Day 2 (again..) This Time COLD Turkey! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 2 (again..) This Time COLD Turkey!

nsd_user663_57490 profile image
8 Replies

Okay, so I am now on day 2 of no smoking - this time Cold Turkey!

I gave up back in Feb using Champix and whilst it was unbelievable easy to give up using those magic tablets, they made me vomit every morning so after I had quit, I stopped taking the tablets..

Bad idea that one!! My fiance is still a smoker and although it didnt bother me most times, It was sure tempting to have a ciggie when we were drinking on the weekends... Especially when our friends came over and they were all smokers too!!

So after a few weekends of just being a 'Social Smoker' because yes, I deluded myself into thinking I could actually JUST be a social smoker, I became a smoker full time again - although probably less than what I had been.

Anyway.. Monday night I decided there was no more for me.. Even though I still had a box of champix at home in the drawer, I decided that cold turkey was my best option...

Id never tried cold turkey before.. But just felt it was right for me..

It was almost as if Champix was TOO easy - It did all the work for me.. it was so easy that when I started having a ciggi here or there I wasnt too disappointed in myself ( I was a little but not a LOT) because I kept thinking 'Thats okay, Ill just use those tablets again and Ill be good'

So this time I am going absolutely 100% cold turkey.

Day 2 is turning out to be fine so far.. Day 1 was easier than I thought... I set my alarm a little later so I was more rushed so I didnt have that time where I would usually enjoy my coffee and morning ciggie.. I had chewing um in the car for my drive to work instead of the ciggie...

I researched cold turkey in my break where I would usually run outside for a quick one..

At home yesterday evening was a bit trickier - I got home after doing a spot of grocery shopping and what not and found myself a little lost on what to do.. I would usually sit and have a ciggie after getting home then do something else and then have a ciggie etc...

I found myself prepping dinner, doing the dishes, cooking the dogs food for the next 2 nights, baking some after dinner treats and then still having time to play Wii Fit Plus for 35 minutes all before picking the boy up from work...

I know Im going to sound super lazy but I have NEVER managed to get that much done in 2 hours after work!

It made me feel good - to see HOW productive you can be when you flick the habit..

Anyway I have ranted and raved enough I think now...

Im on day 2 and at work - we are dead quiet and whilst I wouldnt go out for a ciggie for another 30 minutes - I found myself almost thinking about it all morning.. I dont have a craving, Im not grumpy, Im not irritable, Im not hungry, Im not sad.. Im just a little lost.

Its almost like I know that I have quit and Im okay with it, but my brain still gets excited seeing the time - because its almost my old smoko time... But as yet, I dont miss it. I just feel a little lost...

Is anyone else the same?

Which day is the hardest when you go cold turkey?

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nsd_user663_57490 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_56972 profile image

Hey Mrs, greetings and welcome back :):). Congrats on the quit so far your doing great. Was reading your post and alot of what you said sounds familiar to me lol. Theres no hard and fast way of shaking this nasty habit but fair play for going cold turkey.

Im at day 31 now but I sat down before the quit and thought of all the potential traps that might trip me up and the "big one" is the social things like having a few pints with mates, mates calling over for a drink, being around family friends who smoke etc etc.

Firstly I made the decision I wasnt going to drink for the 1st month but that's not practical lol so I found stocking up on chewing gum and e-gigs was the way forward. Ecigs are great for when your having a drink, I found they take the edge off big time.

The best one I think is the mint /menthol flavored 10 motives disposable ecig from Tesco/Sainsburys £5.99.

It has definitely saved me from tripping up when im drunk lol. The other brands like elites etc I found ere abit crap.

Anywat stay strong and stay focused and good luck.

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Wow, well done hun :) You're making a great decision to jump back onto the wagon and I can understand your theory about the champix. I've never taken it before but cold turkey is definately the best way.

I actually found that my work smokes were quite easy to avoid from the beginning. I'm the only smoker in my office, which makes it a hell of a lot easier, and I realised that there were better things I wanted to do in my break times :) Bringing a book to work was a good one for me, as I was able to zone out for half an hour.

But, in the frst few weeks at least, I thought about smoking all of the time. Like you say, I didn't crave badly but felt very lost.

Please believe that this goes away. I'm almost into my third month now and it is so much easier already! I still think about smoking, especially now that the sun is out, but it's nowhere near as often as it was and I find the thought easy to push away. I love this forum and got used to spending most of my day logged in, but it's nice now that I don't rely on it so much. I just pop in now and then to check up and post an update! :D

You're doing great, just keep plodding! x

nsd_user663_56025 profile image

Well done!! I can relate to being busy! I went cold turkey and the first week I had to keep myself busy after work. I ended up making bread from scratch (very therapeutic) and making lots of food for the freezer. It took my mind off it.

It really does get easier. I forget what day I'm on, but gave up on 27 Feb 2013. The first 3 days were the worst for me. The worst times now are when I'm out with friends that smoke - so I take an inhalator out with me. Haven't changed the cartridge, so there's probably nothing in it!

Keep up the good work. The way that I saw it was I never ever want to experience those first few days ever again - that's what has kept me off them.


nsd_user663_57490 profile image

Day 3 almost over - Cruising.. Almost too easy!

Oh Bless You ALL!!

How amazing it feels to come back on here and see all of your support!!!

I am actually in Australia - Im assuming everyone else on here is in the UK?!

Can you believe that I can not find ONE forum based in Australia for support when you quit smoking?!?! Crazy huh?!?

Thank you for the tips about ecigs an patches.. unfortunately here is AUS, ecigs arent easily found.. and most types are now actually illegal - yeah! Go Figure!!

If you do find them they are extremely expensive.. maybe I should look on ebay in the uk for these ones you speak of and have them sent over? I think going out drinking will be my downfall.. it always has been!!!

Anyway.. today is day 3 and has been by far the EASIEST day so far... But I suspect thats only because an hour into work this morning I lost my vision and came down with a migraine... HOLY HELL.. it was a doozy... no sight (not so great when you are phlebotomist).. It actually kicked in just as I was about to take blood from a patient.. LOL - Just as I went to put the needle in I lost my sight.. Had to explain to the patient what was going on.. luckily they were very understanding!!

I work in a medical centre so the doctors were able to sort me out quick smart.. Was sent home and slept most of the day away trying to rid the end of it...

My fiance seems to think that the migraine was because Ive quit cold turkey.. what do you guys think??

Now that im up and about I feel fine and ciggies havent even entered my head..

Last night - on day 2, I tested myself with a glass of red at home while my fiance was at work.. I knew that he had a packet of ciggarettes in the kitchen.. I honestly thought that I would cave in and smoke one with my glass of red.. Even though they were normal ciggies and I was a menthol smoker.. but alas, NOT one craving.. In fact I totally forgot that I was testing myself.. I didnt remember until I had finished my glass and went to top it up in the kitchen and then saw fiances packet of cigs!!! I couldnt believe it!!

Maybe I was just really ready to give up? Or maybe it gets hard after the first 3 days?

After everything I had heard I really thought that I would be a nasty moody irritable monster for a while whilst I was quitting.. But I almost feel happier..

Im starting to think Im doing it all wrong?! LOL ...

Sorry for the big long winded story.. Hope to hear more from you guys!!! =)


nsd_user663_57104 profile image

"Lost" is such a good way to describe the post-quit feeling! I've been "lost" for over three weeks now, muddling through with all my routines upset. However, it's amazing how much extra time we have now! I've even been early for work instead of cutting it fine because I just couldn't leave the staff carpark without one last fag!

nsd_user663_57490 profile image

Oh my good!! TIME! Yes!!

Non smokers MUST have all the time in the world!!

Today I didn't get to experience all the extra time because I was sick.. But the 2 days before I couldn't believe how much EXTRA time I had!!

From morning routines to after work.. I have so much more time..

It's almost like smoking was this huge time waster.. Like literally a time waster!!


nsd_user663_57490 profile image

Day 4 and would you believe it.. At exactly the same time this morning as yesterday morning I lost my vision again and another migraine kicked in!!

I grew up with these suckers but NEVER had I ever had 2 in 2 days and exactly 24 hours apart! Thank god the doctor have me another relpax tablet yesterday which nipped most of the migraine in bud.. Now I'm just left with that hideous migraine hangover feel!!

Is this because I've quit or just really crappy timing?

As for cravings.. Still not a one! Yippee!!

I've just flown home to see my family.. Big effort with a semi looming migraine.. But I'm here now and look forward to being a non smoker!!

I come from a family who ALL loved smoking but have given it up one by one over the years.. I think I might be the last one!!

This really hasn't been hard yet at all... I'm soooo waiting for it to come back and bite me in the butt though!! Has anyone else experienced the easy ness of this or am I smoking in my sleep and not realizing? LOL

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Day 4 and would you believe it.. At exactly the same time this morning as yesterday morning I lost my vision again and another migraine kicked in!!

I grew up with these suckers but NEVER had I ever had 2 in 2 days and exactly 24 hours apart! Thank god the doctor have me another relpax tablet yesterday which nipped most of the migraine in bud.. Now I'm just left with that hideous migraine hangover feel!!

Is this because I've quit or just really crappy timing?

As for cravings.. Still not a one! Yippee!!

I've just flown home to see my family.. Big effort with a semi looming migraine.. But I'm here now and look forward to being a non smoker!!

I come from a family who ALL loved smoking but have given it up one by one over the years.. I think I might be the last one!!

This really hasn't been hard yet at all... I'm soooo waiting for it to come back and bite me in the butt though!! Has anyone else experienced the easy ness of this or am I smoking in my sleep and not realizing? LOL

Hiya :)

Oh migraines are horrible aren't they? Have had them for years so know what you mean.

If it helps, I get fewer now I've stopped smoking (although I've had a couple of auras this week - took painkillers straight off so they didn't get too bad) was getting a lot of headaches and migraines when I started smoking heavier :/

I'm glad you're getting on well and hope you have a lovely time with your family :)

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