Say Here We Go Again: *Wonders if anyone will... - No Smoking Day

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Say Here We Go Again

nsd_user663_54332 profile image
21 Replies

*Wonders if anyone will get where the title is from*

Anyway, it feels really bizarre but here I am, 18 weeks to the day since my first smoke free day, patched to get off the ****ing e-cig.

Had got to hate that in the same way I hated cigs but it's a bit unfair 'cos it did keep me away from the nasty little sticks, but it was only ever supposed to be temporary anyway and was feeling a bit bad for using it regularly. :eek:

Am currently allowing myself the odd puff on it - purely because i have to be at least halfway civil to people, and don't want to do "something stupid" but not much and when my blanks come for it , it won't matter.

Yes, I'm craving but the good/odd bit is that fags are furthest from my mind, don't want them or like them in the least but *am* craving my e-cig.

(This is only because I'm getting off nicotine, nothing to worry about!!)

At least I know what to expect and heck, this is the last step to freedom :D

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nsd_user663_54332 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_56237 profile image

*Wonders if anyone will get where the title is from*

Anyway, it feels really bizarre but here I am, 18 weeks to the day since my first smoke free day, patched to get off the ****ing e-cig.

Had got to hate that in the same way I hated cigs but it's a bit unfair 'cos it did keep me away from the nasty little sticks, but it was only ever supposed to be temporary anyway and was feeling a bit bad for using it regularly. :eek:

Am currently allowing myself the odd puff on it - purely because i have to be at least halfway civil to people, and don't want to do "something stupid" but not much and when my blanks come for it , it won't matter.

Yes, I'm craving but the good/odd bit is that fags are furthest from my mind, don't want them or like them in the least but *am* craving my e-cig.

(This is only because I'm getting off nicotine, nothing to worry about!!)

At least I know what to expect and heck, this is the last step to freedom :D

One last hurdle to tackle and I know you'll be absolutely fine sweetie pie :)

If you fancy being uncivil to someone, just send me a message with your rant of choice ;) xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Really, really, really rooting for you hon, I know how much you want to break this final tie to your old life as a smoker. Willing you through this Gem, big hug xxx

Thanks hun :)

It's definitely the last link to the old me!!

Up until recently, there was still a part of the "old" smoker Gemma hanging on with her yellow stained fingertips (I never actually had them btw :eek:) very small and definitely fading but still there.

I got round that with the e-cig but now that part's died so it's time to fnish off the job.


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

One last hurdle to tackle and I know you'll be absolutely fine sweetie pie :)

If you fancy being uncivil to someone, just send me a message with your rant of choice ;) xxx

Aw thanks hun :)

Lol, I might be ranting a bit later but hey no pain no gain!! xxx

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Aw thanks hun :)

Lol, I might be ranting a bit later but hey no pain no gain!! xxx

Rant away, my lovely! :) *hands gemma frying pan* Feel free to use this later on, if needed xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Rant away, my lovely! :) *hands gemma frying pan* Feel free to use this later on, if needed xxx

YAY thanks!!

*Waves frying pan around and grins an evil grin*


nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Right behind you Gemma :)

And yes it may feel hard to slay this last dragon,the e cig/Nic thing but you are easily capable of doing it,just set a steely grin,furrow your brow and take a run at it,chip away at it and reduce the need for it-and while we are all clamouring to be abused by your rants,count me in too I am used to being abused after all I am married :D

Thanks Max, it is tricky - harder than I thought tbh - but if I can pack in real fags I can pack this in too.

Lol, everyone wants to be shouted at!! WOOHOO

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Grrrr I feel really sleepy :mad:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

You can rant at me all you like hon, all offerings accepted, from small strops to full blown toys-out-of-the-pram hissy fits! Given the full grown toddlers I work for, anything you could produce would be mild in comparison I promise you!;):D

Aww thankyou :)

You guys are fab!!

At the mo I'm more interested in curling up and going to sleep than ranting :eek:

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

A fantastic decision to make. This is not a dig or anything just a 'wondering', would you recommend that people use the ecig or do you think it becomes a substitute addiction?

Anyway, I will always be here for a moan too should you require another set of ears:D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

A fantastic decision to make. This is not a dig or anything just a 'wondering', would you recommend that people use the ecig or do you think it becomes a substitute addiction?

Anyway, I will always be here for a moan too should you require another set of ears:D

Thanks Trea :)

Um, I think it depends really.

I had problems 'cos I'd never been nicotine free since I quit and sort of dived around different kinds of NRT *and* my quit was an impulse one (I had been perfectly happy to keep smoking pretty much forever up to a few days prior) so my mind wasn't really in the right place I guess. Bought the e-cig because it was that or 20 Marlboro Lights, had decided that I was going to fail and it was a last chance not to.

For me, it was definitely (literally) a lifesaver. I *do* think they are useful, and if you're careful with them they're not a problem. I had trouble because I used it as NRT (which the makers don't sell them for) and so it got me hooked onto that.

For people like Sarah Lou who uses hers in the pub they're fab but you have to be careful!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I've had a bit of e-cig (literally a few puffs) 'cos i was a grumpy cow :eek: and now I'm feeling queasy - I guess because the patch *and* e-cig is more nicotine than I can handle.

In a way I'm glad 'cos you're meant to be able to smoke real fags with these patches on so my tolerance has clearly gone down :D

Yay for being less of an addict.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

gently gently catchy monkey :D

(Where that saying came from God knows) x

Lol, as long as you're not calling me a monkey :p x

nsd_user663_56237 profile image

Hello my fellow pan wielding friend *high fives* :)

How have you found today? Xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Hello my fellow pan wielding friend *high fives* :)

How have you found today? Xxx

Hiya :D *waves her pan*

I've been absolutely knackered TBH but I'm glad to be doing something about getting off the ecig at last!!

How about you? xxx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh and I'm having a glass or three of wine and am not even remotely interested in cigarettes, electric or otherwise :D

*feels like a proper non-smoker*

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

that's my girl!!! I'll join you in a bit!!!:D

Yay :cool:

Am amazed that I don't want anything at all, it's flipping good though!!

This is how non-addicts feel and it's fab - WOOHOO :D

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

This might sound utterly ridiculous, but I haven't had much e-cig today and I'm getting a familiar feeling cough :eek:

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Well, given that you're dealing with the nicodemon again it was bound to happen hon. Just ride it out babe and remember that by hook or by crook (or by hooked crook or crooked hook) you ARE going to be out of his clutches once and for all!:D

Oh I'll get free, no worries!!

Am just surprised quitting the e-cig has made me cough, lol.

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Will be a happy day Gemma Lou,when you are able to walk away from the detritus of smoking,the whole lot including E Cigs,horrible things yuk :confused:

And it WILL happen,as long as you set a course which has an end and comprises the gradual decline in their use.

But do not get annoyed or upset Gemma,you will get there

Nic still has a grip on you-together we will help peel his revolting smelly yellow fingers off your back-for GOOD :p

It will be fab :D

I'm loads better now - don't feel the need for the e-cig anything like as much so that's brilliant.

Know you hate them, but honestly Max, it saved my quit - and with it my life too in the end if you think about it!! It really did come down to either buying that or 20 Marlboro Lights (and like Sarah said earlier, I wasn't under any illusions about just having a few this time) was thinking how I was going to tell you guys (my friends and family wouldn't have been in the least surprised if I failed :rolleyes:) but it didn't happen!!

Can't wait to be free of the whole lot now though!!

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

I don't hate them Gem-I think they can play a vital role in quitting as you have so brilliantly demonstrated :D .I don't like the way they are weaselling their way into being acceptable,all the shops have them now,smoking without smoke...I see them as another form of legalised addiction and you watch how the cost of them skyrockets,once the Treasury calculate that enough people are addicted to make them willing to bear the cost of much higher taxes.I just think myself,that they are a fudge-nicotine is the enemy and his camouflaging himself as something new and almost fragrant just shows how low this worm will stoop-via the authorities who are completely complicit,to their utter shame- to get us hooked.

For you it has saved your quit and that is fabulous Gem :D

I ca ndefinitely see what you mean!!

The people I get my one from are full of how people have just switched to them from fags and have been on them for a year or so - I'd feel a failure if I was still puffing on the thing after that long :eek:

And you're right they're all marketed like fags were so it's a bit dodgy IMO

nsd_user663_54938 profile image

well done all

had a long think about these e-cigs, i no i couldn't use one because i would of said to myself buck it ,I may as well have a really fag, the hand to mouth, the puff on the thing. so i say well done to all that felt the need to use one and kept them off really fags, and when your ready. Do what ever you feel is right for you i.e. patches , gum, etc . I no people in here quit that are using one, and feel after many years of smoking that this is for them and may use it for many years to come ,THERE happy with it. person am talking about has been on E-cig for 8 week. save in money 800 and how many cigs would that of saved . ? I've told them I'm so happy for them and big big well done , believe me i thought i eat cigs but this person light one cig with the other . sorry ive gone on and on about it , but was feeling for them that used e-cig and felt that they wasn't doing a good job. and for them that go to the next step of freedom X good luck to all with there dream x

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