Whoops :O: Here I was, planning a big... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Whoops :O

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
31 Replies

Here I was, planning a big entrance into the 6 months room in a few days time when:

I should have been flipping posting here for ages. :eek::eek:

Stupid girl!!

But stupid *non smoker* girl!!


*Goes to make her room all pink and sparkly*

Written by
nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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31 Replies
nsd_user663_56712 profile image


It does confuse though as I think it should be when you have passed that milestone, ie, hit the 6 months or whatever but it is when you are within it..anyway, congratulations :D:D

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Here I was, planning a big entrance into the 6 months room in a few days time when:

I should have been flipping posting here for ages. :eek::eek:

Stupid girl!!

But stupid *non smoker* girl!!


*Goes to make her room all pink and sparkly*

Huge congratulations on an excellent achievement!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


It does confuse though as I think it should be when you have passed that milestone, ie, hit the 6 months or whatever but it is when you are within it..anyway, congratulations :D:D

That's what I was thinking, lol.

So either I'm like 8 days early or 3 weeks late? :confused::confused:


25 weeks ago yesterday I decided to quit - didn't know how or when but it was like a switch got flipped from being a really happy smoker to a miserable one.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Huge congratulations on an excellent achievement!

Thanks hun :D :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

didn't know how or when but it was like a switch got flipped from being a really happy smoker to a miserable one.

That's exactly how it was for me, except not as long as 25 weeks (Wow that is 1/4 of a hundred, nearly half a year, one week short of 6 months :D ) except I didn't quite become a miserable one more of a pi88ed off one that something had that much control over me!

I think you should start to plan your treat for next week, should really involve pink and glitter:D:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's exactly how it was for me, except not as long as 25 weeks (Wow that is 1/4 of a hundred, nearly half a year, one week short of 6 months :D ) except I didn't quite become a miserable one more of a pi88ed off one that something had that much control over me!

Ooh I know what you mean!! It was weird 'cos I used to really love my ciggies but it was like an epiphany :eek:

Tried to smoke less, and started being a grumpy cow which made me sadder :/

I think you should start to plan your treat for next week, should really involve pink and glitter:D:D

Ooh YES!! Got to be pink and glittery :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I was a bit confuddled why you weren't in there sweetpea! But hey, regardless of whether you're in the right forum or not, you have done a fantastic job and are a sweet smelling, smoke free, successful quitter - WAY TO GO GEMMA!:D:D:D I think we need to make sure we celebrate the six month milestone properly, will buy myself a nice bottle of red when I go shopping and we'll have to rendezvous on the Penthouse Express so start thinking now about where you want to go!:)

I'm always confuzzled :p

Thanks hun, it's been hard but it's worth it :D :D

Ooh and yes definitely treat yourself too *starts planning what to buy herself*

And I can report that after having a lot of, um, seawater :p I had no desire to smoke at all yesterday or Friday :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

That's my girl!!! Kernow Quitters RULE!!!:D:D:D

Oh we do :D

Just wait until I can join you and Maxwell in there, we'll have to have a Three Musketeers party! And when D'Artagnan joins us we can have another!:D

Oh we're going to have a massive party YAY!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Because I have quite frankly been making Grumpy Cat look like a cheerful sunny cat lately it's time for some positivity and stats 'cos I love 'em :D

Anyway here goes:

I smoked my last fag on 10/12/12 at 11:30 PM and since then I -

* have not smoked for 173 days (can it really be that long? seems like yesterday!!)

* have not smoked at least 3,469 fags (and it's a lot more than that really - being upset, Friday night and a sunny boozy day yesterday I'd have been smoking like a chimney :eek: and my app's set to 20 'cos that was my average)

* have saved 1,387.60 (and they were the cheapest I could stand smoking, i have expensive tastes :p)

* have given myself 2 weeks, 10 hours and 54 mins longer to live (hopefully!!)

* haven't touched the e-cig for exactly a month - YAY

* my cough is loads better too!!

And that's fab!!

Had a crappy week (men :mad:) but thanks to my lovely friends on here and off I didn't cave, and I'm sorry for scaring the life out of Max and Kat :o

Was on my way to beg for a fag, but something stopped me and you guys saw me through :D Anyway smoking wouldn't have made me any less single, would it?

And I don't smell like an ashtray :D

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Gosh is it really a month ago that you were battling the evil e-cig?? doesn't time fly? Really doesn't seem that long ago!

Good on you Gemma and with all the stress and upset you have had, you have still been around to support loads of others.:)

You must now be an 'extremely proud non-smoker'


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gosh is it really a month ago that you were battling the evil e-cig?? doesn't time fly? Really doesn't seem that long ago!

Good on you Gemma and with all the stress and upset you have had, you have still been around to support loads of others.:)

You must now be an 'extremely proud non-smoker'


Thanks Trea :)

It's amazing isn't it? But yes it's exactly a month since I ditched the e-cig and am really glad that i have!!

Hope i do help other people, I've had loads of support on here so I want to give some back!! There's no way I'd still be smoke free for almost 6 months without here :D :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Bless you, you really have come soooo far it's flippin' amazing! Those stats are truly awesome, and must be seriously encouraging. Perhaps you and me ought to consider setting up a Cornwall ex-smokers dating agency? And of course we could vet all of the male members personally;)

It's amazing, and a bit scary too - expecially the number of ciggies, and thinking I'd have got through 80 odd this weekend is frightening too :eek:

Now that is what I call a flipping fab idea!!

When do we get started? :D :D :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

*Has been eating ice cream out of the tub in preparation for her new diet this week* :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Fortunately there is only plain vanilla in my freezer so I've been able to resist!

Butterscotch is yummy!!

Am going to be on chicken and ham salads for tea all week so it's good to have a treat :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ummmm, no clue! I think what I ought to do is get our Stephen to quit and then I can set you up with him - he'll be 30 in September, own business, good looking, great sense of humour, good dress sense, loves going out, travelling abroad, likes to climb mountains, loves treating a girl well so meals out, weekends away, etc, etc, just need to get him off the stinking weed!

On the minus side, he talks too much and too fast!:D

Ooh he sounds fab - apart from the smoking and the talking!!

Was in Co-Op yesterday and the guy in front of me was buying baccy, flipping heck did he look pale and it was so expensive!!

PS. Pear cider is really nice ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I think I may go in the booze fridge and grab myself a Bud - it is the weekend after all and today is the first day it's been warm enough to lie out and sunbathe so I'm making the most of it!:cool:

Ooh nice, enjoy yourself hun :)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Photos please Kathryn :D:D

Gemma you little love!!! You have shown such a determined effort,you will succeed cos you are SO trying to win this.We will all be here for you,every day and in every way and when the worst is over-and when we get to 12 months quit each-I am paying for us to all get together for a pi$$ up,ok :D

And remember Mr/Miss right always comes along when you least expect it so I have a good feeling for you sweetheart :D

Aww thanks Max :D :D

Lol, I've met Mr Right before, shame his first name was Always :p

Now where's the real one? *Is getting impatient*

Ooh and that'll be fun - and you can see if it's true about me and seawater!! :p

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Here I was, planning a big entrance into the 6 months room in a few days time when:

I should have been flipping posting here for ages. :eek::eek:

Stupid girl!!

But stupid *non smoker* girl!!


*Goes to make her room all pink and sparkly*

Don't scare me like that woman! :eek::rolleyes:

6 months, wooohoooo! You wonderful, wonderful girl! :D

As ever I am in awe Miss Gemma Lou! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't scare me like that woman! :eek::rolleyes:

6 months, wooohoooo! You wonderful, wonderful girl! :D

As ever I am in awe Miss Gemma Lou! xxx

LOL sorry hun!!

If I can survive men, spending Friday evening with 2 smokers *and* hitting the wine hard, plus a hot Saturday again with a smoker and didn't pop one in my mouth I think it's more or less safe ;)

Aww and thanks, that's lovely - you're going to be here before you know it :D


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Tomorrow will be a test, am driving my dad places and hopefully it won't be as fraught as when I smoked. The last couple of times have gone like a dream so here's hoping!!

In a way, I sort of miss the excuse to clear off for however long it takes to smoke 2 ciggies (driving him was definitely a 2 fag job :p ) but I don't miss the actual smoke, or hastily spraying myself with Impulse and ramming chewy in my mouth, or the pitying look when the first thing I did when I got out of the car was to spark up. Well i guess nobody likes to watch their daughter slowly killing herself do they? :rolleyes:

Anyway I got more gum on the way home, so *crosses her fingers* ooh and the girl at the till asked if the stuff was working, which was nice of her :)

Whatever happens I won't smoke though - am a week short of 6 months smoke free!! Have fought really hard for this quit and am not letting it go in a hurry!! Might pop on here for a rant though ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hope it goes ok hon, you come rant as much as you need to! Glad you managed to pick up some more gum, now you're armed ready for whatever tomorrow brings!:D

Thanks hun :)

Was hoping to have enough gum to last me *but* thanks to my boss and Royal Fail I would have run out - and me in nicotine withdrawal driving my dad? Yowsers!!

Actually, I think my dad would go and buy me fags if that happened :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Lol, you'll be fine, you did great when you took him to pick up the new car

Thanks hun :)

Well I've got 29 bits of gum to chew on so if there's fireworks it won't be because of withdrawals :eek:

I used to get narky towards the end of the journey - would have pulled over to smoke but didn't want the earache - but it's not a problem any more :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

All Ok so far, I've been miss sweetness and light :p

YAY not needing a fag to "calm myself down"

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Watch out for that hump back bridge Gemma!!:eek:

And that bloke on the bike,he has't seen you!!

(Sorry-back seat driver) :D:D

Lol, you sound like my dad!!

He isn't exactly a relaxed passenger but heck no drama, no snippiness YAY

Know I've said this before but I really really believed smoking calmed me down but it didn't!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Woohoo, well done that woman!:cool: Sounds to me like you've got it all under control today, that's brillliant!

Thanks hun :)

Another thing I've noticed is that I don't have a blinding headache after the drive any more, fab isn't it?

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

You are a better driver too Gem :D

No headache,better driver :p ,you look prettier,you have more cash,you don't stink of fags,you have made lots of new friends on here who love you,you have lots of new clothes and you will live longer.

Not bad that,for just stopping doing something xx

He may be a man Gemma, but he does make a lot of good points here....;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are a better driver too Gem :D

No headache,better driver :p ,you look prettier,you have more cash,you don't stink of fags,you have made lots of new friends on here who love you,you have lots of new clothes and you will live longer.

Not bad that,for just stopping doing something xx

YAY :D :D Sounds pretty good when you put it like that doesn't it?


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

He may be a man Gemma, but he does make a lot of good points here....;)

He does that every once in a while - I'm sure it's just to catch us off balance and try and wrong foot us!;):D

Maybe it's a case of even a stopped clock is right twice a day? :p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

woman admit to bloke being right twice a day? steady on!

Well if his wife's trained him right ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am right every time in my house :D

Trouble is,so is she :rolleyes:

So between us we are never ever wrong!

Sarah thanks for being bold enough to start the compliment there,clearly you are a very fine woman indeed :D

Mrs Max is right, she just might not always argue :p ;)

nsd_user663_57259 profile image

Hehehe what have I started? Very amusing reading anyhow.:p

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