Fags vs Me, Max Kirsten, Allan Carr & t... - No Smoking Day

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Fags vs Me, Max Kirsten, Allan Carr & the Gym

nsd_user663_14598 profile image
14 Replies

Wow... I finally made it into week 2 and I feel great

The weekend was always going to be the most difficult time; out every night (but no booze) and people smoking all round me didn't help but managed not to give in. Infact I had the craving mostly when at home, probably because at home there aren't any cigs so I will panic, but when out with people who smoke and there are plenty of cigs about I felt safe that I could have one if I really wanted one - strange logic but I'm sure it's partly the nicotine demon plotting something in the background, leading me into a false sense of security before pouncing :eek: I just need to make sure I'm on my guard at all times.

I joined the gym last week and am going to start running and hopefully run a couple of 10k races next year (maybe even a half marathon). I've run (or rather walked) a few 10k's in the past but this time I want to actually get a decent time and get below the 1 hour mark. I've read a lot of posts about people recommending eating more healthy and going out exercising and joining gyms etc. but I think this can put some people off quitting; giving up smoking shouldn't be about changing your whole lifestyle, just changing enough to kick the habit.

Anyway, I'm still listening to the Max Kirsten hypnotherapy sessions and the Allen Carr audiobook and they are helping tremendously - highly recommended. The strange thing I find about the Allen Carr sessions is that I (and probably most smokers) didn't believe half of what he was saying at first - I thought I enjoyed smoking and the taste, and also was convinced that the cigs relieved stress and helped me get through the day... WRONG... they are the CAUSE of the stress!

Hope I haven't rambled on too much but I do find it therapeutic :D

hopethistime - well done and hope you are still with me on this journey


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nsd_user663_14598 profile image
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14 Replies
nsd_user663_14614 profile image

Well done Kevin. Keep it up mate.

That's me sneaked into week 2 as well.

I'm not changing anything drasticaly, I'm trying to avoid any kind of stress just now. That's when I reach for the fags.

So I'm trying to relax as much as possible. I've always enjoyed a good book, and reading seems to take my mind off the cigs.

The big cravings seem to have subsided for now. But there's a constant thought at the back of my mind that says something is missing from my life, I'd think this is normal? To ditch something suddenly after 23 years, something that you thought you relied on, is a shock to anyones system I guess. Still, head down for another week and hopefuly we both pull throu.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Me too into week 2!

New Yorker I feel exactly the same as if something's missing!!!

Kevin - well done you're doing fantastically well considering you're CT!!! Certainly with you on this journey!

Have a good day 8!


nsd_user663_5972 profile image

Hey folks - of course you are going to feel as something is missing, smoking was a big part of your life for a long time. Your saw smoking and a ciggie as your friend, overtime you will you/your brain will realise that in fact smoking is the worst ever enemy.

I have attached a posting I found/find really useful. Chrissie posted it (thank you Chrissie), I printed it out and read it as I reminder of why I am quitting.

You may have already read it if not have a read and I hope you find it useful as I did.

Here it is:

"My Cig My Friend :

How do you feel about a friend who has to go everywhere with you? Not only does he tag along all the time, but since he is so offensive and vulgar, you become unwelcome when with him. He has a peculiar smell that sticks to you wherever you go. Others think both of you stink.

He controls you totally. When he says jump, you jump. Sometimes in the middle of the night and in the foulest of weather, he wants you to come to the shop and pick him up. You would give your spouse hell if he or she did that to you all the time, but you can't argue with your friend. Sometimes, when you are out at a movie or play he says he wants you to go stand in the lobby with him and miss important scenes. Since he calls all the shots in your life, you go.

Your friend doesn't like your choice of clothing either. Instead of politely telling you that you have lousy taste, he burns little holes in these items so you will want to throw them out. Sometimes, he tires of the furniture and gets rid of it too. Occasionally, he gets really nasty and decides the whole house must go.

He gets pretty expensive to support. Not only is his knack of property destruction costly, but you must pay to keep him with you. In fact, he will cost you several hundred thousand pounds over your lifetime. And you can count on one thing, he will never pay you a penny in return.

Often at leisure events you watch others playing vigorous activities and having lots of fun doing them. But your friend won't let you. He doesn't believe in physical activity. In his opinion, you are too old to have that kind of fun. So he kind of sits on your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. Now you don't want to go off and play with other people when you can't breathe, do you?

Your friend does not believe in being healthy. He is really repulsed by the thought of you living a long and productive life. So every chance he gets he makes you sick. He helps you to be more receptive to catch colds and flu. He is very creative with this and carries thousands of poisons with him which he constantly blows in your face. When you inhale some of them, they wipe out cilia in your lungs which would have helped you prevent these diseases.

But colds and flu are just his form of child's play. He especially likes diseases that slowly cripple you—like emphysema and COPD. He considers these diseases great. Once he gets you to have one of those, you will give up all your other friends, family, career goals, activities—everything. You will just sit home and caress him, telling him what a great friend he is while you desperately gasp for air.

But eventually your friend tires of you. He decides he no longer wishes to have your company. Instead of letting you go your separate ways, he decides to kill you. He has a wonderful arsenal of weapons behind him. In fact, he has been plotting your death since the day you met him. He picked all the top killers in society and did everything in his power to ensure you would get one of them. He overworked your heart and lungs. He clogged up the arteries to your heart, brain, and every other part of your body. In case you were too strong to succumb to this, he constantly exposed you to cancer causing agents. He knew he would get you sooner or later.

Well, this is the story of your "friend," your cigarette. No real friend would do all this to you. Cigarettes are the worst possible enemies you ever had. They are expensive, addictive, socially unacceptable, and deadly. Consider all this and NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF..........!"

nsd_user663_7727 profile image

Love your post Kevin...

If you aren't careful you are going to start sounding like me :)

I read Allen Carr again and again. Eventually it does dawn on us that smoking does nothing and is pure addiction.

I believed I was different to all other smokers, until I read that book (EASYWAY) and I realised I wasn't.


6 Weeks for me. Tip Top! Out on a run this very evening :)

nsd_user663_8876 profile image

Well done...sounding like your getting there.

nsd_user663_14598 profile image

Just when I thought I had it beat and the cravings had subsided, that little nicotine monster pounced, started shaking me and screamed "YOU NEEEEEEED A CIGARETTE"

I didn't cave in but those damn cravings come from nowhere and just when you least expect them! I can understand why I've started again after stopping for months as the cravings can come at any time, for example just when you've finished your third pint and all your mates are smoking, so I need to be extra vigilant when in those situations.

I've read on the forum of people having one or two cigs after having given up for a couple of weeks and then trying to kid themselves that they have still stopped smoking. I got news for those people.... it only takes 1 cigarette to get hooked again and once you have had that single cigarette you have reintroduced nicotine into your system, welcomed the nicotine monster back into your life and are back to day zero :eek:

Damn!, i'm starting to preach :(

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

They do hit at the most inconvenient times! You've done well to work through the crave. Quite often you will encounter triggers. I have found that the more I face the triggers, the easier that particular trigger is to face the next time. I recall trying to kill a bear or two in tomb raider a month or so after i'd quit. In the olden days i'd pause the game and run and have a fag when it got too scary and I found myself desperate to have a smoke! I am now quite able to kill bears and other scary things without any smoke desires!

Also, this morning, for example, I felt what could be construed as a crave. Except it wasn't one, I was just hungry. You can learn to recognise these things (HALT-hungry, angry, lonely, tired) and quite often, once you have tackled that issue, you realise it wasn't a crave after all.

nsd_user663_4291 profile image

hi fiona here i am back i was with you with your quit you have done great and i failed have been quit for 2 weeks past sat with champix doing ok

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hey you! How absolutely lovely to see you back!I have thought about you and checked to see if you've visited and I must say its a pleasure to see your name. Brilliant that you have quit again, you didn't fail, it just took you a bit longer. How are you xxx

nsd_user663_4291 profile image

hi fiona feeling great really pleased found courage to post again dont know how to change quit date on bottom of post lol if you remember i wasnt very bright ha my son and i started the champix course together so far so good x can you help with changing details please x

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Good for both of you then! I'll send you a message on how to change it xx

nsd_user663_5401 profile image

Also, this morning, for example, I felt what could be construed as a crave. Except it wasn't one, I was just hungry. You can learn to recognise these things (HALT-hungry, angry, lonely, tired) and quite often, once you have tackled that issue, you realise it wasn't a crave after all.

Yes, yes, yes!!!

I used to be at my worst for craving 1st thing in the morning when I came back from the pool (I swim every morning and have done for years), but I slowly came to realise I was actually hungry and not craving for a ciggie at all.

Personally I think because I had controlled my weight by smoking over the last 20 years, I got mixed up with craving for food and craving for cigarettes.

Sorry to go off on a tangent, I was pleased to find it was not just me!!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

Hey, its cool to find someone who also agrees! They do feel the same and yes, you are probably right about controlling weight and mixing up the messages.. That wormy grumbly tug at your belly and mind. Glad you sussed it too. It cuts down those 'real' craves massively once you work them out.

nsd_user663_3117 profile image

Hey Kevin,

Phew that was close! I hope the rest of your day 9 was better! Still with you all the way!!! :)

Trying to force myself out of this low mood as poor hubby taking the brunt of it as I'm trying not to snap at my daughter so I'm arguing (well shouting at him mainly) with him, I'm sure I saw a smirk on his face last night :mad: so went to bed without even saying good night and he STILL sent a text saying how well he thinks I'm doing! I think he's some kind of Weirdo that secretly likes me having a rant....:confused:

Anyway, day 10 tomorrow whoohoooo......who would have thought it this time last week eh???

Take care, your quit partner, Jane

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