Hello all from a disapointed quitter - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Hello all from a disapointed quitter

nsd_user663_5003 profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone!..Yes, a strange title to this post perhaps..but allow me to explain.

I quit smoking for three years..then foolishly started again, which I now feel wretched about.

Have started the whole quit thing again(as if once wasn't enough!..I must be a sucker for punishment.) I feel it only fair to warn you all about how easy it is to slip back into!...This evil little demon I have allowed to strike again, has no limits, and thrives on complacency!!..... It strikes, when it sees that you have begun to take the benefits of not smoking for granted...when the feelings of good health, clean smells, white teeth..nicotine free fingers and freedom from drugs has become the norm!

I will beat it into submission again...and this time, I will not take my victory for granted!.

I wish you all the best in your new lives to come...I shall be joining you!...But please...take heed of what i say!

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nsd_user663_5003 profile image
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36 Replies
nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hello UK widow maker???? I'm sorry but thats a harsh name no?

Anyhow, i'm so sorry the crafty little nico stick hit back at you after 3 years!!

But, well done for getting back on route and being strong again.

I'm only on my first day quit and would love to say that i will never smoke again....even after years!. I will listen to a person with great experience and thank you for warning us about the devil in 'dried leave' form.

P.s, was that first smoke good or sickening?

Speak soon. Mimi

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Ooops, sorry yes, i know absolutly minging!! hahaha. I think i had a slight moment of craving:eek:

mimi xx

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Absolutely revolting..............and left a very bad taste in my mouth :mad:

Carol (CTC)


nsd_user663_4891 profile image

I believe you i do!!!! gosh, i'm only on my 1st day and already asking these kind of questions.

Strength and i need my stick that Jase passed down for me!. ........ Arhhhh, that's better ;)

xx mimi

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Welcome here to you 'widowmaker', i'm quite used to folks online pseudonyms, and if i listed half of mine from the game 'World of Warcraft' i'd probably have folk going :eek:

I think you've made the right move signing into this forum though, its full of real people with real experiences and we welcome yours as much as our own.

Good to see you intend to tame this mistake thats happened, and i hope its a process you find easier than the first time around.

Heres to you for recognising it, and please do speak of your experience, i'm finding it helps alot, especially as most here are in the same boat with the same goals.

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hello to all,

Ok no smokes but everything else we can do? ok that means eating alot of food and silly sweets!, and 'widowmaker', i'm sorry for the remark i made. My heads playing silly buggers cos my brain is craving but i'm doing good:)))

Courage to all xxx


nsd_user663_4889 profile image

Dont I Know?

Hi Widowmaker

Congrats on making the decision to stop starting once again :D

I can certainly relate. I quit smoking for 13 years and then I got married and started to smoke again. Whats that say?....lol

I had been smoking for about 7 1/2 years and now have been nico free for 10days.

I found what you said to be very true...complacency was what did it for me and these past 7 years though I seriously considered quitting I just didnt have it in me..it was very hard for me to get to the point where I was willing and able to take this on. My point being (at least for me) the more I fail the harder I find it to make my way back. It is a drug and an addiction. Like they say in alcoholics anonymous "I know I always have another drunk in me but Im not sure I have another recovery".

So like you I am taking this time VERY VERY serious and swear to never think I have it beat cos its waiting for me and ready to prey on my weakness and complacency if I let it.

Ive found much support here on the forum so keep coming back.


nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Well done Mona!! we are all here to listen and support!.

Chin up and don't let the bas***ds grind you down :)

Mimi x

nsd_user663_4975 profile image



Good to see you on the forum WM - this place really helps and is full of nice, supportive people.

I'll see you in the pub later and God help us both!;)

Oh, and folks - it's ok, he's not allowed to make real widows in life as he's married to my sister ha ha

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Ouffffff! i am a very releived Mimi over here!!

Great, no widows and non-smokers, all just fine and hunky dory,.... I wish i could come to the pub with you!. They don't have any real pubs where i live :(

Have a good time ;)


nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Cheers Mimi we'll do our best - that's one good thing about living in newcastle - lots of pubs! :D

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Widowmaker :D

I'm sorry those little devils crept up on you after 3 years quit and wish you every success this time as well

Here is my standard welcome and advice post I try to give every new member

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off whyquit.com and woofmang.com Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4901 profile image


Hi widowmaker - relative of writerchris hey! Well, you are still welcome! :D

I'm listening - honest. Three years is a long time to then go back to smoking. I will remember that.

Good luck this time around - and have a lovely evening in the pub!

nsd_user663_4974 profile image

Hi WM - good to see you on here and glad you'll have the support of writerchris down at t pub when other folk go out for that puff - try not to wretch too much when they come back in a stinkin!

nsd_user663_5003 profile image

Haha...Well, thank you all for your comments...yes, I can see how my 'handle' might put some more 'sensitive' types into a paddy!..haha

Again , I can explain!... UK?..well, pretty obvious that one...and Widowmaker?...yes...Rather dark i guess...But is borne of my love of aviation...and the rather tragic tale of the F-104G Starfighter, which was a jet plane sold to the German air force, by the Americans in the 1950's...which crashed with monotinous regularity..Killing many young pilot's...it gained the nickname 'Widowmaker'...and I use it on my Flightsim forum.... but please feel free to call me stoopid twot if you prefer...most of my friends do...but it lacks a certain 'black sexiness I feel!?)...lol

Yes...A night on the beer, has resulted in NO loss of determination to defeat the evil bastard of Nicotine!..The fight goes on... the fight WILL be won...and the yellow death shall be gone forever!...HUSSAH!!!:D

nsd_user663_4975 profile image


We won the fight for tonight bro-in-law!

You'll have to keep my spot at the pool table warm for the next three weeks he he.

I'm sure the forum posse will understand your on line name and congratulate you on a smoking free night (hark at the convert!) :p

I'm also presuming that you got home ok?


nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi Stoopid Twot

Thanks for the history lesson I really enjoyed that..........makes a change from all the mindless twaddle :D

So glad you are hanging on in there.................onwards and upwards :)

Carol x

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi again Widowmaker

I didn't mean your mindless twaddle i was talking about mine :o

Hole.......digging ...........deeper.............help!!!!

Night night well done and thanks for telling about the plane.

Carol xx

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi babes

Sorry can't PM mine isn't working :D

No too angry to sleep :mad:

You ok babes?

Carol xx

nsd_user663_5003 profile image

Hiya Chris man!...Yes, I got home ok...puffing away on the Inhalator you gave me!..hahahah...hey, it's gonna be great waking up with JUST a hangover caused by Real Ale....Instead of a mouth like a Bus Drivers Glove through those filthy Rollies!!!!

The Pool table, wil indeed be kept at roaring pace til you get back home!...Haway the lads!

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Oh yes - pool and inhalators are the way forward - 21st Century decadence


nsd_user663_4975 profile image


Don't worry, we'll chat to him and find out what he's on about. He won't put us off ;)

Poor Marg - she deserves nothing but praise for all she does! I hope she has a nice rest and knows that she's appreciated.

To be honest, if he'd said what he had when I was in Day one or two, I'd have been reaching for my cigs - now I'm just interested in his opinion and hoping that he'll give us all a civil answer as to what he thinks he's achieving by his actions.

Deep (clean!) breaths and we'll deal with him if he responds. He's not a big deal in any of our lives so ha ha :cool:

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

A cautionary tale

3 years is a long time to quit. Thanks for the reminder, know it happens have been warned about it happening. Understand how you feel about going through the initial stages again.

Can I ask how long you went back on the cigs for and was it a gradual process out on the beers?

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Good morning to all!!,

A very tired but happy Mimi here as I have not smoked and feel like i have a huge pair of..... lungs in me and more to the point,,, no one else has smoked:D Another day of good work.

Pleased to hear you all had a good night out and didn't get tempted by the ale or wine or what ever was being drunk. I had a couple of glasses last night (thought i'd test myself!) and i did fine!

Chrissie, i have to say that i'm rather curious of this person that you spoke of. If i understood correctly, some one has been unkind or something to another quitter member??? please enlighten me;)

So, day two kicks off and i am wondering how i'll do....feeling very tired at the moment and i truly don't:rolleyes: want that to make me week and give up.

speak soon!

Mimi x

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Hi Mimi

Glad you are still with us...................well done

As for the unkind person..................afraid that was my cleaning my cooker post that kicked that one off :(

Carol xxx

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Oh dear,

Well i guess you will just have to clean it less often hehehe!

Thanks for the support and i should try and get some work done:rolleyes:!!

....or i could just read the forum all day!!;)

Bye for now


nsd_user663_5003 profile image

3 years is a long time to quit. Thanks for the reminder, know it happens have been warned about it happening. Understand how you feel about going through the initial stages again.

Can I ask how long you went back on the cigs for and was it a gradual process out on the beers?

Hiya MAH.

Yes, it was gradual... had one when out for a Beer..got a bit of a buzz for 10 mins...next week, same again...next day did'nt want any..thought "This is Good..I am in Control, can have one now and again, no worries"...How wrong I was!!!...next thing I know, i'm off to the shops to buy 10....then 20...back to square one!

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

Sounds like me from last year that. Bought a pkt of 10, just for 'the one' put the other 9 on the top of my cupboard so i could have 1 next week on going out night too.. the 9 didn't last 24 hours.

It just takes 1 to wake up the entire rest of your 'need' for more, once you start feeding it.. it will always want more.

I'm avoiding that this time.

nsd_user663_4901 profile image

I'm pleased you guy's have got through the drinking night smoke free - now you have faced that one there will be no stopping you!

Have a happy day!:D

nsd_user663_5003 profile image


Don't worry, we'll chat to him and find out what he's on about. He won't put us off ;)

Poor Marg - she deserves nothing but praise for all she does! I hope she has a nice rest and knows that she's appreciated.

To be honest, if he'd said what he had when I was in Day one or two, I'd have been reaching for my cigs - now I'm just interested in his opinion and hoping that he'll give us all a civil answer as to what he thinks he's achieving by his actions.

Deep (clean!) breaths and we'll deal with him if he responds. He's not a big deal in any of our lives so ha ha :cool:

Did I miss summat bro?...Hey, I'll stand up to him!...lemme at him!...hahahaha

nsd_user663_5005 profile image

Thanks for the advice

Sorry that you find yourself back at day 1,:( but so pleased that you have decided that it is worth doing all over again.:)

To get to 3 years is a milestone that I can only dream of at the moment, to get to 3 weeks for me would be brilliant!

Well thanks for the advise that so us in all honestly no matter how long you have stopped that little nic demon, can still manage to drag you back.

Once again thanks for your honesty and good luck with your new quit


nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Did I miss summat bro?...Hey, I'll stand up to him!...lemme at him!...hahahaha

He he was just a bit of forum "testiness" apparently. It's all settled down now and this place is back to its happy chilled out self


nsd_user663_4985 profile image

Going back to your name again (sorry) but I thought it said 'UK Windowmaker'!!

that will teach me for not reading things properly! Do'h lol! :D

nsd_user663_4975 profile image

Uk windowmaker hahahahahha I'm going to call him that from now on!:D

nsd_user663_4985 profile image

Hehehe, thought he was advertising windows or something!

nsd_user663_5067 profile image

Thank you for the advice!

Currently on day 1 and sooo scared!!

Not what you're looking for?

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