Sleeping behind the wheel: Hi all, I quit on... - No Smoking Day

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Sleeping behind the wheel

nsd_user663_9618 profile image
10 Replies

Hi all,

I quit on the 4th January using micro-tabs and it is going well but...

I keep on falling asleep behind the wheel of my car (at stop streets and traffic lights)!

I tried to quit last year and the same thing happened to me around the same time - which resulted in a bumber bashing!

Has anyone here experienced the same sort of thing?

I am sleeping fine at night.

20 a day for 20 years....and it looks like I will die in a car crash instead of lung cancer!:rolleyes:



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nsd_user663_9618 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_4625 profile image

ooooooooooo, not good! Have you been to docs? Not heard of that happening before, most of us suffer the opposite!

Well done on your quit though, brilliant stuff :D

gaynor x

nsd_user663_9618 profile image


No, just been reading about sleep apnea, which seems to be what I am suffering from. Recommended that I see a doc, which I will do.

So, the question is, can quitting smoking cause sleep apnea?


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Glad you are going to see the doc. That is what sprung to mind but did not want to scare you. Well not as much as falling asleep at the wheel would.

Doubt not smoking has anything to do with it but hey, I am not a doctor :rolleyes:

Let us know how you get on. Stay on that quit though, you're doing great :D

Gaynor x

nsd_user663_9618 profile image

Thanks Gaynor, you too!

Just as an aside, I have quit once a year for the last 5 years for various lengths of time (shortest 4 days, longest 4 months). Each time I have reached the +-6 week mark I have started to suffer from apnea (or similar).

I agree that it sounds unlikely but I am reasonably convinced it is related.

Just found a blog I posted last year when I quit...quite funny in hindsight.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Hi David I think you will find that the type of sleep apnea you are thinking about is where you have no control and fall asleep at all times not just when you are driving.

Maybe you have a form of Anxiety or Epilepsy which makes you nod off for a few seconds, for whatever reasons I think you shouldn’t be driving until you get properly diagnosed.

If you have an accident and this is discovered you will I’m sure not be insured.

nsd_user663_9618 profile image

Hi David I think you will find that the type of sleep apnea you are thinking about is where you have no control and fall asleep at all times not just when you are driving.

Maybe you have a form of Anxiety or Epilepsy which makes you nod off for a few seconds, for whatever reasons I think you shouldn’t be driving until you get properly diagnosed.

If you have an accident and this is discovered you will I’m sure be insured.


Nope, has only happened while driving. If I take a Nicorette Micro-tab it doesn't happen. Seems that the nicotine keeps it at bay.

Definitely going to see the doc though.



nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Thanks Gaynor, you too!

Just as an aside, I have quit once a year for the last 5 years for various lengths of time (shortest 4 days, longest 4 months). Each time I have reached the +-6 week mark I have started to suffer from apnea (or similar).

I agree that it sounds unlikely but I am reasonably convinced it is related.

Just found a blog I posted last year when I quit...quite funny in hindsight.

Interesting, keep us posted on what the doc says won't you. I agree with Jamngie though, driving till you get it sorted is not a good idea, for you or anyone else.

Your blog was funny in a scary kinda way LOL.

G x

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

If you noticed I have altered my post to will not be insured, and did you say you are on NRT, have read somewhere that in RARE RARE cases they can cause a form of epilepsy, if I find the item will post it.

Notice I said RARE RARE so no probs for the other Million LOL

nsd_user663_7529 profile image


This is like an episode of House! I guess we can rule out Lupus from the start, it's never Lupus.

All sorts of neurochemical re-wiring goes on when you quit smoking. I reckon it'll be EITHER something to do with that OR something metabolic. Given somking messes with your metabolism as well.

Look at it as a sign of recovery! Don't let your doctor fob you off with a few asprins.. If you ask for a referal to spe******t, they have to give you a referal. It might take weeks or months, but they have to refer you and put you on a list...

Good luck and let us know what it is. I'm fascinated now.

nsd_user663_7469 profile image

Im the same could just be that you are so bloody tired from quitting and not sleeping so well that you just fall asleep and the nic o whatsits are stimulants so keep you awake try just concentrating LOL is someone in the car with you when you fall asleep, if so maybe they are boring you LOL

Sorry shouldnt make light of something as seriouse as falling asleep while driving so yes let us know.

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