots of fresh fruit and raw veg and when I get the munchies have them instead hope this helps us both



nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Hey Margxxxx

I just noticed your stats...Wow, you are doing really good ? What keeps you motivated over the last couple of months. I hate to think how many years I have been smoking. I think I started at 15 years old ...and I'm 50 now...I've wanted to quit forever.

What made you quit ? For me it was partly because of my husband - he quit 20 years ago. I insisted that I smoke outside. Which I did. He would not drive my car either because of the smell -- my 3 adult sons have always been on me about quitting....So on March 7th I wasn't feeling too good about myself and I was driving down the highway -- when I suddenly threw the pack of smokes out the window..and decided that was it for me. They are very expensive in the states too ($7.30 here !).

So what made you quit after all of those years ? Doesn't it feel good !! I find myself using lots of hand lotion...and I LOVE the way my hands smell.

Hey Minnie--- how's it going with you ???

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi DebUSA :D

What keeps me motivated ? The determination that this time I will not be beaten

What made me quit? Had been talking to my son StuartH also on here at 6 mths and a while later decided that's it no more and that was it I truely beleive that there is a right time for all of us to quit and until you reach it you will fail as I did time after time after time but this quit has always felt right to me

Yes it does feel good in fact better than good it feels wonderful



nsd_user663_4308 profile image


I have something wonderful happen today. I was driving home from work and when I finally got home, I suddenly realized that not once during the ride home did I think of a cigarette ! Today was actually easier than any other day. I think I was a little happier today too. I got stressed at work, but just too a couple of deep breathes....I find it helps me to remember that smoking a cancer stick has never solved any of my problems -- personal or work related ! So now I'm really wondering why I was smoking in the first place...what a waste of time...what a waste of money....I can only pray that too much damage hasn't been done to my lungs ! WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY QUESTION.....

I am on Day 11 -- I have read that when folks quit smoking they cough up a lot of junk that has been stored in their lungs. Prior to quitting, I could not roll over in bed without having a coughing fit. If I smoked outside in the cold air, I would have a coughing attack ( ya know the one that tells you you have a smoker's cough). For the last few days, I have noticed that I am not coughing at coughing fits...nothing. Is this temporary ? Will I eventually start coughing up the residue left in my lungs ? :confused:

nsd_user663_3282 profile image

Hi Deb,

Fantastic stuff getting to day 11....soon be 2 weeks, woohoo!

As regards the coughing issue....don't worry about it. Some do, some don't.

Its been suggested previously that the gunk could be clearing away by itself not requiring coughing fits to loosen and bring up. But if you wish to induce the coughing either take an expectorant which will assist with producing phlegm. Or have somebody lightly slap your back to loosen things up.

Hope this helps,


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Deb :D

Day 11 wonderful and really good that a stressful day at work and the drive home produced no thoughts of a ciggie and you're right smoking was a waste of time and money what fools we were

As Cav say's not everyone coughs up the gunge I never did for one



nsd_user663_4308 profile image

I have been quit for 1 Week, 5 Days, 8 hours and 53 seconds (12 days). I have saved $90.02 by not smoking 246 cigarettes. I have saved 20 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/7/2009 12:38 PM

Has anyone read allen carr's book on quitting (or should I say getting free). I'm half way through the book....and I am finding that it is really helping.

My stats -- 246 cigarettes not smoked...Darn, that's a lot ...I don't even want to know how many I have smoked in my life !! My stats use to encourage me, but suddenly they are a source of embarrassement to me....

hugs to all...keep up the good work !!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi DebUSA :D

Day 12 now you're doing great well Just keep it going you know you can do this



nsd_user663_4308 profile image

Hello and Happy Friday !!

Tomorrow is going to be 2 weeks....and I'm so excited about this ! But I must say if it wasn't for this website, and all the great advise, I think I would have given up...I find it so helpful to go here during hard times and during the good times to talk about my addiction (or rather my recovery). I'm so amazed at how many times I would light up during the day...and now I ask myself "is this going to solve anything ?". Stress doesn't go away when I only makes it worse, and happiness doesn't increase by smoking -- it just ropes me back into a world of being miserable. I love not having to worry about how many cigarettes are in my purse and wondering whether 1/2 pack is enough for the night. I feel soooooooo free !!

It's like Allen Carr says....We're really not giving up anything...we are gaining. we are gaining our health back and good breathe and more money in our can that be giving up something ? I know that the little nicotine monster still lives within, but for the past 2 weeks, I have been in charge of my lungs...and nobody is going to ruin them...especially the nicotine monster !!! lol

P.S. Went to the market after work today...there was a guy standing out front smoking a cigarette....I didn't want to smell it...I didn't want to experience it either...I felt sorry for him. Allen Carr also asks the question " if you knew the next cigarette was going to cause you lung cancer, would you light it ? Of course we never really know if that next cigarette is going to do us why would you even think of having another.

That has been what is keeping me going ..Maybe that next cigarette would be the one...and I immediately say " then I wouldn't smoke I don't...and I won't. I'm done !

Well, I'm off to enjoy a Friday night -- staying at home hoping to finish Allen Carr's book...going to make a cup of tea and read the night away.

Blessed eveing to all !!:)

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