Lack of sleep: I've had 4 hours sleep in... - No Smoking Day

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Lack of sleep

nsd_user663_53658 profile image
48 Replies

I've had 4 hours sleep in 2 days! I hate it when I can't sleep. I thought that was done weeks ago!

I'm good though, my quit feels brilliant! This is definitely the one x

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nsd_user663_53658 profile image
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48 Replies
nsd_user663_52535 profile image

I'm good though, my quit feels brilliant! This is definitely the one x


That says it all my love:). You are certainly in a good place and this defo sounds like the one, well done:)

Fi x

nsd_user663_41061 profile image

Keep going! You can do it!

I remember having issues of not can be a pain..

Hang in there....! :)

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Hi Mols

Sleeping is not all it's cracked up to be you know.....

.....Some of the Rolling Stones haven't slept in 15 years.......

errrrr....OK not a good example I know but hehehe .. :D

I love hearing "this is the one" me tingly sensation!

Stay strong chuck



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Greg, you're weird but I think I love you! X

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Bluetree, I guess it's annoying because it was there on week one then disappeared til a few days ago. Strange isn't x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks for seeing the positivity that was there Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I AM STILL AWAKE! And that's after a boddingtons or two, and I'm supposed to be up in 5 hours, what's up with me! I'm getting seriously pis*ed off now! X

nsd_user663_52604 profile image

classic fm and slow measured breathing does it for me (sometimes - then the silly woman plays something upbeat just as i nod off lol)

Your quit is going really well, strange as it is to say to a stranger - im proud of you!

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I feel for you now Molly

It is seriously crap going short on sleep :(

There are some natural ways to try and help, you may have tried them already?

Room as dark as possible (blackout curtain linings if need be)

Lettuce has a soporific effect, honestly! Search for "lettuce soporific" in google.

When lying in bed, lie on your back, wiggle your toes furiously for 30 seconds then relax, wiggle again and relax. Repeat a few times and you should start to feel yourself relaxing all over.

Imagine being on a cloud, looking down, and let everything pass under you without worrying about a single piece of it. You are not controlling the cloud, you are just along for the ride!

Have you tried Rescue Remedy?

A natural herbal relaxation aid (sounds dodgy I know but it is real and legal!)

I always thought it was a bit of a scam but after trying it I have to admit it did work! I had to play a gig with a band a good while ago (something I hadn't done for years) and was getting rerally nervous .... just before the gig I took some Rescue Remedy, just several drops on my tongue.

When the gig started I felt sooo relaxed it was quite unbelievable! :cool:

It is possible to get something called Rescue Remedy Night, search on google.

For me anyway, it really does work, maybe worth a try :)

Hope you're feeling better today chuck :)

Take care



Unah profile image

I have used all the things Greg says. I haven't tried the night version of rescue remedy. Hypnotherapy apps put me to sleep. It doesn't really matter what they are for, it's the relaxation part that does it every time.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hello all, thanks so much for the replies. Anyway, I got 4 hours sleep last night so it does look like its improving a bit. My sleeping patterns went back to normal for a while and this has just come up this week for some reason, not sure why.

I'm definitely going to have to try something if it doesn't sort itself out soon. At least I have loads of stuff to read at 3.30am though! :D

Thanks again for all your advice x

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Greg, you're weird but I think I love you! X


I'll take that as a compliment Mols as my confidence could do with a boost :)



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

You should take it as a compliment dafty! It was how it was meant anyway, you always cheer me up :)

You're always there for everyone, being so supportive and have such a wonderful way with words. Thank you Greg.

Why do you need your confidence boosting, is all not well?

Molly xx

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

Just a bit down today chuck.

Like we've all said before, it's a rollercoaster isn't it.

Looks like I'm on a down slope for a bit .... know that bit just as the chains stop making a noise and all you hear is the wind as the rollercoaster turns the corner .... and then ..........

.............. your internal organs come out through your ears!!! :eek:

Now that's a fairground ride!! :D

...and I'll be straight back on for another go! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I'll be fine in a bit Mols, thank you :)



nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Greg, I'm getting a lot of strange looks at work now, I just burst out laughing!

I hope you feel all perky again soon. I certainly do today and its partially down to you! :D:D

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I'm getting some funny looks too Mols....

Even though I'm the boss I'm not supposed to be typing away on my forum with a silly grin on my face! :D .... my lunch finished ages ago!

Get back to work you lot, I'm doing some very complicated stock projections here!!!.....(honest! ;) )

Thanks Mols...I'm starting to feel better already.

Best go do some work

Cheers chuck



nsd_user663_52535 profile image


I feel for you, I had the insomnia too, coupled with busy dreams and I was shattered throughout the day! I would much rather have had the sleepiness/tiredness that some folks have in their quit cause I've never had a problem cosying down for a wee nap! It will get better Molly, promise!

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Fi, thanks so much for the reply, I certainly hope it gets better! My eyes have gone from having bags to airline hangers!!! Still, I've still had a really good day today, no craves, feel really positive and upbeat :)

I hope you are too?

molly x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

I'm fine Molly thanks

Planning on putting Xmas Tree up after supper, glass of wine, bit of Bing and Buble Christmas music, sounds fab but no doubt there will be obligatory 'words' with DH as he gets things down from very untidy loft!!!!!!!

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi Fi, well I'm going out with "the ladies" tonight, they are all fiercely anti smoking so 3 guesses who's going to be getting loads of praise again!

I'm loving it (or will if I don't fall asleep in my Xmas dinner - so flipping tired)! :D

I hope you have a good time with the tree, wine and music

Molly x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Same as me and mine bestest girlfriends! All non smoking and full of praise, much more so than smokers eh? They really don't pass much comments.

Enjoy tonight Molly, have fun with the girls, a nice meal and a few drinkies will hopefully set you up for a good nights rest.

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Anyway, I've just got in from my Xmas dinner with 3 ladies that I have / still work with and had a thoroughly brilliant time, haven't had such a laugh in ages!

The question is ............. Will I flipping sleep tonight, only tome will tell!

Isn't life absolutely brilliant sometimes :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image


Glad you enjoyed yourself, it's good to have nice girlfriends.

May I suggest, maybe a quick bath, relax and bed. And try not to stay on here too long as it'll keep your mind active and you really need to unwind and get a good sleep.

Sorry if I sound bossy!

Fi x

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

You don't sound bossy at all Fi, you're probably right, I stay on here too late sometimes.

Baths running, now if the flipping dog would just get her arse back inside I'd be sorted!

Thanks Fi, I needed that

Molly xx

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

I've had the sleep thing from both sides - either sleeping for 3 hours after being awake for 4, or hardly sleeping at all and roaming the house looking for stuff to eat at 3 in the morning. I usually end up having a glass of hot milk. Milk's supposed to have the same effect as the soporific lettuce, but our lettuce is generally going off so I could never fancy that:( For the last few weeks I have been having 3 good night's sleep followed by a few rubbish ones. I'm just glad I don't have to go to work and feel for those of you who do have to.

nsd_user663_54041 profile image

Valerian Root

I've been quitting "all natural" and have been drinking Valerian Root teas. Some are better than others flavor wise but they seem to help. They are good for anxiety and sleep aid. If you get desperate you can always pop 50mg of Benadryl and you'll be out like a light but I don't recommend that for other than a one-night-I'm-putting-myself-the-****-down-so-I-don't-murder-the-world kinda thing.

Hope this helps

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I am now at 11 hours in 4 days. I can't cope with this. I really don't understand where this has come from. My mum always said that I have a typically sunny disposition unless I get tired. I am so far past tired now that is ridiculous.

I,m sitting here with tears falling down my face so much I can't even type. I don't even know why, I don't feel worried, sad, angry or anything, my quit is every bit as strong as ever. I'm over the moon never to smoke again so I really don 't understand where this started. I just know it needs to go away!

Sorry to moan, I sound like a stuck record! At least most of you sensible people will be asleep!

nsd_user663_53617 profile image

Jeez Molly, that's serious sleep depravation. I use meditation CDs etc played through headphones which knock me out quickly as I sometimes have problems sleeping - or waking up in the night etc. My issue was brain overload so had to try and switch off before bed. I'm sure you've also tried the obvious, warm bath, milky drink etc. fingers crossed you get a goodnight sleep tonight

Karen xx

nsd_user663_53260 profile image

Awww poor you

<sending sleep vibes to Molly>

Hope you get some really good hours of deeeeep sleep tonight. Big hug for you (((())))

nsd_user663_52845 profile image

I got an idea!!



You are on so long sometimes you brain must be doing back flips inside your head chuck! Bet if you looked in the mirror your eyes would look like the reels on a fruit machine! :)

It is addictive I agree, but you have to look after yourself now.

I just try to go on mostly in work time....kill two birds with one stone...tee hee!

Passing the time and getting caught up on the nattering!!

Nifty waves fingers in front of Mols .....

"Look in to my eyes, look in to my eyes, no don't look around the eye's .... look in to the eye's ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... you're under!"

Right while she's asleep anybody want to gossip about her? :D

Please take care Mols



nsd_user663_52845 profile image

PS ... try the Rescue Remedy Night!

It does work


nsd_user663_53306 profile image

Hi molly,

Hope you get some sleep tonight. Just close your eyes and breathe in and out, in and out, in and out and hopefully when you open your eyes again, it'll be morning..

Big hug and hang in there :)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Hi everyone, thanks so much! I'm sorry I lost it last night, I couldn't believe how tired I was.

Anyway, I ended up getting nearly 6 hours so I feel tonnes better today.

I've just been annoying my neighbours by singing along to Jackson Browne, you'd have to hear me sing to appreciate how much it tortures them when I do that! :D

I hope you're all incredibly well, it's the weekend!!!!

Molly x

Unah profile image

Hi Molly, why don't you d/l some free hypnotherapy apps for your iPhone. There are a few of them that put me to sleep. They don't even need to be for insomnia. One of the stop smoking apps puts me to sleep every time

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Una, that's a really good idea. I'll have a look tonight.

I'm hoping it was just worry though. There's going to be a massive family bust up tomorrow and I'll likely end up stuck In the middle. Aw well once its over things can get back to normal.

Thanks again Una x

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

"I've just been annoying my neighbours by singing along to Jackson Browne, you'd have to hear me sing to appreciate how much it tortures them when I do that! "

Molly, if I were your next door neighbour I'd be joining in:D Jackson Browne is my all time favourite singer /songwriter. I just love him. xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Really? Oh wow!

I've never actually met another fan. Well apart from the thousands at royal Albert hall! :D

He's awesome. I was listening to the running on empty album. I love "cocaine". It reminds of quitting smoking.

It's brilliant to meet another fan x

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

OMG so many brilliant lyrics. I've just been listening to For a Dancer and These Days and having a good old gawp at him on youtube - so good looking :D When my sis and I have been having some down days we play I'm Alive 3 times/day or as required. Can't think of one bad song...

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I love For a Dancer! Also when my ex husband and I first split up I used to listen to Late for the Sky. Got me every time

I love sky blue and black. He has such a way with words!

Looking into you, Jamaica say you will, Oooh and The pretender, love that one.

He needs to come and tour again! We could meet up in the bar afterwards!

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Oh yes, I love all those. He's a master poet who seems to have written a song for every situation you happen to be in. I love watching all his old vids on youtube, esp The Old Grey Whistle Test ones. xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I'll have to have a look. I've only just got access to you tube in the last few weeks. I must admit I've already looked at a few of his, some eagles and a hilarious one of dean Martin with the rat pack

I could get addicted to it!

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

I'm old enough to have loved Old Grey Whistle Test on my little 1970's tele , and it's an absolute treat to see JB on there on youtube. Happy viewing xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Well, I got a massive 4 hours sleep last night so I'm going to download Una's app today and hunt down Greg's remedy.

I'm ok but totally need a kick up the jacksy to get me motivated today! I've got so much to do and can't even be bothered to move.

Molly x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

Well I dont know how I missed this post? Must have been asleep he he! Sounds like you have had it really bad. I hope things get better quickly Molly lack of sleep is a pain to put it lightly. I love my sleep but the hours before midnight are the most important for me as I am an early riser!:)

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Thanks Haze, I get up between 5 and 6 everyday without fail so its been a bit tough. Still there's been loads of suggestions so I'll sort it out.

It's a small price to pay for being FREE!!!!

How's the hangover coming along? Did the do still go well with the news last week?

Thanks again

Molly x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

It was really good and when the MD did his speech he didn't mention how well the company is doing or anything he just said all have a good time and we did. Some people were going to boo him which would have been really unfair as it is not his decision it has come from Amsterdam. I am not too worried to be honest Molly, I have worked for the company for 25 years and I am 55 so it wont be the end of the world for me, but for some it is just awful.xx

The hangover is what it is a hangover:( not nice.xx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

I've worked at the same place coming up 25 years next year. It's the only job I've ever had. It's so sad when things like this happen

Take care x

nsd_user663_53394 profile image

Poor Molly, I suffered so bad from insomnia for years, tried everything, a few things helped but nothing totally stopped it except mega doses of prescription drugs. Some of the helpers were cherry juice,no caffeine good sleep hygiene, and doing nothing remotely stimulating for an hour before bed(except sex).

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