Im Moving into this Sub Forum Whoop Whoop - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Im Moving into this Sub Forum Whoop Whoop

nsd_user663_3768 profile image
59 Replies

Im in this gang now!

Day4 for me.

Finding the day times much harder than the evenings. Thats due to the fact Id smoke in the day to punctuate, my evenings are much more busy so hardly bothered to smoke then.

Helps that i can chat on here when the wave takes over.

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nsd_user663_3768 profile image
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59 Replies
nsd_user663_2863 profile image


:eek:Hi Ophelia,

It's taken me 5 mins to understand what you are saying!

Oh...the day 4 place...I get it now.

Well done, keep on ...all human kind (well, thankfully noone under the age of 10 that I've seen...{though some with a mental age of, shall we say, less than 21}) is here!

Day 14 and on and on for me!


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Whoop, whoop..?? We’ll have less of that nonsense in here please thank you very much, this is a respectable and highly articulate forum if you don’t mind… :D

Well done on day 4.. is that a CT day 4..? is that a bye-bye to nicotine day 4..?

(please can you send me an 8” x 4” glossy of the one in the bunny costume please…?? I promise not to show it to anyone.. honest)

nsd_user663_3687 profile image

well done!! before you know it you will be in the next gang of week 2! x

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Great going,

Keep it up.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Yes im still going at it strong! had a few "nails down the blackboard" moments here.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

(please can you send me an 8” x 4” glossy of the one in the bunny costume please…?? I promise not to show it to anyone.. honest)

What do I get in return :D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

What do I get in return :D

My eternal gratitude and a Curly Wurly..? :p

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Lol, ok tell me where in SWales you are first?

I could bump into you in tesco or something:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I could bump into you in tesco or something:D

You could but that would take some careful arranging so as not to look too obvious.

You could even choose your own curly wurly.... :D

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Well my usual shopping outfit is my dominatrix one, i find it very useful to have the whips and all, for getting slow people out of the way.

So say hi, if you see me!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

So say hi, if you see me!

I'd try but the gimp mask makes communication difficult...

will a grunt suffice..?? :confused:

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Oh yes I know who you are now. Do you still go shopping whilst being led on a lead?;)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Yea Austin

I would like to know if you live near me. xx

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Oh yes I know who you are now. Do you still go shopping whilst being led on a lead?;)

No, that's another habit i managed to break too...

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Yea Austin

I would like to know if you live near me. xx

Linda, Cardiff, just down the road a bit. :D

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Ah a Jack and a Blue. And Im stuck in middle of you both!!!:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Ah a Jack and a Blue. And Im stuck in middle of you both!!!:D

hopefully wearing the ears still.... :o

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Have you not seen the fluffy tail?

I tell you, you take your life into your own hands on a night out in Cardiff with That on, everyones tries to pinch it!!

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Have you not seen the fluffy tail?

I tell you, you take your life into your own hands on a night out in Cardiff with That on, everyones tries to pinch it!!

I can't imagine why....

...the thought hadn't even entered my mind..... :rolleyes:

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I very much doubt that counts as 8" x 4"... :D

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

I very much doubt that counts as 8" x 4"... :D

Yep, who told you that was 8"?

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Why do they keep popping up so big?

I shrank it on Photobucket.

anywhoo, i just wanted to show me tail not a bilboard of myself

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Why do they keep popping up so big?

I shrank it on Photobucket.

anywhoo, i just wanted to show me tail not a bilboard of myself

Email it over, 300dpi CMYK split please and i'll sort it out for you no probs.. ;)

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Eh hang on there a minute... how do I know that you aint guna set up some dodgy website of me, you know the sort of chaps they invite.

On second thoughts...whats your email;)

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

erm.. do I look like the type of person who sets up dodgy websites for chaps of a certain type...??


nsd_user663_3768 profile image

ER yes. you have to ask:D

You also look like the sort that subscribe to them:D:D

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

well done,, keep the faith tony

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

o by the way i like bunnies as well,,and like your tail to

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Cheers my dears

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Well day five here we go!

Please to say didnt wake up fancying a smoke this morning, so I'm feeling thats progress in itself.

No doubt Ill have a crave over the next hour or so, but I also know that it wont be as bad as yesterday, and if I got through yesterday I can get through today.

All I can say is thank heavens I'm not going out this weekend!:D

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Never thought Id say this, but I'm glad I got a stinky cold. making me less fancy smoking more than ever!!

Not had craves today, thats not to say I could smoke a fag and be safe because i couldn't. Just not had any "God i need fag" moments.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Ok so nearly at a week, but I fear my plans will scuppered. got friends coming over for a drink. they smoke.

Must be strong.

Was hoping to go without booze for a week or so.

Never mind at least I'm staying in so If I get tempted i can come and blog here.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Try and invite a non smoker too to keep you in line (a tough job I know!!)

Do be careful with the alcohol, its how I've made some of my worst decisions!

Well done on the "nearly" week and keep it up.



nsd_user663_3633 profile image

they smoke....

....Outside, at the coldest wettest time of the year - while you stay in the dry and have another drink/cake/mince pie.

I always find telling people I don't smoke is a great ego boost.... specially when they are freezing and struggling to get a lighter to work in gale force winds!

Not smoking wins from every angle.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Yeh I know. I also know that this is what got me started 8 weeks ago, so need to be double alert.

Think Im at the stage though if I do smoke Id throw up.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

OK Ive started drinking, so far so good, not even a crave - how come, thought it would hit as soon as the alcohol touched my lips:D

nsd_user663_3633 profile image

OK Ive started drinking, so far so good, not even a crave - how come, thought it would hit as soon as the alcohol touched my lips:D

It's a commonly held beleif that there is some kind of link between smoking and drinking. There isn't, or the fag would get soggy :D

Enjoy the evening.

nsd_user663_3738 profile image

opheilia,. its when you start to see little green men:eek::eek:,..just keep the faith,,and you will be ok,. all the best tony

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

OK Ive started drinking, so far so good, not even a crave - how come, thought it would hit as soon as the alcohol touched my lips:D

So how are you today, should I speak quietly!

Did you survive last night, without giving in to the weed?

I do hope so, but you're noticeable by your absence today! Probably just shopping I guess!

Best wishes


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

I also hope you are OK today... slightly concerned that you have taken so long to show your face today.

Hope you had a good smoke free night, and please update us :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Me too where are you hope your not up to something you shouldnt be HEHE. xxx

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

Awe how sweet.

You be pleased to know i didnt cave in, so Im offically a week now whoop whoop.

Didnt go to bed til oooooo, ahem, lets just leave it at gone have been catching up on some sleep today.


nsd_user663_3633 profile image

Awe how sweet.

You be pleased to know i didnt cave in, so Im offically a week now whoop whoop.

Didnt go to bed til oooooo, ahem, lets just leave it at gone have been catching up on some sleep today.


Well done, and congrats on a week.

Glad you had a great night and didn't cave - No one is allowed to cave while I am in such an awesome mood!

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Well done, so you have faced the smoking/drinking and won.

What other triggers are there?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

What other triggers are there?

How long have you got..???


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Ok so nearly at a week, but I fear my plans will scuppered. got friends coming over for a drink. they smoke.

Must be strong.

Was hoping to go without booze for a week or so.

Never mind at least I'm staying in so If I get tempted i can come and blog here.

How long have you got..???


Quite true Austin, quite true. :D

I was really meaning what other triggers are there, that she feels she is concerned about facing?

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

To be honest none. I think having the knowledge that I lasted 5 years, and went through some god awful times without a smoke, kind of gives me strength to face things ahead.

For me drinking prob was the only triggers, wasn't a first thing in the morning or straight after dinner sort of smoker anyway.

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

For me drinking prob was the only triggers,

See how intuitive I am :D:D:D:D

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

How long have you got..???


What are you implying?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

What are you implying?

Me..? I'm simply implying that the list of triggers is long and scary and for some people varies on an hourly basis.

I was answering Nic's question generally not specifically 'cos I switch my ESP off on a Friday so couldn't know anything about YOUR other triggers....

If you wish to share them please feel free... :p

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

pleased your still with us. Have a fab weekend. xxx

nsd_user663_3779 profile image

Day 4 BUT

This is day 4 for me however tonight is I decided to do it cold turkey. I was using the patch and I was thinking that I am still getting what I am addicted to (nicotine). I am afraid of the withdrawals now. I am totally committed to quitting. I have been smoking since for 21 years.

Will my withdrawals be terrible for the next 72 hours?

nsd_user663_2863 profile image

Hi and welcome to the forum,

The withdrawal varies from person to person, but most find it is fairly easy to weather the storm.

Have some strategies worked out to cope with the craves when they come.

There's some good sites to visit for information...lots on here under 'Tips' also.

Drink lots of on here...lots of folks who are going throuigh the same things will help.

You will get through it, and every day not smoking is a good day for you!


NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Congratulations on getting to day 4 and making the decision to go nicotine free.

Will my withdrawals be terrible for the next 72 hours?

The toughest part of the addiction to beat is the psychological, so being nicotine free is not going to be masses more difficult than not smoking would be anyway. I'm guessing you have still been craving on the patches so its not just the chemical its the delivery method and body's expectation.

A lot of it will be down to your expectation so if you expect it to be really really tough then it will be.

Have a look at these websites for more info and inspiration.

Best wishes.


nsd_user663_3779 profile image

Thank You

Thank you for your support. It feels good to feel that I am not alone is such an important decisions of my life.

Thanks again.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image

FYI - Ive moved into Week 2 Sub - Forum Now peeps!!!

nsd_user663_3779 profile image


I am on Day 2 CT and Day 6 of no smoking and I am really hard to get along with. I don't want to be around people and I don't want to do anything. :D

I am really being aggressive. I really hope it passes soon before I am a divorced non-smoker.

nsd_user663_3768 profile image


I think it gets to us all in different ways.

Have a look around for some helpful hints or tips from others, that may make things a bit easier for you - and if not - it will distract you!!

You may find it useful to start your own thread in the day 2 sub forum, generally other members on day 2 will congregate there, and you can share exactly how you are feeling. also its a good point of reference (your own thread) for all members to leave messages of support for you, even if your not logged on.

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