A Slap From Henry, the Reality Haddock - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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A Slap From Henry, the Reality Haddock

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
17 Replies

Hi :)

I've been going through a load of wanting to smoke times - no real reason behind it, just for some reason wanting to say stuff it and light up - the demon's line was:

"Try one, you probably won't like it but at least you'll know"

Had even wondered about buying a 10 pack just to see - but I haven't (or a 20 before you ask :p) the demon was having a good go and was beginning to win though. :eek:

Then yesterday happened.

Am WeQuit's resident shopaholic and buy a lot of clothes on eBay (who doesn't love a bargain) and yesterday among other things I got a skirt I'd bought, love it but when I opened the parcel (think girl on Christmas morning kind of thing :p).... *eww fags* It's clean, and had been washed but wow it stunk like an ashtray!!

Bye bye to thoughts about "just one" because I know there's no such thing, and about smoking again!!

As much as I can comfort myself that I didn't smell that bad (was an outdoor smoker most of the time so I probably didn't) the idea of willingly making my hair, breath and hands smell like that again - no flipping way!! :eek::eek::eek:

I guess as much as you can tell yourself smoking is bad, stinky etc, sometimes something has to bring it home to you?

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Had a nice afternoon, smoke free - even with smokers and didn't even fancy one. Not much I guess but with the way I've been feeling the last couple of weeks it's a success :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Somehow I just KNOW you will make it :p

Even though you have flirted perilously with the demon :eek: he never quite gets hold of you,does he :D you always wriggle just out of his reach,you slippery customer..:D.You know,he is getting tired of this game,and will give up on you before too long,I think ;)

That's 'cos of the people on here!!

How could I let you all down after all the help and support I've had?

Ooh and my skirt still stinks of fags even after Febreezing it. :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Smugness :D

So I'm feeling nice and smug now :D

Just seen a Stoptober advert and while last year that would have made me go out for a fag now I'm looking forward to celebrating 10 months :cool:

Am hoping for lots of new quitters joining us in a week's time!!

And my Yahoo got in on the act yesterday too

nsd_user663_59041 profile image

Hi Gemma Lou, my husband got some things from eBay a week ago, opened them up and they were rotten stinking of fags, new mind but from China they must smoke in the factory the glasses case was lifting. I noticed today with it being foggy this morning that people who smoke at work had been outside smoking, they smelt awful when they came in. I was mortified that I used to smell like them and I didn't know x :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_59195 profile image

Every morning I come downstairs and all I can smell is my husbands coat, smelling just like an ashtray! It does make me wonder how much I must have stank :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi Gemma Lou, my husband got some things from eBay a week ago, opened them up and they were rotten stinking of fags, new mind but from China they must smoke in the factory the glasses case was lifting. I noticed today with it being foggy this morning that people who smoke at work had been outside smoking, they smelt awful when they came in. I was mortified that I used to smell like them and I didn't know x :rolleyes:

Oh isn't it horrible?

Some of the girls I work with smoke, although one is talking about stopping now (she says thanks to me :eek:) and I can really smell it on them - it's horrible to think we smelled like that!! Amd my smoker friends when we go out, wowzors :eek:

Every morning I come downstairs and all I can smell is my husbands coat, smelling just like an ashtray! It does make me wonder how much I must have stank :eek:

Foul isn't it?

I had a leather jacket, have had it for years and wore it loads so I must have smoked goodness knows how many ciggies in it :/

It had to go because the flaming thing stank of fags and it wouldn't shift, was gutted but have bought this one which I will never smoke a single cigarette in :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem thats tiny are you a barbie doll lol x

It's a size 10, lol I used to be a 6-8 now am 8-10 but hey, I don't smoke so it doesn't matter!! x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are STILL tiny sweetpea! And as you have said before, you look healthier for it which is a bonus!:D

I do :D

And it means I need to buy more clothes which is an extra bonus :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Your excuses are often weak but that really does take the biscuit! By now you must have completely re-equipped your wardrobe.

Well I did say I was a shopaholic!!

And heck, I have some 6's I'm not going to fit into for the foreseeable so I have to replace them!!

Tell the viewers if you can fit all your clothes in your designated storage???:p

If that includes the drawers under my bed and my chair then, er, just about :p

Before this week's bits start arriving :p

nsd_user663_21078 profile image

The demon getting in your head thing is really incredible - I'd been off for 70 days, got a terrible, terrible cold and somehow persuaded myself that becuase I had a cold and was feeling sorry for myself, that I deserved to treat myself and buy some smokes, and further that becuase I had the cold I'd feel awful smoking them, would really hate it and so it would really reinforce me stopping - so actually buying a pack of smokes was in a roundabout way really helping me stop - yeah, right......soon I was back to 20 a day.

No such thing as just one - anyway, why would you want one - lets say you could have just one, why would you - stinking, horrible things that lets face it taste like cr*p, before you smoked did you ever think, Oh I'd like one of those - emmmm, no - so why now?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The demon getting in your head thing is really incredible - I'd been off for 70 days, got a terrible, terrible cold and somehow persuaded myself that becuase I had a cold and was feeling sorry for myself, that I deserved to treat myself and buy some smokes, and further that becuase I had the cold I'd feel awful smoking them, would really hate it and so it would really reinforce me stopping - so actually buying a pack of smokes was in a roundabout way really helping me stop - yeah, right......soon I was back to 20 a day.

Ooh I know that feeling!!

Horrible isn't it?

Did similar at the end of my last quit, had a couple 'cos I was angry then kept the rest of the packet to have as a "treat" :eek: because after around 18 months of not smoking, was certain I'd got un-addicted.

Was soon on 10 a day, then that crept up to ovr 20 by the time I stopped. Good in a way though 'cos if I'd still been a light smoker I probably wouldn't have quit.

No such thing as just one - anyway, why would you want one - lets say you could have just one, why would you - stinking, horrible things that lets face it taste like cr*p, before you smoked did you ever think, Oh I'd like one of those - emmmm, no - so why now?

Hate admitting this, but if I could social smoke I probably would - don't know if it's brainwashing, the nicodemon or whatever but it's sadly true. Maybe that's why my quit is such a battle?

nsd_user663_21078 profile image


Hate admitting this, but if I could social smoke I probably would - don't know if it's brainwashing, the nicodemon or whatever but it's sadly true. Maybe that's why my quit is such a battle?

Hmmmmm, that's interesting. Would you really social smoke if you could? That suggests that you get an inherent pleasure out of smoking, but we all know the only pleasure is the ending of the need to smoke. Maybe if you really think about this - why would you want to ( and don't say you enjoy it, because you didn't)? It wold still stink, be anti social, be unhealthy, cost a fortune, - so why would you want to?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hmmmmm, that's interesting. Would you really social smoke if you could? That suggests that you get an inherent pleasure out of smoking, but we all know the only pleasure is the ending of the need to smoke. Maybe if you really think about this - why would you want to ( and don't say you enjoy it, because you didn't)? It wold still stink, be anti social, be unhealthy, cost a fortune, - so why would you want to?

I know it makes no logical sense at all - and realise it's impossible as I'm an addict and always will be, even when 9 months is 9 years and so on.

Suppose because I associate smoking with pleasure (even if it is false) so a fag and a drink, or a couple of fags on my Saturday afternoon catch ups with friends sounds far more attractive than it actually is.

That and because I still haven't really grown up so part of me still sees it as a rebellious, "bad girl" thing.

Like I say, it's probably why i have had such a difficult quit. :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Now then! Here we have it, this is precisely why your quit is being so tough.(IMHO of course!) you need to hang on to why you don't want to smoke, finding concessions will only lead to you conceding.

Think it is, and now the initial gloss is long gone from my quit it is tougher.

I do realise that there is no such thing as "just one" though, so that has helped.

It's not that I'm spending all my time wanting to smoke either, if it was like that I'd say bye bye and light up - have to admit that I have found it very tempting lately, and have missed it although I realise that's daft.

Is the reason something daft like there is a fella you are after that smokes and you want a reason to be in his company while outside having a smoke? If so he will only end up a nobber you will spend a month wondering why you bothered, then spending another few months trying to quit again.

Nope, not after anyone at the moment, smoker or no. If anything the opposite was true back when I stopped.

Definitely wouldn't start smoking for a bloke anyway :)

There is no shame in smoking, we all did it for ages. There will be in wasting nearly a year. Have a think, why do you want to smoke? It will not make you feel better, it will not make you look better, it will not make you smell better, it will not make you more wealthly, it will not make you more healthy. In truth it will do the opposite of all of that yet you still want/are considering going back to it? why? You are well past the claim any potential addiction would have on you, you are fighting a battle with your head, take it on with logic, really why do you want to smoke? There are good reasons, if you have one I promise not to nag you and only be slightly disappointed if you restart.

How do you mean "wasting a year"?

Don't think I have a good reason for wanting to smoke (when I do, which is not all the time!!)just wanting to. Think it's from still having a very immature chunk to myself.

Most of me knows that smoking is an expensive way to make myself smell, but there's this part of me that won't listen :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sorry didnt want to seem mean Gem :D

wasting a year, well nearly a year since you quit, close! ish

I didn't think you were being mean Teffers :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

dont make me set my avatar on you!

Lol, what for? :p

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Gemma Lou I really hope things start getting easier for you soon! You are doing brilliantly and deserve to be in the penthouse - not long now for you!!!

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