Tying up loose ends :D: Hi :) Just wanted... - No Smoking Day

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Tying up loose ends :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
55 Replies

Hi :)

Just wanted to say that as of now, have had 1 go on my e-cig this morning, and am on my 2nd bit of gum - plus the patch of course.

Think I'm getting there now 'cos I have decided I don't like the e-cig and feel ready to get off it!!

Have got some liquid left, and one cartridge that doesn't taste of burnt toast, so can have a puff if i feel desperate but I'm feeling much more ready now to wave bye-bye to it!!

Am a bit immature so I guess part of me has been hanging on to the "smoking = rebel" thing but finding it's way out through the e-cig, but that bit of me seems to be fading into the background now.

Call me weird, but am actually sort of enjoying the craves and sticking my fingers up at them :p

Wish me luck please :D


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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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55 Replies
nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Go on Gemma-Lou, you know you have to do this. The web is littered with studies, surveys and wot-not about people who successfully give up cigarettes but are still nicotine dependent months and even years later because they've failed to ditch the NRT.

NRT is fine to help quit, but I'm sure everyone who uses it surely needs a plan to ditch it at some point.

Final hurdle hun, jump it clean! Good luck! :cool: And if I could do one of those mexican wave smiley things I'd add that too...:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's my girl!!!:D

We'll just have to find other ways to rebel hon - maybe we ought to be considering getting some ink!:eek::D


Lol, well I did go through a phase of wanting a tattoo!!

If I ever did it would be something discreet but don't think I will!!

In any case, really glad to hear you're feeling ready to get off the dummy, just take your time, there's no need to rush it, as and when will be just fine.

Given how successfully the blasted thing hooked you I'm horrified at that humunguous display Hawkeye has posted for the damn things - not only legalised addiction but PROMOTED addiction!:mad::mad::mad: Anything to ensure the money keeps flowing from the poor addicts under nicodemon's thumb to the massive corporations whose business is entirely living off the subjugation of others, there aren't enough GRRRR smilies for this!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

It's scary. And of course it proves we can never "play" with smoking or anything that's close to it. We're addicts and that's it :/

Agree with you and Hawk about promoting them, the people I used to use were bad (IMO) for that. And yes it did hook me really fast.

Think they need to be much stronger regulated - got mine online, and only had to tick a box saying i was over 18 - flipping heck I was still getting carded for fags up til December, but this, no checks at all!!

They have their place, but don't like them!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

For Gem, on behalf of Hawk!


YAY Thanks!!

Go on Gemma-Lou, you know you have to do this. The web is littered with studies, surveys and wot-not about people who successfully give up cigarettes but are still nicotine dependent months and even years later because they've failed to ditch the NRT.

NRT is fine to help quit, but I'm sure everyone who uses it surely needs a plan to ditch it at some point.

Final hurdle hun, jump it clean! Good luck! :cool: And if I could do one of those mexican wave smiley things I'd add that too...:D

That's definitely true Hawk :)

Am going to concentrate on kicking the e-cig, and then get totally off NRT too. The stupid thing is that using the e-cig has set me back so it's not going to be fun but it's got to be done!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma come on darling,let's say goodbye to the crap :D

Big deep breath and push it over the side......

And don't get a tattoo they look bleedin' awful on women imho and not much good on blokes.:rolleyes: Angelina Jolie what a babe:p -ruined by those hideous tattoos:(.

That's the plan Max :)

Am craving it right now but am not giving in, no way!!

Lol, if i ever did get a tattoo it would only be a tiny girly one - definitely wouldn't have a big one

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am craving like hell now, grrrrrrr

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Resist! Get a glass of water! DON'T smoke a post-it or the e-cig - need to break that action - so drink slowly or pop some gum.

I will :)

Won't smoke a fag either :p Odd but while that's a bit tempting it's not like when I quit them.

Am drinking water, and if I get too evil will have some gum but am holding out as long as I can!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image



Do not let it win.It's Nicdemon the filthy sod,still grabbing your throat.:mad:

It won't win, no fags - electric or otherwise - for me :D

We know that nicotine addiction is as bad if not worse than Heroin addiction.I see smackheads all the time in my job-sad,addictive losers.I see smokers in the same light now-sad,addictive losers,a little harsh perhaps but not so far from the truth.That isn't you Gemma,a drug addict you are not that-but you have to slug this one out love,exchange blows and kill this monster or it will not leave you.Do NOT yield,do whatever it takes.

Eekers, that's a bit scary :eek:

Am back to being dopey and sleepy, like when I stopped smoking, oh the joys :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You can do this Gem we will support you every step of the way x

Thanks Doodles!! xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am going absolutely round the loop here, but haven't had anything nicotine-y for 2 and a half hours - patch excepted of course!!

Also will spend most of the afternoon in the loo 'cos I'm drinking water like they're banning it

nsd_user663_4991 profile image

Hi :)

Call me weird, but am actually sort of enjoying the craves and sticking my fingers up at them :p

Wish me luck please :D


You are Wierd ! :)....... Just kidding . Well done Gemma sounds like you are in charge of your quit :cool:

Keep posting and good luck .

Regards Trev

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I know what you mean! I did that soooo much in the early days! But hey, it's good for you!:)

That's true, at least I'll be healthy :D

Have given in and am chewing gum - started getting a bit teary and can't be having that :eek:

You are Wierd ! :)....... Just kidding . Well done Gemma sounds like you are in charge of your quit :cool:

Keep posting and good luck .

Regards Trev

Thanks Trev :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hang tough sweetie, I know you're dreading repeating the early days of your quit but even if getting off the damn e-cig is as hard (and hopefully it won't be) there is one brilliant thought you can hold on to - you DID get through the early days of getting off fags so therefore you CAN and WILL get through this! Big hug sweets and try not to tense up about it, you are going to be FINE!

Am hanging on!!

TBH, it feels very similar to the early days of my quit - minus being high 'cos there's no CO in an e-cig - but I can be stubborn when I need to!!

It might just be my imagination. bu am sure my skin's looking better again for massively reducing (and hopefully now having quit) the e-cig? Bonus if it is anyway :p

Thanks hun, I'll try not to get too wound up - the gum's made me feel normal again and I don't feel bad about using that - 3 bits today isn't a problem anyhow.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I didn't kill anyone!! :D

Managed to keep my murder count at 0 but it definitely feels very like day one all over again.

Is a most odd feeling having been smoke free for the best part of 5 months and yet being back here - I was flipping stupid to have got myself so attatched to that damn e-cig, but there's no point beating myself up about it.

Oh well, at least I know what to expect :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And now I feel like hell, grrr, it's going to be an early night for me :( :(

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

There's no shame in hiding under the duvet petal, if that's what it takes!

Think I'm going to have to :/

nsd_user663_56972 profile image

You rule missus :):):)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You rule missus :):):)

Aw thanks :cool:

Am having a struggle today but so far haven't given in.

Stupid, but this feels like day 2 - and I want to go to sleep :o

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Day 3

After a totally c**p evening yesterday am doing much better today :D

Haven't vaped or smoked (was a bit touch and go :eek:) and am so glad I didn't.

I have been a bit cravey but not anything like as bad as yesterday!!

Onwards :cool:

Ooh and sorry for being a whiny whinger last night *is embarrassed*

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

After a totally c**p evening yesterday am doing much better today :D

Haven't vaped or smoked (was a bit touch and go :eek:) and am so glad I didn't.

I have been a bit cravey but not anything like as bad as yesterday!!

Onwards :cool:

Ooh and sorry for being a whiny whinger last night *is embarrassed*

I'm sorry I haven't been around much while you've been battling through, but I just wanted to send you a big well done cuddle!! You're doing so great and I'm glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better today :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm sorry I haven't been around much while you've been battling through, but I just wanted to send you a big well done cuddle!! You're doing so great and I'm glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better today :)


Aww thanks hun :)

I'm feeling loads better crave-wise today, but am definitely feeling like i did when I quit the real thing. :eek: Like I've got a cold really!!

I'm working on getting angry at Nic - how dare he make me feel like that? And how dare he make me throw a tantrum last night that would have made a teenager proud? :eek: :o

Am thinking about redecorating my room now so all's good :D

How are you doing? :)


AngryBear profile image

Good on you Gemma, I'm surprised you were still on so much NRT when you've been off the fags for so long, ****** stuff. Emphasis on the "were", sounds like you're doing really well...

Grit your teeth and plough through it, you'll soon be more free than you were before ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good on you Gemma, I'm surprised you were still on so much NRT when you've been off the fags for so long, ****** stuff. Emphasis on the "were", sounds like you're doing really well...

Grit your teeth and plough through it, you'll soon be more free than you were before ;)

Thanks :)

I sort of didn't realise - it was the e-cig that did it really, and it sneaked up on me :eek: until I was using it too often - am a bit stupid!!

Not going back there again though!!

AngryBear profile image

You're not stupid Gemma, no more stupid than anyone who's smoked; that's nicotine for you :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You're not stupid Gemma, no more stupid than anyone who's smoked; that's nicotine for you :p

True :) But it annoys me that I got off the fags and did well then got myself re-hooked on the electric version!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma put the thought right out your head. If you failed now you would be gutted. Glass of water and fresh air. Big deep Breaths!!!!!:)

Ooh I'm fine now thanks Craig - had a lousy evening and nearly blew it but no risk today!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hi hon, sorry I wasn't around last night, really chuffed that you got through ok! Whasson today then?

Hiya :)

Hope you had a nice evening!!

Am deciding what colours to do my bedroom at the mo - and whether to strip the last of the wallpaper off of it or just do the 2 walls. Decisions, decisions lol.

Will be off out in a bit too 'cos I don't feel like death any more. :D

Way too nice to be stuck indoors!!

Are you planning anything nice?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh and it's definitely *not* my inagination - my skin is looking heaps better for packing in that manky e-cig!! :cool:

Who says they're safe? :eek::eek::eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma you are glowing love :D

Either that's because you are not sucking weedkiller into yourself lately,OR your blouse is on fire :eek::D x

Lol, actually I am :D

Well pretty much!!

Am guessing it's the not inhaling poison thing, or goodness knows what else is in that "smoke" but I was getting bags under my eyes again and looking a bit grey before :eek:

Lol, my top's definitely not on fire!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Sounds good! Nah, no plans, if the sun'll stay out and the wind eases off I will crash in the garden with my book. If not, I'll still get out there, but I'll be cutting the grass! But right now, I'm staying under this duvet and easing myself gently into the day having slept in til 11.45am - best lie-in for ages!!!:D

Ooh nice :D

Glad you had a good lie in, and i hope it stays sunny for you!! :cool:

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Aww thanks hun :)

I'm feeling loads better crave-wise today, but am definitely feeling like i did when I quit the real thing. :eek: Like I've got a cold really!!

I'm working on getting angry at Nic - how dare he make me feel like that? And how dare he make me throw a tantrum last night that would have made a teenager proud? :eek: :o

Am thinking about redecorating my room now so all's good :D

How are you doing? :)


I'm good thanks hun :)

Still getting those little surprise moments when I realise that I'm enjoying being in a situation jut as much (if not more) as when I smoked. It's a lovely part about getting rid of the dirt weed, realising jut how much you DIDN'T need it.

You doing really well! Just keep plodding! Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm good thanks hun :)

Still getting those little surprise moments when I realise that I'm enjoying being in a situation jut as much (if not more) as when I smoked. It's a lovely part about getting rid of the dirt weed, realising jut how much you DIDN'T need it.

You doing really well! Just keep plodding! Xxx

Oh that's lovely hun, well done :D

You're right, it feels lovely to be *free* of smoking!!

Have had a nice afternoon, and while i had a few thoughts that a fag would be "nice" didn't have any real craves :cool:

Am hoping that although yesterday was a total stinker of a day, it's downhill from here - would be nice to think so anyway :)


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

that is what happens love,it does get easier and it does smooth out-once you have put in sufficient time to get the nic and the habit out of your system-as we know you went off down a cul-de-sac wit the Ecig and you need to get back onto the main road..Get rid of all the poison,hold fast and then the rewards begin to come :D

It definitely is for me now :D

On one hand without the e-cig I'd probably be smoking again but on the other I flipping hate the thing and that I got myself hooked on it!!

Gemma a fag is never 'nice' you realise that after a while.It is a totally alien,damaging and absurd thing to suck smoke straight into your lungs,how can it be anything but insane.A fag is NEVER nice.

I know, lol but that's addicts for you ;)

Am pleased that all I felt was that it would be "nice" 'cos yesterday it was doing my head in!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

And now I feel terrible :/

Won't give in but grrrrrrrrrrr I want to cry, or vape/smoke/whatever, or I don't know what :mad::mad::mad::mad:


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gem!!! lollipops,cold water..Yahoo messenger,go for a jog,DVD anything to defeat that scummy git! You will overcome this but you have to slug it out face to face to get past him!

I'm trying :)

Nearest shop's shut so no real fags and I'll feel better in the morning hopefully :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You leave me no choice Gemma

I have handcuffed you to the bed

To prevent you seeking baccy or ecig! :D

C'mon love chin up ;) x

Oh LOL!!

You've made me laugh and that's not easy at the mo :eek:

Nearest place I can get fags is a 3 mile walk away so definitely no real ones, e-cig's in my bag and I'm trying to resist that :)

Sorry for whinging :( :( x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

have a suck on the Ecig love,if you completely have to :rolleyes:

But ultimately,you want to remove the need for anything but fresh air.

You said yourself that without the Ecig you would have started smoking again so the Ecig is a friend,don't think of it as an enemy...But it is a friend who must be leaving soon to help others,so don't see it as a permanent 'friend'.:)

Just shows the power of Nicotine and smoking doesn't it!!:mad:

I'm really trying not to, honestly I am!!

Don't want to have to change my signature :p but if it comes to it :/

I do see the e-cig as an enemy, without it yeah I'd be back on the fags but with it I'm feeling like this and I was in a happy place until withdrawal kicked in again.

Grrrrr if I could go and find 13 year old me I'd slap the stupid out of her

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey sweetpea, how are you doing? Not out tonight?

Hiya :) I'm not out tonight, don't dare TBH, and I'm struggling :(

Won't smoke 'cos even if I wanted to the shop's shut and now I'm battling not to use my e-cig. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

How are you? :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Bless you! I'm fine hon, just got back from Mum's, lovely meal, nice cuddles with the man in my life, now just having a pootle round here before settling down for the night. Hon, if I've got my timing right you're at the end of Day 2 without the e-cig. If so, that means you have only one more day to go and you'll have broken the back of it! Hang in there if you can, maybe grab a post it or straw? It'd be a shame to have to start over if you can possibly avoid it. Plus you can hide under the duvet soon, by tomorrow morning you'll have forgotten all about this craving and can hit the ground running for your Day 3!

Glad you had a nice time :)

As for day 3? Don't know about that TBH.

Fed up with feeling like this and don't think I've got the fight left in me for it.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well obviously not Day 3 proper, just as in Day 3 from e-cig (assuming the withdrawal from that does mimic how it worked from getting off the real things).

Know what you mean, and yes it does. :( :(

If it does, then surviving tomorrow gets you through the worst and it'll start getting better.

I hope so!!

Yes you have sweetpea, I know you have! Yahoo?

Am sitting here with my e-cig and can't make myself use it.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Am sitting here with my e-cig and can't make myself use it.


And now the last filter that doesn't taste like burnt toast is in the bin under a load of manky tissues!!

Thanks Kat, I owe you xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Dozy article, totally welcome, you'd have got through anyway, you really are stronger than you think you know! Night God bless hon, talk to you tomorrow xxx

Thanks hun :)

Lol, well I wouldn't have smoked but e-cig? More than likely :/

Nighty night and see you tomorrow!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

YAY for being dragged by the hair away from the e-cig :p

Was in a right mess and how I didn't stick that thing in my gob I don't know but here I am - haven't touched it since breakfast on Thursday and as the last filter is under a load of tissues (quittng it has given me ex-smoker's cough again, who says e-cigs are safe huh?) I can't now even if i want to!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Morning sweetpea, how are you feeling this morning? Sounding up and at 'em, back on the positive foot are you?

I'm feeling heaps better thanks :)

How are you?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Fine thanks hon but the clouds are getting in the way of the sun!:(

Aww that's a shame, they're trying to here as well :(

*Blows really hard*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol, my heroine! Trust me, I'm a bigger bag of wind than you and I'm having no effect whatsoever! So I'm doing battle trying to work out how to edit my photos on this stupid thing - I HATE WINDOWS 8!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: (even with 10 there aren't enough to adequately express my feelings about Windows 8)

Maybe if we both try together? Blow all the clouds away!!

Sorry you're still having problems with Windows 8, haven't heard anyone say they like it yet!!

Am going to be very careful with my laptop 'cos I don't want 8 if it's like that *eek*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Crumbs, downloading Irfanview and resizing on this is a nightmare!:mad: Have I managed to change my profile pic and avatar?

Yep it's all working :D

Nice avatar too :)

Ooh and the blowing didn't work, it's overcast here now :( :(

*Wants to go to sleep even though she had 7 hours sleep last night*

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Oh Gemma, what a dilemma!!! You are so supportive of other people and give really good advice but you are really struggling yourself - I wish I had a magic wand to take this away from you!

I know that you can beat this, given your sensible and thoughtful posts to others so please just hang in there! I smoked for nearly 40 years so if I can do it so can you!

Take Care x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

For some reason the sun does NOT want to shine on Kernow today, pooh!:(:(:(

It's not fair!!

*Pouts and throws tantrum*

Oh Gemma, what a dilemma!!! You are so supportive of other people and give really good advice but you are really struggling yourself - I wish I had a magic wand to take this away from you!

I know that you can beat this, given your sensible and thoughtful posts to others so please just hang in there! I smoked for nearly 40 years so if I can do it so can you!

Take Care x

Aww thanks Jess that's really nice!! :)

It's only 'cos I'm coming off the e-cig that I'm struggling, had not smoking down great then I got hooked on that *eek*

Am going to hang in there, it seems to be the nights that are the worst, grrr!!

Still it's a bit like old times, lol. Got a nice cough and am grumpy etc with a patch on and gum. This time though I won't get sucked into the e-cig trap!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That is so lovely Jess :D

And I completely agree,I am most uncomfortable knowing Gemma that this is causing you such difficulty.:confused: I wish I could do something helpful. Apart from encouraging you and offering the odd virtual hug (and handcuffing lol) I dunno what else to do.:( xx

Aww I'm sorry Max!!

Um, it's like I'm on Day 4 again - despite not smoking for just short of 5 months now!! So I guess it's expected really but you're all being lovely so thank you!!

That's what I need really, and the odd bit of dragging by the hair, lol.

Ooh and I really think those damn things need investigating - wouldn't have thought I'd be coughing like an ex-smoker from quitting it if it was all safe and lovely like they make out :eek:

That, and looking better is spurring me on :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It's good to know you're back to your usual positive self today, will make sure I'm to hand later on, just in case! The question is, sweetpea, what on earth shall we do today given the lack of rays??? I think it'll be chores for me, that way if the sun shows his face tomorrow I can enjoy it with a clear conscience!

Aww thanks Kat!! :) You really made the difference last night, was sitting there with the e-cig trying to get up the nerve to stick it in my mouth and you saved me :D :D

Am doing a few bits outside, nipping back in here and trying to decide what to do about redecorating my room :D

Not sure if I should strip off the 2 walls that are still papered and paint the lot or not and what colours should I go for? *thinks hard*

Ooh and it doesn't smell of e-cig in here any more - it did after I quit it :eek:

Yeah if you get all the nasty stuff out of the way, it'll give you a free day tomorrow and you an do whatever you like :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Grrr, I feel worse than when I packed the Marlboros in - at least then I got a high from it, lol. This time it feels like I've had a 4 day long hangover without the fun part of earning it :eek::rolleyes::confused::o

That doesn't mean I want to smoke or vape anything btw!! :eek:

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

I agree wit Kat - go sort your knicker drawer out!!!:D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Your brain is obviously insufficiently occupied petal, time to hit a facebook game marathon, or a good book, or give your wardrobe the life laundry treatment - get busy hon and it'll stop you dwelling on it!

Am not craving, just feel kind of washed out - like I've got the flu or something!!

Have made a start sorting my clothes out though :)

I'm a bit of a liability in games at the mo 'cos I can't concentrate. Bl*ody nicotine :/

I agree wit Kat - go sort your knicker drawer out!!!:D x

Lol, well it does need sorting out!!

nsd_user663_57708 profile image

i know you can do this, wish you luck!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks Sarty :)

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