Week 4 of no e-cig :D: Hi :) About an hour... - No Smoking Day

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Week 4 of no e-cig :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
21 Replies

Hi :)

About an hour ago I rolled into week 4 of not smoking/vaping that horrible e-cig.

It definitely feels daft, I haven't smoked a proper fag for well over 5 months but here I am feeling like this :/

It feels exactly like a second quit - like I had caved back in March and started smoking again :/ I didn't, but hell this has some right tough moments to it!! I've even got a cough 'cos of it!!

Anyhow, I'm still getting the craves for the e-cig - which can do one 'cos i ain't shelling out £40 for a new one of those monsters, and have had some c**ppy times of it but do think I'm getting better!! Am not getting the "you've just eaten now go inhale something" prompt any more - it was really scary how fast that thing turned me back into my old, smoker self though :eek:

*Chews gum*

Thanks for all your support everyone - especially the Musketeers :D


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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing sooooooooooooo well hon, am really, really proud of you!!!:D:D:D It's been so horrid for you, realising just how hooked on the darn thing you'd got and the way you've faced up to it and declared war on Nic O'Tine a second time has been fantastic!

Dead chuffed for you sweetpea, you're bang on target and WILL be completely free of the nasty little swine soon!:D:D:D xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

It scared me really badly the day I ran out of liquid for the thing how I was acting exactly how I would if I didn't smoke - but it was so fast :eek:

But yes, it's got to be all out war on Nic - don't care how many patches or how much gum it takes I'm going to beat both the addiction *and* the habit!! No more diving from one kind of NRT to the other, am going to follow the course properly this time!!


nsd_user663_56237 profile image

So proud of you sweetie :)

It doesn't matter when you quit the e-cig. You went through a real quit 5 months ago and that's how long it has been since you smoked those poisonous chemicals.

It has definately been a learning curve, but it doesn't change the fact that you have been smokefree for almost half a year now!! :eek::cool:

Well done, you deserve to be very happy. And now you're properly free!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

So proud of you sweetie :)

It doesn't matter when you quit the e-cig. You went through a real quit 5 months ago and that's how long it has been since you smoked those poisonous chemicals.

It has definately been a learning curve, but it doesn't change the fact that you have been smokefree for almost half a year now!! :eek::cool:

Well done, you deserve to be very happy. And now you're properly free!! xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

I'm loving not having inhaled anything - smoke for 5 months and steam for 3 weeks - it's liberating even though it's tough as hell!! Like I say, a quit mark 2!!

Know without the e-cig I'd have been smoking by now but I feel a right prat for having got myself hooked on it!!

Oh, I was talking to someone about quitting the other day, said I'd not smoked for 5 and a half months and his reaction? "Oh you need one of those e-cigs" :mad::mad: Could have slapped him :p


nsd_user663_56749 profile image

You are doing so well :D

I can't believe how quickly the time has gone x

nsd_user663_57259 profile image


Firstly well done!

Secondly, a question for you. Did you start using the e-cig at the beginning of your quit, or did you move onto it at some point during your quit?

I am interested because I am using an e-cig from time to time, and it's helping me a lot, but I am a little worried about becoming addicted to it. However, my usage of it seems to be varying at the moment, and at times I forget I have it. I am using it as a sort of first defence to prevent me from caving and buying ciggies I guess. But my plan is to be off it before I reach my 3 month milestone.


nsd_user663_57123 profile image


Firstly well done!

Secondly, a question for you. Did you start using the e-cig at the beginning of your quit, or did you move onto it at some point during your quit?

I am interested because I am using an e-cig from time to time, and it's helping me a lot, but I am a little worried about becoming addicted to it. However, my usage of it seems to be varying at the moment, and at times I forget I have it. I am using it as a sort of first defence to prevent me from caving and buying ciggies I guess. But my plan is to be off it before I reach my 3 month milestone.


Well, I am considering the e-cig seeing as I crave so much still. I am really scared of caving. Not for other's reactions, but my own failure. Dont want that again.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing so well :D

I can't believe how quickly the time has gone x

Thanks Amanda :)

Time defnitely flies!!

How are you today? x


Firstly well done!

Secondly, a question for you. Did you start using the e-cig at the beginning of your quit, or did you move onto it at some point during your quit?

I am interested because I am using an e-cig from time to time, and it's helping me a lot, but I am a little worried about becoming addicted to it. However, my usage of it seems to be varying at the moment, and at times I forget I have it. I am using it as a sort of first defence to prevent me from caving and buying ciggies I guess. But my plan is to be off it before I reach my 3 month milestone.


Hiya Sarah :)


Um I bought the e-cig about March-ish, was having a bad time with my quit and decided basically it was that or buying ciggies, is it was the lesser of 2 evils at the time. Had I read Allen Carr then I probably wouldn't have but I still had the idea that not smoking was depriving myself.

It's good to keep an eye on your use of it, but I'm having a time of it because basically I was using it like a dummy. Wasn't aware of it, but the girl I share an office with said I was forever picking it up and puffing :eek:

I'm sure you'll be fine hun :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Aww thanks hun :)

I'm loving not having inhaled anything - smoke for 5 months and steam for 3 weeks - it's liberating even though it's tough as hell!! Like I say, a quit mark 2!!

Know without the e-cig I'd have been smoking by now but I feel a right prat for having got myself hooked on it!!

Oh, I was talking to someone about quitting the other day, said I'd not smoked for 5 and a half months and his reaction? "Oh you need one of those e-cigs" :mad::mad: Could have slapped him :p


Ahhh yes, the tactfulness of some people.

It can really hurt when someone makes a comment like that, can't it? :(

Next time just take my frying pan along and smack him in the face!!

*laughs evilly*


nsd_user663_56237 profile image


Firstly well done!

Secondly, a question for you. Did you start using the e-cig at the beginning of your quit, or did you move onto it at some point during your quit?

I am interested because I am using an e-cig from time to time, and it's helping me a lot, but I am a little worried about becoming addicted to it. However, my usage of it seems to be varying at the moment, and at times I forget I have it. I am using it as a sort of first defence to prevent me from caving and buying ciggies I guess. But my plan is to be off it before I reach my 3 month milestone.


Same name AND same thought process! Lol.

I was really strict with mine and it has worked well for me. Only used it on a Friday night and when I was reaching breaking point (a couple of times on week nights). I didn't allow myself to use it at work, because I was finding that part of the day craving-free anyway, and I forgot about it a lot too.

I just stopped in the end, after a drunken night out proved to me that I could live without it :)

Like Gemma has said many times though, while she did get herself a little addicted to the thing, she truly feels that she'd be smoking again by now if it weren't for her e-cig.

I say go with you gut but keep a close eye on the usage.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Like Gemma has said many times though, while she did get herself a little addicted to the thing, she truly feels that she'd be smoking again by now if it weren't for her e-cig.

I was well hooked but only 'cos i'm an idiot and I chain smoked it :eek:

if you're sensible it should be OK but it's still not the best method IMO 'cos you've still got the hand to mouth and so on. Although there isn't really a "wrong" way to quit - apart from sparking up when you're meant to have stopped of course ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't need to spell out how proud of you I am Gemma :D:D xx

Aww thanks Max xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Today's fun - not!!

Am a bit wound up anyway but flipping hell I could kill for a fag, electric or real, and it's getting on my wick!!

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Today's fun - not!!

Am a bit wound up anyway but flipping hell I could kill for a fag, electric or real, and it's getting on my wick!!

Nope nope and nope! :)

You can tell good old Nic to bugger off, coz you aint getting any!!

*passes frying pan*

Have a go with that and see how you feel after. xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Nope nope and nope! :)

You can tell good old Nic to bugger off, coz you aint getting any!!

*passes frying pan*

Have a go with that and see how you feel after. xxx

Ooh I won't be, don't need to worry there!!

Max would probably turn up with a water pistol just as soon as I was lighting up :p

YAY for frying pan :D xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Ooh I won't be, don't need to worry there!!

Max would probably turn up with a water pistol just as soon as I was lighting up :p

YAY for frying pan :D xxx


Stupid Nico-Demon. I hate that he keeps trying to get his claws into you :(

Anything in particular this morning that may have triggeres his arrival?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Stupid Nico-Demon. I hate that he keeps trying to get his claws into you :(

Anything in particular this morning that may have triggeres his arrival?


He's an evil git isn't he?

Don't think anything really set it off, just been a bit stressy which doesn't help :eek: and it hasn't gone away. Am chewing my way through it though :p

Extra or frutiy Nicorette - it's tasty!!


nsd_user663_57123 profile image

Hubby says he is not buying me the esig. He says I either quit or smoke, thats it... :(

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

He's an evil git isn't he?

Don't think anything really set it off, just been a bit stressy which doesn't help :eek: and it hasn't gone away. Am chewing my way through it though :p

Extra or frutiy Nicorette - it's tasty!!


Atta girl!! Drinking booze tonight? This will make the stress go away!! :p xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hubby says he is not buying me the esig. He says I either quit or smoke, thats it... :(

I can understand why, but it has to be your choice in the end hun.

Can you remind me of what triggered you to want to quit? xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hubby says he is not buying me the esig. He says I either quit or smoke, thats it... :(

He's got a good point TBH.

Atta girl!! Drinking booze tonight? This will make the stress go away!! :p xxx

Would I ever do something like that? :p


nsd_user663_57123 profile image

I can understand why, but it has to be your choice in the end hun.

Can you remind me of what triggered you to want to quit? xxx

I went for a spinal fusion L4/L5/S1 with old instrumentation removal on L5/S1. Doc said stopping smoking will make sure the bone grow and also decrease the risk of infection. Well, it did not, cause it is now two months post op and my wound is still oozing. Had infection as well. So what did stopping get me?

Never mind me, im just in a foul mood tonight. My back is sore and Im craving again... Figured out that munching nuts triggers cravings for some reason! Weird...

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