Day 16, getting used to it: Hiya :) Am into... - No Smoking Day

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Day 16, getting used to it

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
34 Replies

Hiya :)

Am into Day 16 and so are Gemma and Carolrose :D

Go us!!

My ulcers are now history, can just about see the biggest but it doesn't hurt any more - hopefully that's the back of them now - but I know they're a common quitting thing - all the poison and all the hot smoke I guess.

Do feel a bit strange, like something's missing (normal I know) but it's a question of getting into the routine of not smoking!! My life was run since I caved by the next cigarette, so not having that is a shock but a good one!!

Can't begin to describe how good it feels not having to go outside whatever the weather, or hang as far out of the kitchen door as possible to smoke as fast as possible, just to feel normal.

There was nothing special about how a fag made me feel, it was just getting back to a normal state - so when the craves are over and done with that should be me all the time :D

Going to give the mini lozenges a go, am trying to avoid the gum as much as poss because it makes me bite my tongue (oddly more than Extra does) and I don't want another batch of ulcers!!

Oooh and my patch is itching like hell this morning :eek:

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_61170 profile image

Well done gemma:)

Im on 3 WEEK'S and 1 day , I actually feel like im on a big high at the moment:D

Its like iv got a couple off beers in my system permanently lol

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Good to see you getting to day 16 Gemma :D

I read that smoking causes a barrier in the mouth which protects from things like ulcers. When you quit the barrier has gone so you are more prone to getting things like that.

Your first month is in sight :)

Thanks Karri!!

Oooh that makes sense, I guess your mouth has to protect itself from the smoke or something?

I saw someone on here say that the smoke kills bacteria too, so maybe those 2 together make us more prone to them!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done gemma:)

Im on 3 WEEK'S and 1 day , I actually feel like im on a big high at the moment:D

Its like iv got a couple off beers in my system permanently lol


Oooh that is fab!! I'm so pleased for you :D :D

Lol I got that feeling last time - was really good - hope it lasts :D :D

Doofus_Overload profile image

Way to go Gemma-Lou! every post you make sounds really positive and genuinely sounds like an ex-smoker :D Your will power is admirable and the Nicodemon is shaking in his boots that you are slipping through his fingers, YEYYY!!!

The positives from not smoking are something which I antisipated but completely underestimated, they are FANTASTIC :D Keep up the great work there Gemma-Lou, you have this thing completely under control and you WILL do this :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Just fought off a session of craves :eek:

Not wanting a fag (my brain has processed that I don't like them) but needing :(

Well I had a large shot of my icky rhodiola (must buy more of that) and chain smoked post it notes and it's going now!!

Must look a bit of an idiot "smoking" office supplies :o :o but the inhaling like I used to is soothing - maybe that was why smoking calmed me down?


Way to go Gemma-Lou! every post you make sounds really positive and genuinely sounds like an ex-smoker :D Your will power is admirable and the Nicodemon is shaking in his boots that you are slipping through his fingers, YEYYY!!!

The positives from not smoking are something which I antisipated but completely underestimated, they are FANTASTIC :D Keep up the great work there Gemma-Lou, you have this thing completely under control and you WILL do this :)

Aww thanks!!

I really do want to make it this time - it's very up and down at the mo but soon I'll be more up than down :D :D

So glad you're loving being free!!

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

Hey Gemma, your doing brilliantly!! Your positive vibes and honesty shine through, and im totally chuffed for you :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cracking on through there pickle, way to go!:D:D:D Lozenges or those bits of thin film they keep advertising could be worth a bash but you're going to have to be careful not to overdose your NRT or that could make you feel flippin' awful.

Oooh the filmy things might work!!

I want something really where I don't do anything to get the crave relief - at the mo I chew gum hard to get it and I don't want to hop from one addiction to another - something that just dissolves is perfect!!

I can't use the full size lozenges, they make my throat incredibly sore :( but the minis are supposed to be different so they're worth a shot!!

Oooh I'm being careful but the amount i used to smoke, I'd have to go some to OD on the stuff :eek::eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma, your doing brilliantly!! Your positive vibes and honesty shine through, and im totally chuffed for you :D

Aww thanks Magic!! That's really lovely :) x

nsd_user663_60348 profile image

I love reading your posts! You just lay everything out!

Your totally honest about how you feel and whats happening and yet you still have this happy vibe that shines through too, and its lovely :D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I love reading your posts! You just lay everything out!

Your totally honest about how you feel and whats happening and yet you still have this happy vibe that shines through too, and its lovely :D:D

Oooh thanks!!

Hopefully it might help other people?

It definitely helps me to put down how it's going, how I'm feeling and everything - and to get tips and advice from other quitters!!

Have been helped loads reading other people's posts, so it would be lovely if mine went on to help others!!

Oooh and I'm really happy to be free, and £190 richer :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cor Gemm,16 days :D:D

Do stick close to here,get the support,keep edging a day at a time,we promise this can be done and once you get beyond 4-6 weeks it gets so much easier :D


Good isn't it? :D

Oooh I'm going to hang on tight here, the support is fab and helping other people is lovely too!!

Can't wait to get to the part where I don't even think about fags - I'll get there this time!! xx

__steve__ profile image

Loving your daily diary, Gemma :D

And WOW! 190 smackeroos! Awesome...

nsd_user663_57734 profile image

Hey Gemma-lou. So proud of you to reach day 16, thats a great achievement! You should be very proud.

Remember you are you, smoking was something you did, a bad habit that you have tossed to the curb!

The more healthier, amazing, strong you is here, with or without gum, patches or what ever else!

Keep going! X

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Loving your daily diary, Gemma :D

And WOW! 190 smackeroos! Awesome...

YAY thanks :D

Am closing in on 500 fags not smoked too, how scary is that?

Hey Gemma-lou. So proud of you to reach day 16, thats a great achievement! You should be very proud.

Remember you are you, smoking was something you did, a bad habit that you have tossed to the curb!

The more healthier, amazing, strong you is here, with or without gum, patches or what ever else!

Keep going! X

Aww thanks hun!!

Oooh I'm really proud, I was one of those smokers who nobody thought would ever quit - but heck I'm quit now and loving it!!

That part of my life is over!! :D :D

And it's fab to see you back and doing so well!! x

nsd_user663_52101 profile image

Hiya all,just checking in on day16, your sounding really positive Gem and glad your finding things easier:)

Afm,doing fine,know what you mean about keep biting your tongue and mouth...ouch!and I'm only on ordinary gum.

Getting sick of the patches now though,they make my skin itch and make me feel a bit jittery too....but will stick with them for now :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya all,just checking in on day16, your sounding really positive Gem and glad your finding things easier:)

Afm,doing fine,know what you mean about keep biting your tongue and mouth...ouch!and I'm only on ordinary gum.

Getting sick of the patches now though,they make my skin itch and make me feel a bit jittery too....but will stick with them for now :D

YAY glad you're still with us hun!!

Oh it is really painful isn't it? Wine *does* help and of course salt water but wine's nicer :p

Ooooh that reminds me, after some practice, I'm pleased to say that I can drink without going mental for a fag :D :D :D

Um, where are you putting the patches? It might work better somewhere else - oooh and if it's making you itchy wave it around for a bit before you stick it on, it makes the solvents evaporate or something!! Failing that try another brand :)

nsd_user663_61248 profile image

Hey Gemma :)

Well done on getting to day 16 (and Gemma and Carolrose!)

Glad to hear the ulcers have gone, they are the most hateful things! It is wonderful to feel like you have taken back control from the fags. It is vile going out it the cold/rain/snow to drain a fag as quickly as possible just to get that fix. Making me feel queasy just thinking about it!

Anyhoo, keep on keeping on and hope you get the NRT sorted.

Jim :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hey Gemma :)

Well done on getting to day 16 (and Gemma and Carolrose!)

Glad to hear the ulcers have gone, they are the most hateful things! It is wonderful to feel like you have taken back control from the fags. It is vile going out it the cold/rain/snow to drain a fag as quickly as possible just to get that fix. Making me feel queasy just thinking about it!

Anyhoo, keep on keeping on and hope you get the NRT sorted.

Jim :)

YAY thankyou!! :D

I love not being controlled by those little scraps of paper and leaf any more, it's like a venu flytrap this smoking thing - lots of pretty petals to get you closer, give you a false sense of security then *bang* you're in the grip!!

Oh and yes!! It was horrible having to be out there in all weathers to smoke this thing ASAP - and for me it was often 2 :o :(

Oooh that reminds me, for weeks (thanks to prompting from Kat) I was asking myself if I was enjoying it. Was in that weird place where I wanted to stop but didn't have my ducks in a row. Started off as mostly "yes" :o then slowly but surely I was answering "no" more and more until suddenly I hated it :D

Now I know exactly how you mean about the idea of smoking making you feel sick. Never really got that on any other quit but this time is different :D

YAY for us!!

__steve__ profile image

Am closing in on 500 fags not smoked too, how scary is that?

Tell me about it...I'm on 859 :eek:


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Tell me about it...I'm on 859 :eek:


Imagine all them piled up!!

Am at 465 fags

4.2g of tar and £191.79 saved

Which means I've added 1 day 20 hours 49 mins to my life :eek:

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Tell me about it...I'm on 859 :eek:


I'm not even going to say what I haven't smoked :eek::eek:

Oh, and going brilliantly Gemma, everyday you seem brighter and brighter. I'm going to have to wear sunglasses to read your posts soon :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm not even going to say what I haven't smoked :eek::eek:

I am :p you haven't smoked a single cigarette in flipping ages and you're fab :D

Oh, and going brilliantly Gemma, everyday you seem brighter and brighter. I'm going to have to wear sunglasses to read your posts soon :D

YAY thanks :D :D

Lol, sunglasses will be handed out soon, hope you like pink :p

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

YAY thanks :D :D

Lol, sunglasses will be handed out soon, hope you like pink :p

Nowt wrong wi a bit o pink lassie :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nowt wrong wi a bit o pink lassie :D

Pink is just flipping fab!!

__steve__ profile image

Pink is just flipping fab!!

"I wear black on the outside 'cause black is how I feel on the inside"

-- The Smiths - Unloveable

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

"I wear black on the outside 'cause black is how I feel on the inside"

-- The Smiths - Unloveable


Wouldn't work for me 'cos I'm too girly :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done pinky and keep up the positive mindset u have. X

Woohoo thanks hun :D :D x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hiya :)

Am into Day 16 and so are Gemma and Carolrose :D

Go us!!

My ulcers are now history, can just about see the biggest but it doesn't hurt any more - hopefully that's the back of them now - but I know they're a common quitting thing - all the poison and all the hot smoke I guess.

Do feel a bit strange, like something's missing (normal I know) but it's a question of getting into the routine of not smoking!! My life was run since I caved by the next cigarette, so not having that is a shock but a good one!!

Can't begin to describe how good it feels not having to go outside whatever the weather, or hang as far out of the kitchen door as possible to smoke as fast as possible, just to feel normal.

There was nothing special about how a fag made me feel, it was just getting back to a normal state - so when the craves are over and done with that should be me all the time :D

Going to give the mini lozenges a go, am trying to avoid the gum as much as poss because it makes me bite my tongue (oddly more than Extra does) and I don't want another batch of ulcers!!

Oooh and my patch is itching like hell this morning :eek:

Very proud of my musketeer :) Well done sweetie pie.

I know it's very up and down at the moment, but it's so worth it. Another day down and another day closer to freedom. Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Very proud of my musketeer :) Well done sweetie pie.

I know it's very up and down at the moment, but it's so worth it. Another day down and another day closer to freedom. Xxx

Aww thanks hunny :)

Well the good news is that the weather has been foul down here, I've been climbing the walls - nearly literally - but despite chewing Nicorette for England, the thought of actually smoking has not entered my head!!

Tomorrow can look after itself, today I don't smoke!

Ooooh and you're so close to the Penthouse noe aren't you?


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Aww thanks hunny :)

Well the good news is that the weather has been foul down here, I've been climbing the walls - nearly literally - but despite chewing Nicorette for England, the thought of actually smoking has not entered my head!!

Tomorrow can look after itself, today I don't smoke!

Ooooh and you're so close to the Penthouse noe aren't you?


I'm so excited!! :D One day very soon it'll be all four of us in that penthouse (and maybe we'll get that night out that Max promised us ;)). Xxx

nsd_user663_61235 profile image

Way to go Gemma! You are very close to your third week! Then next, a month!! You are doing FANTASTIC. Keep up putting up the good fight!:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm so excited!! :D One day very soon it'll be all four of us in that penthouse (and maybe we'll get that night out that Max promised us ;)). Xxx

Ooooh can you imagine the party we're going to have? :D :D :D xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Very well done :)

Another day ticked off :)

Every day that we tick off the closer we get to it being easy :)

J x ;)

Aww thanks!!

It's been a seriously strressy evening but still no ciggies, so that's a huge plus!!

It will be easy, and soon :D

Way to go Gemma! You are very close to your third week! Then next, a month!! You are doing FANTASTIC. Keep up putting up the good fight!:D

Ooooh yes i'm closing in!!

Aww and thanks :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You know, that's a VERY good point! Pathos and I are in the Penthouse awaiting D'Artagnan's arrival very shortly, and then we three will have sufficient time to plan the party to end all parties for when you show up!:D:D:D

Ooooh yes!!

make sure you plan a good one :D :D :D

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