Day 1 again!!: Right, started my patches on... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 1 again!!

nsd_user663_60128 profile image
13 Replies

Right, started my patches on Saturday, nearly 6 days ago and haven had one smoke free day yet! Although each day has been different and I feel like I've overcame all of my worst times just not all in one day yet. In the past I would've just given up quitting by now but I refuse to do it this time. Going for my next supply of patches tomorrow and breath test may actually be ok as haven't smoked since this morning but I'm still going to be honest I guess, I will only be lying to myself. On the positive side I had a great day with my daughters today without constantly trying to sneak out for a smoke! Can already see how great this is going to be for them. Just really need a smoke free day behind me for some motivation to keep it going ( guess my nicotine addicted brain knows this)

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nsd_user663_60128 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_18145 profile image

First of all welcome to this wonderful place :)


Well done on deciding to quit smoking for alot of people cutting down on the amount of ciggies smoked helped them to ease into their quit so take your time and you will get there

keep reading and posting on here to keep us updated on your progress

onwards and upwards is the only way to go



nsd_user663_59305 profile image

Welcome Em, fab news you've decided to quit. Like you I struggled big time on patches and actually persevered for 10 months wearing the patch and smoking 5 to 10 ciggies a day until the nurse decided I would be better off on Champix, and they have actually done the job. My problem was TOH was smoking and I just could not resist the odd fag, even when I started the tablets I was still really tempted but was able to overcome the "pull", what I have since worked out is that even just having one cigarette is enough to keep the brain demanding more, if I had been a little bit stronger to start with and actually said no each time temptation rang the bell I would be one year free rather than two months. So you will do it, and I hope you do it a lot quicker than me, good luck and keep posting.

nsd_user663_48218 profile image

Hi Em,

Well done on making the decision to quit. It will be tough at times but there are many people on the forum who are proof that it is worth it.

I would say to you that you should be completely honest with your stop smoking advisor. It may be that you need something like a spray, inhaler or gum to aid the patches. There is no shame in that as plenty of people need a combination of treatments. The only way you can succeed is to be honest with people, especially yourself. No one here will look down on you or judge you - we will only ever offer support.

I have a group set up for people who stop smoking during September or October this year. Why not join and be in the company of those who are at a similar stage as yourself? If you want to join go to 'quick links' then 'social groups' then select the group then join.

Good luck with your quit and remember to ask for any extra help you need.

nsd_user663_60128 profile image

Thanks everyone for the extra encouragement! :) my breath test was clear today! I haven't smoked at all today which is great for me as I thought I would be lighting up as soon as I got back from the pharmacy!

I think the problem seems to be at night when the kids are in bed just now! It's like I'm rewarding myself for not smoking all day by having a cigarette (dumb I know!) also, my husband is still smoking which is quite difficult although, not as bad as I thought, it still means there are cigarettes available when I have a moment of weakness.

Going to just take every day as it comes and enjoy using my extra money this month on giving my daughter a happy (and smoke free) third birthday at the end of October!

I'm still a bit of a novice at this forum stuff so please let me know if I'm babbling too much or not posting right! Cheers to all of u ::D

nsd_user663_59799 profile image


Honest keep going, it is harder when someone smokes close to you.

I tried to quit using everything from gum, ptches to e-lites and struggled. I did quit using champix and they are awesome, I would try this if you do have a ciggy again (hope not) but they would be worth a try.

Good luck



nsd_user663_60128 profile image

I have smoked again after a day and a half smoke free!!

I have thought about champion but I'm bait worried of the side effects....I remember all the bad press they had a few years back about causing depression?? Also I remember a friend telling me they made her really nauseous? Are these common? Because these are just 2 things I cannot deal with while trying to look after my 2 babies, it's hard enough as it is!

I'm so mad with myself for smoking again. Maybe tonight will be a little easier as the husband is working away :mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I have smoked again after a day and a half smoke free!!

I have thought about champion but I'm bait worried of the side effects....I remember all the bad press they had a few years back about causing depression?? Also I remember a friend telling me they made her really nauseous? Are these common? Because these are just 2 things I cannot deal with while trying to look after my 2 babies, it's hard enough as it is!

I'm so mad with myself for smoking again. Maybe tonight will be a little easier as the husband is working away :mad:

Hiya Em :)

Don't beat yourself up hun, you can't un-smoke them so that's only going to make you feel worse!!

Re the Champix, I haven't used it but some people here have had great success with it. Max and Kat73 for a couple :)

As far as I know, depression is more likely if you already have a history of it, and nausea can be reduced by eating before you take hte pill.

Just a thought, and as a temporary "keep you off the fags" measure have you tried an e-fag? You can get low or no nicotine filters for them and TBH they've saved my quit several times :)

The company i use does next day delivery if you want the link?

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

I have smoked again after a day and a half smoke free!!

I have thought about champion but I'm bait worried of the side effects....I remember all the bad press they had a few years back about causing depression?? Also I remember a friend telling me they made her really nauseous? Are these common? Because these are just 2 things I cannot deal with while trying to look after my 2 babies, it's hard enough as it is!

I'm so mad with myself for smoking again. Maybe tonight will be a little easier as the husband is working away :mad:

Hi Em, I would highly recommend chatting to your cessation advisor about other methods of quitting maybe in conjunction with or an alternative to the patches. Many have successfully used sprays and lozenges with the patches or even e-cigs. I think you sound too much like me to succeed on patches, I too would reward myself after abstaining, I used the fact that my partner smoked as an excuse to carry on, albeit only 2 - 5 fags a day but I still wasn't 100% committed. Champix really is a wonder drug, I stopped 10 days into the course, I'm not saying it was easy but I was able to resist for the first day, then the second, then the third and so on until I'm where I am today. Yes I've had nausea and dizziness but everyone is different, my OH has been taking them for six weeks and has had no side effects what so ever, he doesn't even get cravings (swine!!) What I would say as well, the course only lasts 12 weeks, most don't finish the tablets as they have already succumbed to the magic, but isn't a few weeks of feeling a bit ick worth a lifetime free of nicotine :confused: You can do this ;)

nsd_user663_59642 profile image

Champix can be really effective, it made me stop wanting a fag within a matter of days. But, you must have your mind firmly fixed on stopping fags, too. This is really important. You must really want to stop.

I had been concerned about side effects too, but your doctor won't prescribe them if they are not suitable for you.

The nausea was like morning sickness but as has been said, it's not too bad if you take them with food.


nsd_user663_60128 profile image

Thanks for the info re: Champix folks. Definitely considering it now, will just see how I go this week. Don't fancy the e-cigs much though, just want to break the habit tbh but might invest in one for when I'm going on a night out. Really going to miss smoking then!

Thanks again everyone, you are all so helpful! :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...might invest in one for when I'm going on a night out. Really going to miss smoking then!


But that's the thing - once you've got your mind in the right place, and once you've put a decent time between yourself and your last cigarette - you really really won't miss smoking. Do you think non smokers miss smoking? Of course not! - and you can be there too, once you've got it clear in your mind that your crutch is not a crutch at all, it is a complete (yet powerful) illusion. Tobacco does absolutely nothing for you whatsoever apart from convince you that you need yet more of the filthy stuff.

Never doubt yourself Em, you can do this.

I've been on this forum for getting on for ten months and I was getting a bit quiet of late, but just recently a very good friend of mine, who was diagnosed with COPD just under a year ago, has had his condition worsen in a downward spiral. Early fifties, with probably months left to live. He is resigned to his destiny, and he knows that it didn't have to be this way, if only he had stopped smoking - in fact he is still smoking now, such is the power of this addiction:eek: When things like this happen it makes me value my quit all the more and realise how very lucky, as ex-smokers, we are to be free from the chains of addiction. I almost feel like a bible basher sometimes, trying to spread the good word, but although I'm not a religious / spiritual person on any level, freedom from tobacco can feel like being born again - breaking free, to me, really does feel that powerful.

nsd_user663_59305 profile image

But that's the thing - once you've got your mind in the right place, and once you've put a decent time between yourself and your last cigarette - you really really won't miss smoking. Do you think non smokers miss smoking? Of course not! - and you can be there too, once you've got it clear in your mind that your crutch is not a crutch at all, it is a complete (yet powerful) illusion. Tobacco does absolutely nothing for you whatsoever apart from convince you that you need yet more of the filthy stuff.

Never doubt yourself Em, you can do this.

I've been on this forum for getting on for ten months and I was getting a bit quiet of late, but just recently a very good friend of mine, who was diagnosed with COPD just under a year ago, has had his condition worsen in a downward spiral. Early fifties, with probably months left to live. He is resigned to his destiny, and he knows that it didn't have to be this way, if only he had stopped smoking - in fact he is still smoking now, such is the power of this addiction:eek: When things like this happen it makes me value my quit all the more and realise how very lucky, as ex-smokers, we are to be free from the chains of addiction. I almost feel like a bible basher sometimes, trying to spread the good word, but although I'm not a religious / spiritual person on any level, freedom from tobacco can feel like being born again - breaking free, to me, really does feel that powerful.

Eggie's right, you have to get to a place where you don't want to smoke and trust us, you'll be there before you know it if you keep focused and determined. Show that monster the door once and for all.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't fancy the e-cigs much though, just want to break the habit tbh but might invest in one for when I'm going on a night out. Really going to miss smoking then!

That's even better, if you don't like it you won't end up hooked on it!!

It's just a "better than the alternative" thing, and like all NRT it can be a safety net to stop you having a real one!!

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