Slow but I'm getting there: Hiya, Today is... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Slow but I'm getting there

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
28 Replies


Today is my first day on step 2 patches - it's around 6 weeks give or take from quitting the e-cig so I'm the right time to change down a level!!

Can definitely feel the difference, but it's step 2 onto freedom :D :D

When I'm ready, I'll go onto step 3 then that's it, bye bye nicotine.

Am amazed though 'cos the step 2 patches are just cut down versions of the step 1s. Never got onto them before, just ditched them for the gum so this is all new!!

Wish I hadn't wasted so long on the e-cig, it made me have basically a 2nd quit *but* I haven't smoked, so that's the main thing.

And, in a way it's a good thing because it proved to me that I really can't have just one fag, or smoke when I feel like it - started off doing that with the e-cig and was chain smoking it by the end :/

*Has no willpower and is rubbish at moderation*

Last time I wanted a fag was May28th (stress induced not craving) and before that? Haven't a clue!! Am definitely a proper non-smoker now *and* one of the girls at work is seriously thinking about quitting 'cos she's seem me and my quit buddy do it and we were both human chimneys before like she is :eek:

YAY converts :D

What really is odd though is that my mind still romanticises the idea of smoking, can quite fancy a ciggie *until* I smell someone who has been smoking or live smoke then it dies 'cos smoke smells minging!!


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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's coming together now Gemma isn't it

It is at last YAY!! :D :D

I bet you never would have dreamed that giving up could be such an ordeal did you :eek: and with the ECig thing,you did so so so well to reverse out of that cul-de-sac.

Thanks Max :)

Um, I never thought it would be this hard - can remember saying on the day I decided to stop to my quit buddy it would probably be "relatively easy" for me 'cos of using NRT and I'd "only" been smoking around 3 years that time. :rolleyes:

How little i knew!!

Glad I didn't 'cos if I'd known I'd probably have grumbled, moaned and and kept smoking :/

Gemma it's all blue sky now,just close down any thoughts that a fag would be nice and keep steaming full ahead,' NO it wouldn't be nice to have 'just one' it would merely herald a new dark period of foul smelling,badly affected health and wasted cash :mad:

Oh it's only my brain romanticising smoking, lol. Not going to have one 'cos I'd have to go through all that again - no thank you!!

Anyway, when I smell someone else's smoke it's totally minging!!

Am not under any illusions this time either - I'm only 1 fag away from 20+ a day again, you don't get "unaddicted" like I thought you did last time :S

Dead proud of you,you have defeated the doubters here and there were a few weren't there,who thought you would never quit :D

Big ((hug)) of congratulation xxx :p


Um, there were a few doubters, lol.

My dad especially!!


nsd_user663_57905 profile image

Well done Gemma, you've done so well :)

I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I don't enjoy the smell of a fresh cigerette so it's good you find them gross cos that's great motivation!

I read a thing where the guy told himself he was an addict everyday just to keep himself on the right path for the rest of his life and this struck a chord with me. We can never afford to let our guards down but it's completely possible.

I'm at a kids bday party (for my sins) and A LOT of people smoke! There's no escaping it in day to day life so what we're all doing is pretty great!

Keep up the fight!


nsd_user663_42390 profile image

You are doing great Gemma Lou! Quitting nicotine is not easy but it is doable as many on here are testament to. However each person is different and we do things the way that is best for us and that is what you have been doing. As you so very rightly say....YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SMOKING! That is the most important thing. Well done lovey and keep it

nsd_user663_44157 profile image


Don't look back at the e-cig with regret. There is not point in looking back. Its forward all the way. Its also quite possible without the e-cig that you would not be the non smoker you are now. Yes non smoker that's what you are. There is not right or wrong way to stop. We all do it differently and its what works for you is what matters.

How long is it now? Over six months I believe. Wow that's something to boast about. You should feel very proud of yourself. You will get to a point when you don't have to think about not having a cig. You just wont think about it. OK the odd day you may think about it and occasionally a massive crave appears from nowhere but hey they only last seconds and are easily managed.

So stick at it we need to see you in the penthouse along with Max and I'm sure we will


nsd_user663_53617 profile image


What really is odd though is that my mind still romanticises the idea of smoking, can quite fancy a ciggie *until* I smell someone who has been smoking or live smoke then it dies 'cos smoke smells minging!!


Me too, sometimes I wish I had friends who smoked to act as a deterrent!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image


Today is my first day on step 2 patches - it's around 6 weeks give or take from quitting the e-cig so I'm the right time to change down a level!!

Can definitely feel the difference, but it's step 2 onto freedom :D :D

When I'm ready, I'll go onto step 3 then that's it, bye bye nicotine.

Am amazed though 'cos the step 2 patches are just cut down versions of the step 1s. Never got onto them before, just ditched them for the gum so this is all new!!

Wish I hadn't wasted so long on the e-cig, it made me have basically a 2nd quit *but* I haven't smoked, so that's the main thing.

And, in a way it's a good thing because it proved to me that I really can't have just one fag, or smoke when I feel like it - started off doing that with the e-cig and was chain smoking it by the end :/

*Has no willpower and is rubbish at moderation*

Last time I wanted a fag was May28th (stress induced not craving) and before that? Haven't a clue!! Am definitely a proper non-smoker now *and* one of the girls at work is seriously thinking about quitting 'cos she's seem me and my quit buddy do it and we were both human chimneys before like she is :eek:

YAY converts :D

What really is odd though is that my mind still romanticises the idea of smoking, can quite fancy a ciggie *until* I smell someone who has been smoking or live smoke then it dies 'cos smoke smells minging!!


So proud Gem, well done for sticking with these patches. You're doing it the best way for you now and it's not long before you will ditch them altogether :D

And you have converts too? That's great!

We've learnt a lot about the e-cig between us and we know that maybe it's not the best aid, but you haven't given into them. I knew you'd never settle for being an e-smoker and it was just a matter of time before you told that little devil to sod off as well!

Thanks again for being a big help to me in my first few months. Wouldn't have made it through without you on call for those tricky times!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma, you've done so well :)

I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I don't enjoy the smell of a fresh cigerette so it's good you find them gross cos that's great motivation!

I read a thing where the guy told himself he was an addict everyday just to keep himself on the right path for the rest of his life and this struck a chord with me. We can never afford to let our guards down but it's completely possible.

I'm at a kids bday party (for my sins) and A LOT of people smoke! There's no escaping it in day to day life so what we're all doing is pretty great!

Keep up the fight!


Thanks Kim :)

Never thought I'd get there either, but one day you probably will think smoke smells foul - it just takes time!!

You're right, we are doing brilliantly yay us :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Me too, sometimes I wish I had friends who smoked to act as a deterrent!

It definitely makes it easier!!

Especially smelling their clothes, hair and breath after they've smoked :eek:

You are doing great Gemma Lou! Quitting nicotine is not easy but it is doable as many on here are testament to. However each person is different and we do things the way that is best for us and that is what you have been doing. As you so very rightly say....YOU HAVEN'T BEEN SMOKING! That is the most important thing. Well done lovey and keep it

Aww thanks Haze :)



Don't look back at the e-cig with regret. There is not point in looking back. Its forward all the way. Its also quite possible without the e-cig that you would not be the non smoker you are now. Yes non smoker that's what you are. There is not right or wrong way to stop. We all do it differently and its what works for you is what matters.

How long is it now? Over six months I believe. Wow that's something to boast about. You should feel very proud of yourself. You will get to a point when you don't have to think about not having a cig. You just wont think about it. OK the odd day you may think about it and occasionally a massive crave appears from nowhere but hey they only last seconds and are easily managed.

So stick at it we need to see you in the penthouse along with Max and I'm sure we will


Thanks Aitch :)

you're right, without the e-cig I'd be smoking, so I shouldn't hate it really but it definitely set me back too.

Will be 6 months and 1 week on Monday night, which is fab :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So proud Gem, well done for sticking with these patches. You're doing it the best way for you now and it's not long before you will ditch them altogether :D

And you have converts too? That's great!

We've learnt a lot about the e-cig between us and we know that maybe it's not the best aid, but you haven't given into them. I knew you'd never settle for being an e-smoker and it was just a matter of time before you told that little devil to sod off as well!

Thanks again for being a big help to me in my first few months. Wouldn't have made it through without you on call for those tricky times!


Aww thanks hun :)

You're very welcome and I'm glad I helped you!!

Am thinking one of the girls at work is going to stop - she hasn't tried before but I'll help her through as much as I can, she smokes like a chimney (well, like i used to :eek:) so hopefully she will manage!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey sweetpea, you're doing Kernow proud! Slow but steady means you keep your feet and don't run out of steam, speeding away is very impressive but can mean people stumble because they didn't notice upcoming obstacles and so weren't prepared for them! After all, who won the race? It wasn't that hare! So chuffed for you hon and very, very proud - not many here can say they've gone through two quits without ever having picked up a fag!;):D

Yay thanks hun :)

Am just going to go slow with it all and hope, lol

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Finding positives in everything

Well last night I had a bit too much to drink (hush Max :p) and my great mood slightly crashed :eek: and it turned into a bit of a pity party - men :mad: - but managing to find positivity in there somewhere, not once did I think about having a fag.

That's something, lol.

Oh and I don't have a hangover either (much) so there's another one

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Well last night I had a bit too much to drink (hush Max :p) and my great mood slightly crashed :eek: and it turned into a bit of a pity party - men :mad: - but managing to find positivity in there somewhere, not once did I think about having a fag.

That's something, lol.

Oh and I don't have a hangover either (much) so there's another one

Well done Gemma - you won the battle and are definitely winning the war against the fags!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma - you won the battle and are definitely winning the war against the fags!!

Thanks hun :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You drink whatever you like Gemma :p

Only pure water :p

As for men sorry it isn't going that well at the moment,well just persist and make yourself even more irresistible or alternatively just say Sod them,if they cannot appreciate such a beautiful lady then they must be blind as well as stupid :D

Think I should order one of these:


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know someone whose cat had kittens yesterday morning so I could get you a small contribution to your starter kit! Sorry you had a rough one too but glad that it didn't occur to you to cave and the hangover's not too rough (I chickened out - figured alcohol was possibly a bad idea!)

Lol then I could be the really crazy cat lady!! :p

Aww I'm sorry you're suffering too hun (((hug)))

Woke up with a slight headache that has gone now, and am feeling more positive!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The other thingy I remembered - the nightmares!!

Leaving my patch on seemed like a fab idea and it *is* a weak one - surely I'd have got used to it?


Zombies, tanks, arguments, *him* it was all happening!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That is superb Gemma loving that

You are too young to be mad cat woman yet though surely :D

Yay :cool:

Am part way there - just need the kitties!!

Apart from the talking one on my phone (where my avatar is from) I'm catless - or does that make me crazier :confused:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nope, not a bit of it! So what are you doing for your Dad today?

Ooh I'm sane-ish then :p

I bought him a book which he's really pleased with, and I'm helping him sort out his "library" - putting up shelves mostly :eek:

DIY Gem!!

He's feeling a bit rubbish again so it's the best we can do.

How about you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Have to admit I'm really feeling the difference being on Step 2 patches and 2mg gum as and when (but a lot less than i used to) and this is the first time I've been at work with it :eek:

Oh well, needs to be done :/

Unah profile image

Gemma, that was the only one I had trouble with but only for 3 days and then I was back to normal.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, that was the only one I had trouble with but only for 3 days and then I was back to normal.

That's great to know thanks Una!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am really struggling today, have been feeling down the past couple of weeks but today is really tough :/

All I can think about is having a fag - which i know won't help but its a struggle.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Awww c'mon Gemma love

Big hug ;)

This is a very hard fight that is so worth winning..have something nice to nibble on?


Thanks Max :)

Haven't got anything nice with me, but will do later.

Bad enough being down without Nic having a go as well :/


nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Here's something to cheer you up....

England are thrashing SA in the cricket!!! And to think I nearly took my kids out of school today to go watch the watch... Tut tut bad mummy I know!!!

Seriously though I really hope you feel happier soon and I'm sure you know deep down that you don't really want a smelly cig!!!!

Come on lady you can do this!!!!

Big hugs


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Here's something to cheer you up....

England are thrashing SA in the cricket!!! And to think I nearly took my kids out of school today to go watch the watch... Tut tut bad mummy I know!!!

Seriously though I really hope you feel happier soon and I'm sure you know deep down that you don't really want a smelly cig!!!!

Come on lady you can do this!!!!

Big hugs


Ooh that does cheer me up!!

Lol, they'd have enjoyed the match whoever won, and you can support England 'cos there's plenty fo SA players in the side usually :p :p

Thanks hun ((hugs))

I had a dodgy time after work - had to go into town to post some bits and was very tempted *but* didn't buy any fags :)

Being in the queue next to the wedding and engagement cards was exactly what I didn't need :/

There was some nice music on the radio instead and I was using my dad's car that has a fab radio (digital - fancy, lol) so that cheered me up!!

And thanks to Kat and Sarah Lou I feel loads better.

Kat made me laugh and Sarah helped me to see sense!!


nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Gemma Lou,

I'm so proud of you getting past 6 months, dropping the E-cig, reducing your patches. You're doing brilliantly!

I'm sorry you've been down in the dumps just lately, I hope you are feeling happier soon. Sending you hugs :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_58194 profile image

Gemma, well done. You are brave and it's wonderful that you are on your next step.;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma, well done. You are brave and it's wonderful that you are on your next step.;)

Thanks Vicki :)

Hi Gemma Lou,

I'm so proud of you getting past 6 months, dropping the E-cig, reducing your patches. You're doing brilliantly!

I'm sorry you've been down in the dumps just lately, I hope you are feeling happier soon. Sending you hugs :)

Molly x

Thanks Molly, it's tough but I will get there.

Am at the stage of wanting a fag - not craving like i did before - but this in itself isn't fun :/

Think I might have chosen the wrong week to cut down the patches though :eek:


Poor sweetpea! Glad I made you giggle, sorry I haven't been around to make you laugh the last three days. Heard your cricketing heartthrob being interviewed on the radio on my way up from the station so gathered we'd had a good day - that should help keep a smile on your face for a while! xxx

Ooh yum!!

And you definitely cheered my up last night!!

You making me laugh and Sarah Lou helping me to think better about smoking.


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