Feeling heaps better and 21 weeks tonight :D - No Smoking Day

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Feeling heaps better and 21 weeks tonight :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
19 Replies

Hi :)

Was a bit mopey and grumpy in my last thread so thought I'd start a new, positive one :D

Anyway tonight at half past 11 is 21 weeks since I smoked my last stinky fag - 5 whole months comes up in a few days too which is incredible for me 'cos I have no willpower :eek: It's the second longest time I've been smoke free since I smoked my first fag, even counting my social smoking time!!

And to think some people gave this quit one lousy week :p

It's also Day 5 without inhaling feck knows what they put in e-cigs - equally fab :D

So, I'm feeling loads better :D

On the e-cig my skin was looking a bit smoker-y again and having quit it am getting an ex-smoker's cough - which isn't nice *but* it's reminded me that e-cigs aren't safe to use regularly, which I was, and that they're a bit of a trap!! Now my skin looks clearer and when the cough goes it'll be great :D

I am still craving - but for the e-cig not a real one - although that's fading nicely now and this is the first day I haven't dragged myself round like I've had a hangover since quitting that - still feel a bit rough but that's withdrawal.

But thanks to the patch, gum, Tangle and most importantly the lovely people on here I'm beating it and not spending stupid amounts of money on e-fag filters and liquid.

Thank you heaps everyone, I couldn't have done it without you!! xxx

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh nearly forgot the stats, and I love them :p

2,929 fags not smoked - um and the rest :p

But nearly 3000 fags, that's terrifying!! That's a fag 1.5 miles long unless i screwed up the maths somewhere :eek:

1,757 mg of icky black tar not gone into my lungs :eek:

£1,171.60 not spent on killing myself

And 12 days, 4 hours and 54 mins extra life :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You're doing really well hon, I know it was a major shock to you just how dependent on the e-cig you'd become and it's been a major battle to get off the blasted thing but you've faced it down and you are WINNING!!! :D:D:D It's great to see you hacking through these last threads that tie you to the nicotine monster, you're nearly free and can then raise an appropriate finger as you see him growing smaller and smaller in your rear view mirror!

You've done a brilliant job of turning your back on that e-cig and should be justly proud of yourself - it's almost a second quit and you're doing fantastically well! So be very proud of your 21 weeks and make sure you plan something special for your impending 5 months - that's a milestone that really must be celebrated!

Aww thanks hun :)

It really did scare me, but it kind of crept up on me and suddenly I was well hooked - now that sounds familiar :eek:

I am fighting it hard, and know that bit's not over yet - Nic is going to try to drag me back but no way!! Lol, it really is a 2nd quit - felt the same (minus the initial high) as when I stopped smoking proper ones and that was a bigger shock really!!

Have to think of a lovely treat now to mark my 5 months :D

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Well done Gemma, keep up the good work and don't go down that e-cig route again, you are only swapping one bad habit for another! (It's bad enough getting off cigs never mind anything else!)

Many congratulations on both quits!!!

Take Care :D x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well done Gemma, keep up the good work and don't go down that e-cig route again, you are only swapping one bad habit for another! (It's bad enough getting off cigs never mind anything else!)

Many congratulations on both quits!!!

Take Care :D x

Thanks Jess :)

Am definitely going to avoid all kinds of cigarettes from now on, electric, burny or anything else!!

I *thought* I could just have a puff when I needed it but that didn't work out too well :/

How are you getting on? xx

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Thanks Jess :)

Am definitely going to avoid all kinds of cigarettes from now on, electric, burny or anything else!!

I *thought* I could just have a puff when I needed it but that didn't work out too well :/

How are you getting on? xx

I'm very well thanks, it will be five weeks tomorrow which is truly unbelievable!!! I sincerely could not have done this without the aid of Champix (even though they make me feel sick at times). In the earlier days I did think about the e-cig but after reading loads about them and your experience I am glad I didn't - so ironically thank you (I owe you one!!! :D)

You take care and enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday x :D

nsd_user663_56837 profile image

Well done Gemma, 21 weeks is such a long time! You should be really pleased with yourself hun.


nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Well, it may not be cracking the walls but it's perfectly pleasant in my back garden so I'm flaked out in the sun with my book and my laptop! Hope you've got some sun your end of the county and can get out and enjoy it! Strangely enough it's not bothering me to not be smoking and I really thought it would! What IS bothering me is that I'm nearly out of frozen grapes!:eek::D

Hi Kat - Do frozen grapes really work? x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well, it may not be cracking the walls but it's perfectly pleasant in my back garden so I'm flaked out in the sun with my book and my laptop! Hope you've got some sun your end of the county and can get out and enjoy it! Strangely enough it's not bothering me to not be smoking and I really thought it would! What IS bothering me is that I'm nearly out of frozen grapes!:eek::D

Oh heck you can't run out of them!! :eek:

Have to admit I'm in the middle of a crave right now but it'll pass - this is the kind of afternoon I'd have smoked a lot so it's just one of those things I guess.

Glad you've got nice weather, it's lovely here - am enjoying the fresh air as well :cool:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I'm very well thanks, it will be five weeks tomorrow which is truly unbelievable!!! I sincerely could not have done this without the aid of Champix (even though they make me feel sick at times). In the earlier days I did think about the e-cig but after reading loads about them and your experience I am glad I didn't - so ironically thank you (I owe you one!!! :D)

You take care and enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday x :D

Aw I'm glad you're doing so well :D

The Champix does sound fab - wish I'd tried it really, but this quit wasn't exactly planned so didn't think about how to do it!!

Well done for not going down the e-cig route too - they can be OK but they're not sold as NRT, and they're every bit as addictive as the proper ones.

Lol, bit ranty but - one of the things that sort of bugs me is the testimonials on their websites from smokers who've "given up" using an e-cig and when they say that they mean they smoke one of those and have no intention of quitting it. To me that's not quitting, same as if I kept patching and chewing my way through the rest of my life!!

Anyway well done you and glad to have helped a bit :) xx

Well done Gemma, 21 weeks is such a long time! You should be really pleased with yourself hun.


Thanks Tic :) Am pleased with myself and flipping amazed too, didn't think I'd manage but hey, here i am :D

Hi Kat - Do frozen grapes really work? x

They sound gorgeous, keep meaning to pick some grapes up when I'm shopping bit I've got a memory like a goldfish :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Frozen grapes are definitely the answer - they're flippin' addictive! But they must be red ones, the green ones aren't as sweet by a long shot!

*Wonders if chilled grape juice works as well* :p

nsd_user663_57321 profile image

Hey, She's definitely not daft is she Kat?!!! :D;);)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

No, nor will the fermented variety - I can see where you're headed with this Mrs!:rolleyes::D

Awwww there's my plan ruined!!


Hey, She's definitely not daft is she Kat?!!! :D;);)

I'm a clever girl :D :D ;)

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

The correct adjective is crafty!:rolleyes::D

Who, me?

*Does her butter wouldn't melt expression*

And heaven be praised, that tub is NOT Carte D'Or it is full of frozen red grapes - RESULT!!!:D:D:D

I know, sad, but hey, small things!:o

YAY :cool: Well you can't be running out of them!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Great to see that positive thread Gemma :p

reminds me a bit of Vicki this,a big struggle,a determination,a few missed gears then BAM off and running,let's see if we can 'do a Doodle' (that phrase to become enshrined in quitting lore lol :D)

It's nice to be feeling like it too :D

Have had a huge struggle, but am proud I managed to stay smoke free for so long and am well on the way to kicking the e-cig as well!!

Wish this bl*ody cough would clear off though :/

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

It'll be gone soon petal, just hang in there! Think I shall join you in a glass or two tonight to celebrate your achievement in resisting the lure of the dreaded e-cig on a holiday weekend - leisure time makes these things sooo much harder! And you can have the daisy crown I've made - don't you just love the daft things you find to do to occupy your hands!:o:D

*Wears her daisy crown with pride*

I love things like that anyway :D :D

Lol, I used to go and pick all the daisies on the lawn before dad mowed it 'cos I didn't want them getting cut - proper softie I was :o

Will definitely be celebrating later, it's been tough but I've beaten it :cool:

Don't mind the cough in a way 'cos it reminds me that the e-cig was hurting me so there's no "it's safe just smoke it" thing there!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Yay I'll definitely be on later :D :D

Ooh and that could be fun!!

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hiya Gemma,

I just wanted to say I am really proud of you love. It has been an eye opener reading about your journey and I can't even begin to guess how much your posts will help people in a similar position to yourself.

Well done sweetheart, you are doing a fantastic job :)

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hiya Gemma,

I just wanted to say I am really proud of you love. It has been an eye opener reading about your journey and I can't even begin to guess how much your posts will help people in a similar position to yourself.

Well done sweetheart, you are doing a fantastic job :)

Molly x

Aww thanks Molly!! That's lovely :)

I hope it does help other quitters :D Especially what *not* to do, lol

It's hard, but it's worth it!!


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well I'm pleased with today :)

Have had half the amount of gum I usually do - even though it was really hard to manage!!

Haven't chewed any for 3 hours which I'm pleased with so hopefully this is the real deal for my second bit of my quit :D

I've spent most of today wanting a fag (electric or real TBH) but not having any intention of having one.

Well for week one without inhaling anything smokey that's not bad :)

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