Coming up to the end of day 6 - Feel great! - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Coming up to the end of day 6 - Feel great!

nsd_user663_3319 profile image
6 Replies

Hi All

I thought I would give a short update as I'm coming up to the end of the first week. I feel great and the last two days have been so easy! I don't have any cravings and although I still think about smoking, I don't want a cigarette at all.

In fact, I can't believe that this time last week I was smoking my last fag of 20 in a day, reading Allen Carr and now here I am - a non smoker! I think I'm getting worried as I really can't believe it's been so easy, why didn't I do this earlier?

I won't get too complacent though, it's early stages and although I feel fantastic and free, I know I have to never have a puff ever! :D:D:D

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nsd_user663_3319 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

well done lights

welcome to the mad house soooooooooo pleased its been so easy for you. linda xxx

nsd_user663_2913 profile image

well lighters you should be on day 7 now, hope your still with us, and going strong. all the best.:)

nsd_user663_3290 profile image

Nice to hear that, you are doing really well, and if you are finding it easy, then roll with it, that must mean your head is in a good place, so keep it there ;)

All the best for week 2 :)

good place - yea Dubai - Fantastic - lucky sod :D

nsd_user663_3319 profile image

Yeah, still here and going strong. Am feeling really good with no craves but............. am getting really bored at work, sitting at my desk all day without breaks. At least I could go and have a wander around when I smoked but now I don't have that excuse! I will just have to go walkabout up and down the corridors, at least it gets me away from the computer!

It's 46 degrees today but I promise you it's not pleasant!:)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Lighters

You can still hae your fag breaks without the fag I do when im in work just eat an apple or other bit of fruit. xxxx

nsd_user663_2913 profile image

Well done Lighters, yes you just have a walk around , when everyone else has

a smoke break. you deserve a break as well. your doing brilliant keep up your good work.:D

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