Start of week 3 not inhaling nasties :D - No Smoking Day

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Start of week 3 not inhaling nasties :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
34 Replies

2 weeks and about an hour since I last inhaled anything I shouldn't be :p and it flipping feels like it too!!

Again it's bizarre that having been off the fags for 5 months I feel like this but that's e-cigs. Not going to beat myself up about them, just learn from the experience :)

It has definitely reinforced the importance of NOPE as well - smoking that thing mirrored what would have happend if I'd had a fag so in a way it's good. I really am a total addict and can't play silly b*ggers with Nic.

Actually, an e-cig is worse 'cos where a real ciggie you smoke until it burns out then stub it out - obviously you can light another (which I did sometimes :eek:) but that's a conscious decision - that thing doesn't have a timer or anything on it so it's far too easy to just pick it up like a dummy without realising, which is exactly what happened!! Just a warning to anyone thinking about using an e-cig!!

Anyway, my ex-smoker's (vaper's?) cough is still alive and well - getting worse if anything - I still crave but flipping hell I'm going to beat this thing and I'm dead proud of myself for binning all things e-ciggy.

That part's down to Kat 'cos if she hadn't dragged me away from it I'd still be spending about £20 a week on stuff for it :eek:

Thanks again for all your support on here, you're a fab bunch of people and this place saves lives, mine included ♡♡ xxx

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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34 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I am soooooooooooooooooo proud of you hon!!!:D:D:D:D

You really are doing brilliantly and although getting off that blasted thing has given you no end of trouble you've stuck at it - WELL DONE YOU!!!

Glad that I was able to help sweetheart, it's always nice to be able to return the favour and you've helped me sooooo much!

Keep pressing on petal, you're doing Kernow proud!:D:D:D:D

Aw thanks hun :)

You definitely helped - was sitting there with the e-cig on my lap working myself up to use it but you stopped me!!

I'm really glad to have helped you too!!

Not going to stress too much about the gum today, am feeling pretty worn out with fighting all the time :eek: xxx

nsd_user663_57587 profile image


Yeah definitely never inhale anything into your lungs other then earths natural air! E-Cigs is bad, bad, bad! Its good you stopped that stuff. As far as NTR methods, don't hesitate for a moment to use patches and nico-gum.

Everyone keeps saying its the nicotine dependency, but I don't think its that at all since nicotine is out of the body in 3 days. Personally to me smoking is like biting your fingernails. Its repetitive and doing the same motions over and over. If you train yourself to stop the motions of biting your fingernails, after a certain amount of time you will just stop. To me smoking is the same. If you are stuffing your face with and E-Cig its the same as smoking because you are doing the same motions as smoking. Also, as I said in my other post....E-Cigs are 100% man made. Its like nutrition facts on can soup or preserved boxed food. Just because man says that's what in it doesn't mean that's all that's in it!

Never feed your lungs anything other then earths natural Oxygen!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Not worth stressing sweetheart, maybe just alternate with regular gum and make sure you're sipping the water - the whole something to do with your mouth will ease up in the end. Sun's starting to peek through here after starting the day in the rain - how's things up your end of the county?

Am feeling a bit punchdrunk with it at the mo, so I'll not be to hard on myself but am not going to go overboard either!!

It's in between sunshine and showers here, warm in the sun but cold when it goes in. Hope you have a sunny day!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


Yeah definitely never inhale anything into your lungs other then earths natural air! E-Cigs is bad, bad, bad! Its good you stopped that stuff. As far as NTR methods, don't hesitate for a moment to use patches and nico-gum.

Everyone keeps saying its the nicotine dependency, but I don't think its that at all since nicotine is out of the body in 3 days. Personally to me smoking is like biting your fingernails. Its repetitive and doing the same motions over and over. If you train yourself to stop the motions of biting your fingernails, after a certain amount of time you will just stop. To me smoking is the same. If you are stuffing your face with and E-Cig its the same as smoking because you are doing the same motions as smoking. Also, as I said in my other post....E-Cigs are 100% man made. Its like nutrition facts on can soup or preserved boxed food. Just because man says that's what in it doesn't mean that's all that's in it!

Never feed your lungs anything other then earths natural Oxygen!

I definitely agree with you Kub :)

Right now I'm definitely still addicted to the nicotine - haven't got the guts to go CT but I am getting off it which is good :D

But the e-cig? It was just like smoking, only worse 'cos I could do it anywhere and while I know Marlboro lights aren't exactly healthy we at least know that - no idea what goes into e-cigs but given that using one for a few months has given me a bad cough, it's nothing good :eek:

They're new, and I'm sure that there's going to be some right horror stories about them before long!!

nsd_user663_57587 profile image

yeah for sure! :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You are doing what has to be done Gemma.:p

It may have it's unpleasant side but there is no future being dependent on the Nicotine,is there.Bet the Ecig makers are rubbing their hands in glee,thinking of the profits they will generate by a whole generation of addicts to be..:mad:

Keep at it sweetheart! x

You're right, I've got to get through it :)

Am going a bit softer today 'cos I'm feeling a bit down and don't want to make myself miserable!!

Ooh talking of E-cig makers rubbing their hands, I got this in my email this morning, f it isn't trying to make e-cigs "sexy" like they did with fags I don't know what is:S

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh man!!!!:eek::eek:

James Dean lookalike smokes ECig with attractive blonde looking on admiringly....:( doesn't work does it!! But a whole new generation of youngsters-and older smokers and worryingly ex-smokers too-might find appeal with that.Imagine if they persuaded someone like Rhianna to endorse Ecigs.Yikes!!:mad:

It's worse!! The pic's a bit small, but she's got one in her hand too, holding it up like I used to 'cos i thought it was girly and sophisticated. :o:mad::eek:

But yes it's reinforcing the "smoking is cool and sexy" message that partly got me started in the first place.

Did you see me say before, that parents are buying their teens flavoured ones now? got that off the e-cig company I use's FB page - they weren't endorsing it, someone posted it and was angry, rigtly, about it!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Cannot imagine an E Cig myself really Gem.The smoke was part of what I liked,in a weird masochistic way.Great blast of smoke down the throat,did it for me,why would or could that ever be a good thing :mad:

Lol, sort of know what you mean!!

Thing is though, an e-cig makes more "smoke" than my fags did and you get the feeling of inhaling something, can see it etc etc. That part of it is just like smoking, unfortunately. You even get a bit of a kick in the throat like a real fag.

When I used my e-cig it made a blueish haze in the room, just like smoking.

They need regulating in the same way as real fags IMO - whenever I bought real ones somewhere they didn't know me, they'd ID check to make sure I'm old enough (great for my ego :p ) but online there was just a tickbox.

The nic hit came second in importance.Best out of it,away from the whole damned thing,cursed to ever have started-BUT blessed to have quit,and to have such marvellous people to do the same with on these hallowed forums :D

Yes, i definitely get that - was the same when i started smoking regularly, just wanted to be a smoker which is totally flipping stupid :mad::mad::mad:

Definitely agree about finding this place though, it's wonderful!!

nsd_user663_56673 profile image

Well done on getting to week 3 Gemma :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done on getting to week 3 Gemma :D

Thanks Isolde :)

nsd_user663_54305 profile image

...I don't think its that at all since nicotine is out of the body in 3 days...

But Gok, that's the whole problem with NRT - nicotine is NOT out of the body in three days if you keep replenishing it with NRT!?!?

There are forum members who've been smoke free for months but are still battling nicotine withdrawal because they continue to use NRT - patches, gum, e-cigs, whatever. Nicotine dependency is the root cause of the problem; I don't like to knock NRT - if it's helping people stay off tobacco then that's great up to a point - but it's fixing the symptom (smoking) rather than the cause (addiction). All IMHO of course:rolleyes:

nsd_user663_57587 profile image


I see...I always thought it was just the habit of every minute, hour, days, months, years, and decades of your hand reaching for a cig, putting it in your mouth, lighting it up, inhaling, exhaling, then rinse and repeat. That what it was for me, and when I stopped that what I missed the most. The part I miss most was that feeling of thick tar smoke going down my throat, engulfing my lungs, then exhaling.

I think at some point during my smoking years more so at the beginning of smoking then the end the head rushes and lightheadedness (what most people smoke for) from the nicotine went away. So basically I was just smoking for nothing since I never felt head rushes, and lightheadness from the incredible excessive amount of smoking I did.

I did chewing tobacco a few times with my friend(nonsmoker) and while he was on his ass from the effects of nicotine, the chew did nothing for me because I had built such a high tolerance from tabacco smoking 20-30 smokes a day.

This recent quit was my first attempt ever to stop smoking. I stopped smoking once for 2 1/2 months in 2005 when I went through boot camp after joining the Navy. That however was not an attempt to quit, since I knew I would be smoking again once boot camp was over.

I guess for me it was never for the nicotine because I can't recall the last time I ever got an actual head rush or light headed from the smoking. It was just the like of lighting up, inhaling smoke, and all the motions involved in smoking itself.

nsd_user663_57587 profile image

I use to bite my nails a lot too. One day years ago I told myself to stop and trained myself to stop going through the motions of nail biting. I can't remember when I stopped, but I no longer bite my nails. When I started my quit whether it was pot or cig I took the same approach. I eliminated all the motions involved.

nsd_user663_57587 profile image

I have my own thoughts the so called "nicotine dependency" thing and NRT such as patches, gum, pills and etc...I will end it and not give my thoughts since not everyone will agree. As far as NRT methods I believe if it works for you and it stops you from inhaling cigarette smoke(the real killer and addiction, not nicotine), then I bow to it! Just don't be stupid and replace cigarettes with an E-Cig and you are good to go!

Personally to me smoking and cigarette smoke is much, much more then being addicted to nicotine. You can put nicotine into the body all day long from patches, gum, pills and etc into your body, as long as its not cig smoke or that cloud from e-cig passing though your lungs.

nsd_user663_57587 profile image


I guess I missed the whole point of what you were trying to say. The whole point in what you were writing was about nicotine dependency, not smoking itself.

I wouldn't know anything about it, I guess everyone is different. Its like drinking coffee and caffeine. Caffeine nor nicotine does anything to me. I'm not saying it doesn't effect me to some degree, but when I feed my body with it I don't feel a thing!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Don't think there's a right or wrong way to quit smoking TBH, and don't think everyone's ever going to agree on it.

I would be smoking without NRT - end of. If you can quit CT then good for you but a lot of us can't, and that doesn't make our quits any the less valid for it.

Might be a good subject for a different thread though.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image


it's the end of the working week,so how are you finding things?

Hiya Max :)

I'm doing OK thanks - it feels like the start of week 3 did but hey I can cope!!

Are you still away from that evil Ecig...

I don't own any e-cig stuff at all, and don't intend to buy any of it back :D

How are you finding the NRT and able to cut it down yet..

I'm on step 1 patches (needed unfortunately 'cos of chainsmoking the e-cig of doom :mad:) and a few bits of low strength gum. Have had a stressy morning but haven't gone mad on it or anything!!

I'm being careful not to take it when I would have smoked, like after a meal or something (always needed a smoke then more than ever) and putting it off as long as possible so I don't swap one addiction for another :)

and how are your spirits love?

Musketeers weekly report required :D:D xx

I'm not bad thanks, a bit up and down but heck, that's quitting for you :eek:

Thanks for asking!! xx

nsd_user663_57531 profile image

You`re so strong!

HI Gemma-lou - I have been following your battle and am so in awe of you - 5 months and you are still there battling even with all this e cig bother. You have done so well - an inspiration. I am so glad that I didn`t choose the e-cig route. I think Kub has some good points - the habit is at least half the battle and an e-cig would just re-inforce it for me. Its individual but I think your posts will definitely make people think carefully! Hope you are having an easier time today.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

HI Gemma-lou - I have been following your battle and am so in awe of you - 5 months and you are still there battling even with all this e cig bother. You have done so well - an inspiration. I am so glad that I didn`t choose the e-cig route. I think Kub has some good points - the habit is at least half the battle and an e-cig would just re-inforce it for me. Its individual but I think your posts will definitely make people think carefully! Hope you are having an easier time today.

Aw thanks!!

It's my own fault, lol can't say I wasn't warned about the e-cig :eek: and I'm glad you didn't use one as well, they're a bit dodgy IMO!!

Definitely agree about the habit of the habit - back when I bought the e-cig, I just wanted to smoke (stupid girl) and it was that or buying fags but now I've got my mind in the right place thanks to here and Allen Carr so that shouldn't be a problem.

I hope I can help other people :)

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

2 weeks and about an hour since I last inhaled anything I shouldn't be :p and it flipping feels like it too!!

Again it's bizarre that having been off the fags for 5 months I feel like this but that's e-cigs. Not going to beat myself up about them, just learn from the experience :)

It has definitely reinforced the importance of NOPE as well - smoking that thing mirrored what would have happend if I'd had a fag so in a way it's good. I really am a total addict and can't play silly b*ggers with Nic.

Actually, an e-cig is worse 'cos where a real ciggie you smoke until it burns out then stub it out - obviously you can light another (which I did sometimes :eek:) but that's a conscious decision - that thing doesn't have a timer or anything on it so it's far too easy to just pick it up like a dummy without realising, which is exactly what happened!! Just a warning to anyone thinking about using an e-cig!!

Anyway, my ex-smoker's (vaper's?) cough is still alive and well - getting worse if anything - I still crave but flipping hell I'm going to beat this thing and I'm dead proud of myself for binning all things e-ciggy.

That part's down to Kat 'cos if she hadn't dragged me away from it I'd still be spending about £20 a week on stuff for it :eek:

Thanks again for all your support on here, you're a fab bunch of people and this place saves lives, mine included ♡♡ xxx

You're so awesome lady ;)

All the s*** Nasty Nic has put you through and you're still standing!


So you should be damn proud of yourself!! xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You're so awesome lady ;)

All the s*** Nasty Nic has put you through and you're still standing!


So you should be damn proud of yourself!! xxx

Aww thanks hun :)

I am proud!!

He's tried everything to get me back, he nearly managed too *but* he didn't count on you Kat and Max - as well as me being stubborn :D xxx

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

:DOh man! Bet you were well impressed to open your email and find that this morning! Not!!!!

Ecigs are bad. I bought one, used it whilst i cut down but quickly found i used it in places where i wouldn't normally smoke like my car and house. Realised it wasn't gonna help me and got rid before i gave up CT. I knew the temptation would be too great. Keep going Gemma you have done it a weird and wonderful way but i love reading about your quit cos you just keep on at it, you are an inspiration and always take time to help others out on the forum. Feel good about where you are and what you're doing with your quit cos you deserve it!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

:DOh man! Bet you were well impressed to open your email and find that this morning! Not!!!!

Ecigs are bad. I bought one, used it whilst i cut down but quickly found i used it in places where i wouldn't normally smoke like my car and house. Realised it wasn't gonna help me and got rid before i gave up CT. I knew the temptation would be too great. Keep going Gemma you have done it a weird and wonderful way but i love reading about your quit cos you just keep on at it, you are an inspiration and always take time to help others out on the forum. Feel good about where you are and what you're doing with your quit cos you deserve it!

Not terribly, lol. Don't know why I signed up to flipping Groupon in the first plase, it's all like "holiday in Cornwall" - dead handy that!!

I was the same as you wit the e-cig, except I didn't notice I was using it too much. Did use it in the car where I never smoked in it before, same for in the house and office.

Lol, weird and wonderful bout sums it up - have thrown everything at Nic to get rid of him and I'm never going to go back to him!!

Ooh and thanks!! :D x

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Gemma honey,

I seriously think you should become a "stop smoking" counsellor as you have been through it all big time! ;):);). You are so committed whilst going through your own problems .....

Just a thought ... :rolleyes: x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Gemma honey,

I seriously think you should become a "stop smoking" counsellor as you have been through it all big time! ;):);). You are so committed whilst going through your own problems .....

Just a thought ... :rolleyes: x

Aw thanks :)

Lol I've tried virtually everything to quit haven't I?

Do like helping people on here though 'cos I got so much help and it's just nice really!! :D xx

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

You certainly do it well and I admire your commitment! Well done you just for being yourself! x :p:):p

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You certainly do it well and I admire your commitment! Well done you just for being yourself! x :p:):p

Aw thanks, that's lovely :) x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Flipping heck my cough's getting worse and worse :eek:

Must be the e-cig 'cos I haven't got a bug or anything!!

Just wondering but will i get all the tar from the real fags out or is it stuck down there for ever? Am hoping that because I'm young and didn't smoke that heavily it's going to go!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Could still be that hon. I haven't coughed at all on this quit, coughed tonnes on my previous attempt but that was with patches so I'm not sure if perhaps just having the nicotine had that effect on me? Seems odd but who knows? Heaven knows where all my tar has got to, I certainly haven't been coughing it up:confused:

It's odd isn't it?

I didn't cough that much last time an I'd been smoking longer then than my last stinky smoky spell :S

Wasn't as much though so that might have had an effect?

You will have been getting rid of it, probably come up and swallowed - isn't that a lovely thought :eek:

Bit ick again, but I reused the filters on my e-cig - they're meant to be single use but there's no harm in refilling them - and after a while they got like a tarry coating on them so maybe it's something to do with that?

Definitely think it's the e-cig though 'cos that made me cough when I started smoking it - but fags never did, odd huh?

nsd_user663_22353 profile image

My cough's getting worse as well, it's woke me up the past 2 nights! Alarming amount of crap coming up off my chest for 2 1/2 weeks now. Makes me wonder how much is left down there!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

My cough's getting worse as well, it's woke me up the past 2 nights! Alarming amount of crap coming up off my chest for 2 1/2 weeks now. Makes me wonder how much is left down there!

I had it really bad about the time you are now - which was just after Christmas :( and I was coughing so hard I could hardly breathe :eek:

It's a good thing though 'cos you can see that you're repairing yourself and it's a flipping good reminder not to pop another fag in your mouth!!

Stick with it, you're doing fab :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh not far off 4 weeks now :D :D

23 weeks today off the proper burny fags too YAY ME :cool: :cool:

But this cough is doing my flipping head in!! And people are noticing it :S

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Never mind sweetheart, it's a good sign in some ways, it shows you're getting free! And it WILL go away eventually, it's just darned annoying right now.

I know :)

But flipping heck what are those damn e-cigs like? Was only on it for a little while and I'm coughing like i did when I quit the proper fags :S

How are you today?

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ok thanks sweetpea, dentist has filed rough edges off to tide me over but it's going to need a crown - £214!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Need an exterior light and a red bulb methinks!:eek::D

Ooh ouchies, that's a pain!!

LOL @ the red light :p

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